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grandson, the compiler of these notes, should have held the same appointment.
"During the time that Sir James commanded the Division at Ambala a curious incident occurred which is referred to in the following terms in a letter to The Times, published on the 24th October, 1907.
"An incident may here be mentioned, which is known to but few, and is probably unique, that that grand old soldier Field- Marshal Sir Hugh Rose, afterwards Lord Strathnairn, when Commander-in- Chief in India, had so high an opinion of General Sir James Brind's services that he asked him, then a general of division under his own command, to exchange swords with him, which was accordingly done."
"After his retirement Sir James Brind became a Life Governor of the Corps of Commissionaires, a Corps in which his nephew Frederick Sale S. Brind, the son of Brigadier Frederic Brind, was greatly interested and spent years of his life. History had again repeated itself, and that same grandson referred to above has this year, thanks to the family connection, been invited to become a Life Governor of the Corps.
"Sir James was a Colonel Commandant of the Royal Artillery. He was married five times and had a large family."

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