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Edmund Brind's will 1543

The Brind Source Book


Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London

Please note: for clarity all words have been extended. Spelling has been modernised.

{The Parish of Neston is (or was) in Cheshire. For some reason the printed calendar states that the testator was of [South] Marston, Wiltshire. It is possible that the name Marston appears in the filed (or original) will. The following is taken from the register copy.}

Prerogative Court of Canterbury

The will of Edmund Brynde, 1543 [PROB11/29]

Margin Test{a}m{entum} Ed{mond}i Brynde

In the name of God Amen. The XVIth {16th} day of January in the year of our Lord God a thousand five hundred forty and one (1541) I Edmund Brynde of Neston in the County of Wiltshire in the Diocese of Sarum being sick in body and perfect in memory of remembrance make thus my testament and last will in this manner and form following first I bequeath my soul unto Almighty God And my body to be buried in the church yard of Saint John Baptist in Neston aforesaid Item I bequeath to the mother church of Sarum VId {6d} Item I bequeath to the high altar of the church of Neston for my tithes forgotten XXd {20d} Item to the reparations of the said church XIIIs IIIId {13s 4d} Item to the Cross light three sheep Item I bequeath to the church of Stawnton IIIs IIIId (3s 4d) Item I bequeath to every one of my godchildren apiece XIId {12d} Item I be- queath to Lawmborne XXd (20d) Item to John Brynde my son one hundred ewes and one hundred wethers* And also I bequeath to the said John my son a brass pot and a pan and one dozen of pewter vessel and a feather bed with all the appurtenances Item I bequeath to Elizabeth my daughter twenty pounds sterling and a feather bed with all the appurtenances if she be ruled by her friends and marry with an honest man Item to Jane my daughter XXli (£20?) sterling and a bed with all the appurtenances if she be ruled by her friends and marry with an honest man Item I bequeath to Edmund Burges the son of Robert Burges four Oxen two kine* two horse beasts forty sheep and a bed with all the appurtenances thereto belonging all these for said parcels to be delivered unto the said Edmund Burges at the time of the age of twenty years fully complete Item I bequeath to all my children childers to every one of them two Sheep Item to John Heyres my servant one calf Item I bequeath to Walter Heyres my servant a bullock Item I bequeath to all poor people in Next Vs {5s} to be distributed among them Item to the poor people of Strough- ton Vs {5s} likewise to be distributed Item to the poor people of Slawnton IIIs IIIId {3s4d} likewise to be distributed Item to the poor people of Highworth Eastrop Westrop Xs (10s) likewise to be distributed Item I will that Johane my wife shall have and enjoy during all her life time as long as she keepeth herself sole my house that I dwell in with the fferme {farm?} of Berton with all the appurtenances to the same belonging and after her decease I will that William Brynde my son hall have it and enjoy it The Residue of all my gods not given & bequeathed after my funeral and all other charges borne and discharged I do give and bequeath all them to Johane my wife and William my son which I ordain and make by true and lawful executors And for the true performance of all and singular the foresaid articles of this my testament and last will an(d) the goods not given and bequeath to be equally divided and parted betwixt mine executors above named I desire and make and ordain the worshipful knight Sir Anthony Hungerford to be the overseer of this my testament and last will aforesaid and the said Sir Anthonye Hungerford to have for his pains three pounds sterling witness to the same Sir Roger Albrighton priest and curate of the foresaid church Thomas Cusse Thomas Kumbell Sir Mighel Hennyng clerk of Highworth and writer of the same cum multis alys per me Edmond Brynd

Proved 29th June 1543 at London by Wiliam Brynde in person and Joanne Relict

*Wethers = castrated rams.

*Kine = cows.