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Will of John Brend of Highworth 1606.
John (Johannis) = Ursula/ Urcilla
b. 1551 at Highworth
bur 16 Oct 1606 bur. 28 Feb 1610
Yeoman S Marston & Highworth
Anne William Margaret/ Maria Elizabeth John (Johann) Bridget Henry Thomas Ursula
bap 27 Oct 1587 b. 1590 bap 27 Oct 1592 bap 23 May 1595 born 1603
d. 1635 bur 26 Jun 1645 bur 14 June 1615 bur 22 May 1634 bur. 10 July 1601 d. 1610
= Edith = Katherine Batson,
18 Apr, 1615
Cordwinder, Licensed Victualler, Husbandman (Highworth)
Dean of Sarum's Peculiar Court. The will of John Brende of Highworth, proved 1607.
In the name of God Amen the
second day of October Anno Dm 1606
I John Brend of Westrop in the parish of
Highworth in the county of Wilts and
diocese of Sarum yeoman sick and weak of body
but of good and perfect rememberance (thanks be
unto Almighty God) do make & ordain my
testament concerning my last will, in manner &
form following, first I commend my soul
into the hands of Almighty God putting my
assured confidence in the merits of Christ's
death & passion & my body to be buried in the
churchyard of Highworth. Item I give to the
Church of Sarum 12d. Item I give to the [?]
Church of Highworth 2s. Item my will and
meaning is that my son John shall have &
enjoy all the rents, issues & profits of the
tenements & house now in the tenure hold
& occupation of Richard Straunge the elder for the
space of six years next after the day of
my decease
decease and that then it shall return again to
my heir. Item my will & meaning is that
my son Henry shall have & enjoy the rents
issues & profits of the house or tenement in
South Marston
now in the tenure occupation
or possession of one Thomas Lunte for the space
of six years next after >the day of< my decease & that then
it shall return again to my heir Item I give to
the said Henry my son a heifer of two years
old. Item my will & meaning is that Thomas
my son & Elizabeth my daughter shall have &
enjoy all the rents & profits of my house after
the day of my decease, equally divided between
them, and then it shall return again to my
heir Item my will & meaning is that the lease
demised & granted to my daughters Anne &
shall so remain to them their uses &
profit without any let or molestation of my heir
Executrix or any other, which lease is of the house
now in the tenure & occupation of one William
Sodberye mercer. Item I give & bequeath to Wm (William)
my son & heir, a feather bed, a little silver cup
& two silver spoons Provided always & my will &
meaning is, that if my son & heir shall
dis-allow this my last will & testament, or any part or
clause thereof & shall not suffer his brothers &
sisters quietly to receive have & enjoy the said
legacies and bequests, to them by me given & bequeathed
in manner aforesaid, according to the true intent
& meaning of this my last will & testament that
then my land shall descend unto my next heir
All the rest of my goods movable & unmovable
cattle and chattels not given & bequeathed I give unto
Ursula my wife whom I make my sole executrix
of this my last will & testament. Finally I make
ordain constitute nominate & appoint my trusty
& well beloved friends Jherom Coxe & Adam Blandy
to be my overseers of this my last will & testament
desiring them to see the same in all things performed
my debts and legacies paid & my funeral ((things
performed my debts & legacies paid & my funeral))
expense in decent manner according to my degree
& calling
calling discharged. Item I give unto them 12d. Item
I give to every one of my godchildren 6d
apiece, witness hereunto
William Browke
Giles Diston clerk
Alexander Duckett
the mark of John Brend.

Margin: Inventory val

£37 10s 4d

Abbreviated translation of the Latin Probate Act: Probate of the testament of John Brend late of Westrop deceased in the Peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean of Sarum before the Venerable William Wilkinson official of the Lord Dean of Sarum granted 21st October 1607 at Highworth.