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William Brind, glover, of Highworth, (1626-1669?) makes a verbal will which is registered on October 13th, 1669.
William = 17 Apr 1656 Margarett Waters/ Walford/ Watson
bap 7 Feb 1626
bur 7 Oct 1669
John Richard Edward Miriam

bap 6 Aug 1665

bap 9 May 1667

bap 12 Feb 1669

bap 8 Sep 1676

bur 10 Jan 1725 7 Sep 1735 7 Dec 1692
= Mary
bur 16 July 1719
= ??????
Shoemaker of Westrop Shoemaker


That on or about the twentieth day of July last past William Brind late of Highworth in the County of Wilts glover deceased being then weak and sick but of sound and perfect memory and having a serious desire to make his last will did utter publish and declare his last will and testament (word looks like: monopative?) or by word of mouth in these words following or words to the like effect (vide ???? perhaps it is a poor attempt at the word viz.) I give to my cousin William Peters the execute of my copyhold in Highworth aforesaid which will happen after the death of my wife and all the rest of my goods and chattels I give unto Margaret my wife whom I make my executrix in testimony which we whose names are underwritten have hereunto subscribed our hands this thirteenth (possibly thirtieth?) day of October in the year of our Lord on thousand six hundred and sixty and nine (1669)

Richard Humphries

Henry Kilmaster.

Probatum... testamentum??? aedesc Exon (etc. Latin)

William Brind (1626-1669) pcc Wills 1661-1670 by J H Morrison,

Perogative Court of Canterbury. 2379 No 121. Public Record Office Ref PROB 11 331.