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DOC8. Indenture of March 16, 1686 between John Greene of Highworth, Cordwainer, Margarett Herrin.

Payment of £40 for the malthouse and lands. The Greene family gets the malthouse?

1> This Indenture made the sixteenth day of March in the third year of the reign of our sovereign
2> Lord James the second by the grace of God of England Scotland, France and Ireland, King Defender of the faith and in the year of our
3> Lord God One thousand six hundred eighty and six BETWEEN John Greene of Highworth in the County of Wilts Cordwainer of the one part and
4> Margarett Herrin of Highworth aforesaid in the said County of Wilts widow of the other part WITNESSETH that the said John Greene for and in
5> consideration of the sum of forty pounds of lawful money of England to him the said John Greene in hand paid by her the said Margarett (name)...
6> at and before then sealing and delivery of this .... the receipt whereof he the said John Greene doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and here from
7> doth acquit ... and discharge the said Margarett Herrin her executors and .... by these ... and for ... other good causes and considerations
8> him the said John Greene hereunto .... moving HATH ...granted set and to farm cotton and by these ...doth demise(?) grant set and
9> to farm .... the said Margarett Herrin ALL that his messuage Cottage of tenement and malt house thereunto ...adjoining situate lying and
10> being in Westrop at Westrop in the Parish of Highworth in the said County of Wilts together with two yards of arable land lying in
11> Westrop at Westrop fields aforesaid shooting upon the said Messuage of tenement and premises together with two yards of arable land lying
12> orchards gardens lands tenements meadows feeding o' pastures' Commons Common of pastures trees woods under woods ways waters casements profits commodities advantages emoluments
13> and hereditaments whatsoever to the said messuage tenement or cottage and malt house two yard lands and .... belonging or in any wise appertaining or to or with the same used
14> occupied or enjoyed or ... reputed taken or known as part parcel or member thereof all and singular with said premises late were in the tenure holding or occupation of
15> Ambrose Greene late father of the said John Green deceased and and now are in the tenure holding or occupation of the said John Greene his assignees or assigned TO HAVE AND TO
16> HOLD the said messuage cottage or tenement malthouse and two yard lands and all other the premises before by these presents ... or mentioned or intended to be hereby... with their
17> and every of their appurtenances unto the said Margarett Herrin her executors and ... and assigned from the day of the date of the presents unto the full end and term of one
18> thousand years from henceforth next ensuing fully to be complete and ended YIELDING and paying therefore yearly and every year during the said term of
19> one thousand years unto the said John Greene his heirs or assignees the yearly rent of one pepper corn at or upon the nine and twentieth day of September if the same shall be lawfully
20> demanded PROVIDED always and it is hereby ...granted conditioned and agreed on by and between the said parties to these presents that if the said John Green his
21> heirs executors and or assignees do and shall well or raise to be paid ... the said Margarett Herrin her heirs administrators or assignees the full and entire sum
22> of forty two pounds and eight shillings of lawful money of England in manner following (that is to say) twenty and four shillings part thereof at or upon the ....
23> day of September next coming and forty one pounds four shillings residue of the said forty two pounds & eight shillings at or upon the eighteenth day of March-- then next
24> following without any ...or further delay then this ...indenture shall ...determine and be utterly ...any thing in these present contained to the contrary thereof
25> in any wise not to ... AND the said John Greene doth by these presents for himself his heirs executors and administrators and for any of them consent promise and grant
26> to and with the sad Margarett Herrin here executors and administrators and to all with any of them in manner following that is to say that he the said John Greene his heirs executors administrators or
27> assignees shall and will to all and or cause to be paid unto the said Margarett Herrin her executors and administrators .... the said sum of forty two pounds and eight shillings
28> and any part thereof at the day to and are appointed in the proviso above said for the payment thereof without any ...or default ... whatsover AND
29> further that he the said John Greene is and standeth at the time of the sealing and delivery of these presents lawfully seized of an in all and singular the said premises and any part
30> and parcel thereof of a good estate of .... in fee simple of and in the said .... for as he may lawfully grant let and sell the same premises unto the said Margarett Herrin
31> her executor administrators and assignees for the whole term of one thousand years as aforesaid AND ALSO that he the said John Greene hath not done committee or suffered any art
32> matter or thing whatsoever whereby or wherewith the said premises or any part of parcel now is or are or shall or may at any time hereafter be ....
33> encumbered in title ... estate or otherwise howsoever And that the said Margarett Herrin her Executors, administrators and assignees shall and may from and after default
34> of payment of the said several sums mentioned in the proviso above or any part thereof from time to time and at all times during the term herein and hereby deemed
35> peaceably and quietly have hold and enjoy all and singular the said premises with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof without the lawful let suit
36> trouble ....molestation interruption or ...of his the said John Greene his heirs, executors, administrators or any other person or persons
37> whatsoever lawfully from or under him the said John Greene his heirs assignees or by from or under Ambrose Greene the late
38> ........or any other person or person whatsoever AND FURTHER that the said John Greene doth by these presents for himself his heirs executors
39> ...administrators and for any of them consent promise and grant to and with the said Margarett Herrin her executors administrators and assignees that the said John Greene
40> and his heirs shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter within the space of ten years next after default of payment of the said several sums mentioned in the proviso
41> above said or either of them or any part thereof at the request cost and the law of the said Margarett Herrin her executors administrators or assignees make do
42> acknowledge every execute and suffer or cause to be made done acknowledged ...executors and suffers all and every such further and other act and acts ,things and
43> things device and devices conveyance and conveyances assurance and assurances in the laws whatsoever for the further assuring surety and sure making ...and
44> conveying of all and singular the said premises hereby demise with ...and every part thereof unto and upon the said Margarett Herrin and executors administrators
45> her executors administrators assignees or her or their counsel learned in the law shall be reasonably advised devised or required or otherwise howsoever as by the said Margarett Herrin
46> her executors administrators assignees or her or their counsel learned in the law shall be reasonably advised devised or required IN WITNESS whereof the parties ...above
47> named to these present indentures ....have set their hands and sealed the day and year first above written.


John Greene