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DOC3. April 4, 1693. John Greene of Stratton St Margarett, Wilts, sells a Malthouse and lands in Westrop, Highworth for £90 to Henry Brind of Highworth, Inn holder,.

1> This indenture made the fourth day of April in the fifth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord and Lady William and Mary 2> by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith or Anno Dom. 1693 BETWEEN John Greene of 3> Stratton St Margarett in the County of Wilts Cordwainer eldest son of Ambrose Greene late of Westrop in the parish of Highworth in the said county of 4> Wilts maltster deceased of the one part and Henry Brind of Highworth aforesaid inn holder of the other part WITNESSETH that for and in consideration 5> of the sum of four score and ten pounds of lawful money of England to the said John Greene in hand paid at or before the ensealing and delivery 6> hereof by the said Henry Brind the receipt whereof the said John Greene doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof 7> doth acquit exonerate and discharge the said Henry Brind his executors and administrators and every of them them by these presents do also for other 8> considerations him the said John Greene in this behalf especially moving he the said John Greene HATH granted bargained sold released 9> assured and confirmed and by these presents DOTH grant bargain sell release assure and confirm unto the said Henry Brind In his 10> actual possession now being by virtue of a bargain and sale for one whole year to him made and executed by the said John Greene by indenture 11> bearing date the day next before the day of the day hereof and by virtue of the Statute made for transferring of uses into possession and to his 12> heirs and assignees ALL that messuage tenement or dwelling house with the malthouse and other houses thereunto belonging situate lying and being in Westrop in 13> the parish of Highworth aforesaid in the said County of Wilts and all those two yards of arable land lying and being in the fields of Westrop aforesaid shooting upon 14> the said messuage or tenement and thereunto belonging and all and every the barns stables out house gardens orchards..........balked ways waters 15> watercourses easements rights members profits commodities advantages hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said messuage or tenement arable lands and premises 16> or any of them belonging or in any way appertaining all which said messuage or tenement and malthouse arable lands and premises now are or late were in the tenure or 17> occupation of the said John Greene or of his tenants or assignees and the revertion and revertions remainder and remainders rents and profits of all and singular the 18> said premises and of every part and parcel thereof and also all the estate right tithe interest use possession property claim and demand whatsover both in law and 19> equity or him the said John Greene of into and out of the said premises or any part or parcel thereof and also all deeds evidences escripts writings and memento whatsoever 20> which touch or concern the said premises or any part or parcel thereof which he the said John Greene now hath in his own hands power or custody or which he can come by with 21> out suit in law TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said messuage tenement or dwelling house malthouse lands and premises herein before granted bargained sold or released or 22> meant mentioned or intended to be hereby granted bargained sold or released and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Henry 23> Brind his heirs and assignees for ever to and for the only proper use and behoof of him the said Henry Brind his heirs and assignees AND THE SAID John Greene for himself 24> his heirs executors and administrators and for every of them doth covenant promise and guarantee to and with the said Henry Brind his heirs executors and administrators and to and 25> with every of them by the presents in manner and form following (that is to say) that he the said John Greene at the very time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents 26> is solely and lawfully and rightfully seized in his own right of and in the said messuage or tenement and premises and of and in every part and parcel thereof of a good sure perfect 27> absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance in fee simple without any conditions limitations qualifications use or uses trust power of reversion or any other matter or thing 28> whatsoever to alter change charge frustrate revoke or determine the same and that he the said John Greene now hath in himself good right full power and lawful and absolute 29> authority in the law to grant release and convey all and singular the said messuage or tenement lands and premises and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances 30> unto the said Henry Brind his heirs and assignees forever in manner and form aforesaid according to the true intent and meaning of these presents AND FURTHER that he 31> the said Henry Brind his heirs and assignees shall and lawfully may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy and enjoy 32> all and singular the said messuage or tenement lands and premises hereby granted bargained sold or released or meant mentioned or intended to be hereby granted 33> bargained sold or released and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appurtenances without any the let suit trouble interruption.........disturbance or 34> denial or or by him the said John Greene his heirs executors administrators or assignees of any of them or of or by any other person or persons' whatsoever having lawfully 35> claiming or which shall or may at any time or times hereafter have or lawfully claim to have any estate right by tithe or interest of in or to the said premises or any part 36> or parcel thereof from by or under him them or any or either of them or from by or under Ambrose Greene deceased father of the said John Greene or from by or under them 37> or any or either of their act title assent consent meant privity or procurement freed acquitted and discharged or otherwise by him the said John Greene his heirs executors 38> and administers well and sufficiently saved defended and let harmless and indemnified of from and against all and all manner of former and other bargains sales 39> gifts grants leases estates dowers ...wills entails ...fees annuities mortgages debts judgments....statutes merchant and of the staple 40> recognisances debts upon record debts and duties due to our sovereign Lord and Lady the King and Queen's Majesties fines past fines issued ... rents and 41> arrears of rent and of from and against all other estate tithes troubles charges and encumbrances whatsoever heretofore had made done caused promised committed or 42> suffered or hereafter to be had made done or suffered by him the said John Greene his heirs executors or administrators or by the said Ambrose Greene deceased or any or either 43> of them. The rents and services from henceforth to grow due and payable to the Chief Lord of Lords of the fees of the premises out of these presents excepted and fore seized and except 44> one indenture of mortgage bearing date the one and twentieth day of December in the third year of their now Majesties reign made and penned of the said premises by the 45> said John Greene unto William Herring of the Parish of Highworth aforesaid Cordwainer for the term of five hundred years for securing the repaying of three score 46> four pounds and ten shillings with the interest thereof at the days therein mentioned which said indenture of mortgage is by indenture bearing date the five and twentieth day of 47> March last past transferred and assigned to Thomas Hippsly gent interest for the said Henry Brind during the term of five hundred years AND MOREOVER the said 48> John Greene for himself his heirs executors and administrators and for every of them doth further covenant promise and grant to and with the said Henry Brind his heirs 49> executors and administrators and every of them by these presents that he the said John Greene and his heirs and all and every other person and persons whatsoever lawfully 50> claiming or to claim from by or under him them or any or either of them or under the said Ambrose Greene and his heirs or assignees 51> during the term or space of seven years now next ensuing the date hereof at the request costs and charges in the law of the said Henry Brind his heirs or assignees 52> further do make acknowledge levy execute and suffer or cause to be had made done acknowledged levied executed and suffered all and every such further and other 53> lawful and reasonable act and acts thing and thing device and devices assurances and conveyances in the law whatsoever for the further better and more perfect and 54> absolute conveying and assuring of the said messuage or tenement lands and premises and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Henry Brind his 55> heirs and assignees for ever BE IT by fine or fines recovery or recoveries with one or more dower or dowers deed or deeds enrolled or not enrolled the enrolment of 56> those presents release or confirmation as by all or by any of those ways or means or by any other ways or means whatsoever or by the said Henry Brind his heirs or assignees or by his or their counsel 57> learned in the law shall be reasonably devised or advised and required all which said further assurance and assurances so to be had made and executed of the said premises 58> or any part of parcel thereof shall be and ... and shall be and ... by these presents adjudged deemed taken construed and expounded in the law to be and to .... 59> to and for the only purpose use and behoof of him the said Henry Brind his heirs and assignees for ever and to or for none other use intent or purpose whatsoever IN WITNESS 60> whereof the said parties to these present indentures interchangeably have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
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