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(49)Letter from Walter Lannoy Brind |
N.B. You do resemble my great-grandfather herein referred to -- as I can show you in a photo from a miniature and an enlarged colored portrait here in my home. WLB. Dear Mr Brind: Please note the name at the top of this letterhead! Hence this communication from the under signed, "yours truly". Before me lies a copy of Vol.7, No.5, of 'THE STATE EMPLOYEE" for June 1938. Somehow it found its way into my wife's hands, as she is in the circulation department and subscription department of "TIME INC.", "LIFE" & "FORTUNE" ad her associate, Miss Lund, discovered and so handed it to Mrs Brind for transmission to myself. How are we related and if so, HOW? I myself am an American Citizen- by naturalization in 1904 and I came here from England in 1899. I was born in India of British parents, my father having been 20 years in the Indian Civil Service as a Civil Engineer in the N.W.Provices. He- Alfred Walter Brind- was the second son of General Sir James Brind, G.C.B., R.A.
I have an uncle- my father's youngest brother- Fred Brind, living in Salt Lake City, but he is around 90 and now beyond letter-writing. He has a wife and a few children, grown up- I don't know offhand how many but I think two. Then a son of my late uncle Michael Brind- my father's next older brother to Fred- lives in Toronto or Ottawa , Canada, and his name is Charles. He is a Govt. Veterinarian in the Canadian Army Service and I have had a little correspondence with him-- tho' not for some years now. Then there is- or was- a "Dr Brind" (M.D.)- a wealthy man, who lives or lived in Denver, Colo. Uncle Fred "discovered" him but did not succeed in discovering relationship. Then I discovered a "Harold Brind" several years ago in Atlanta, Ga, but never met him. If I got down to Atlanta anytime, I would look him up. (over) I have no children and have been married since 1904, in Chicago. Thank God, I have a wonderful little wife, of Swiss origin, from Monroe, Green County, Wisconsin, where there are many Swiss, engaged mostly in cheese manufacturing and in agricultural pursuits of sorts. My wife has been employed in the office of the old 'LIFE", "TIME" & 'FORTUNE" where she is much appreciated- as everywhere else and by everybody. I was originally nominated for the British Diplomatic Service but I was never called up for examination between the age limits of 19 and 26- (owing to too many nominees) so, I took a position with the London Assurance Corporation in London for rather over a year in the Royal Exchange, London and seeing no future, I came over here to see the country and study its opportunities and made Chicago my home where I soon found employment though, owing to my diplomatic education, I never yet had any "job" for which I had any special training or aptitude. So I have been variously employed- extensively in the Motion Picture Industry, from which last I have been more or less active since 1909 and then I was sent to Europe as General European Representative for Carl Laemmle- before the formation of the old Universal Pictures Corporation (then called the Independent Motion Pictures Company of America) and I made my headquarters in Berlin, while taking frequent trips to England where I last saw my dear parents in 1910. Both of them are dead now and I have five unmarried sisters, all resident in England and no brothers.
![]() General Sir John Edward Spencer Brind KCB, CMG, DSO, 1878-1954. |