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In 2007 the Ministry of Defence advertised it was considering disposing of some land in Lyneham formerly belonging to William Brind. But I think the MoD actually meant William Brind Miflin. |
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DEFENCE ESTATES Delivering Estate Solutions to Defence Needs On the instructions of Defence Estates Operations South MINISTRY OF DEFENCE LAND AT LYNEHAM THE CRICHEL DOWN RULES, TRACE OF FORMER OWNERS Land at Pintail Court, Preston Lane, Lyneham is being considered for disposal.In the case of property disposals, the Crichel Down Rules require GovernmentDepartments under certain circumstances, to trace anyone who may fallwithin the definition of former owner or successor and notify them of thepotential disposal. The subject property is in the Parish of Lyneham Wiltshire and was acquiredunder a conveyance dated 18 January 1951 from William James Miflin andHarry Wild (surviving trustees of William Brind deceased) The Former Owner of his successors in title as defined by the Crichel DownRules are invited to register their interest in the property. Such interest shouldbe registered in person or through their solicitors or agents in writing withintwo months of the date of this notice to ;- Ruth Allan Defence Estates Operations South Estates Office High Street, Durrington Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 8AF The successors in title should state and provide evidence of their relationshipto the original vendor. Date: 27 July 2007. 152 Estates Gazette 21 July 2007 |
On November 6, 2007 Defence Estates advertised again, this time using the correct name: William Brind Miflin. | ![]() |
Name of Deceased (Surname first) | Address, description and date of death of Deceased | Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be ,given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives | Date on; or before which notices of claim to be given |
Miflin, William Brind | Church Farm, Lyneham, Wilts, Farmer. 25th June, 1939. | Spackman Dale & Hood, Calne, Wilts, Solicitors. (William James Miflin and Harry Wild.) | 1st August, 1950
(125) |
MIFLIN, Elizabeth | Church Farm, Lyneham, Wilts, Widow. 8th April, 1950. | Spackman Dale & Hood, Calne, Wilts, Solicitors. (William James Miflin) | 1st August, 1950 (126) |
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Name | Age | District | Volume | Page |
William B. Miflin | 88 | Swindon | 5a | 54 |
Name & surname | Relation to head of family | Condition | Age | Rank, profession or occupation | Where born |
Jhon(sic.) Miflin | Head | Widr | 40 | Ag. Lab. | Leominster, Herefordshire |
Ann Miflin | dau. | unwed | 17 | Scholar | Birley, Herefordshire |
William Miflin | son | unwed | 8 | Scholar | Birley, Herefordshire |
Name & surname | Relation to head of family | Condition | Age | Rank, profession or occupation | Where born |
John Miflin | Head | Mar | 40 | Ag. Lab. | Birley, Herefordshire |
Milbrough Miflin | Wife | Mar | 28 | Labourer's wife | Birley, Herefordshire |
Mary Miflin | dau. | - | 9 | - | Birley, Herefordshire |
Anne Miflin | dau. | - | 7 | - | Birley, Herefordshire |
James Miflin | son | - | 5 | - | Birley, Herefordshire |
John Miflin | son | - | 2 | - | Birley, Herefordshire |
Elizabeth Miflin | dau. | - | 10m | - | Birley, Herefordshire |
Milbrough Miflin, who probably died between 1851 and 1861, may have originally been a Brind (hence the Brind second name for William B Miflin). However, there is no record that I can find of a Milbrough Brind and it is more than possible that John Miflin named his third son after his own mother's family name or some other relative. |
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