Main index Brind press cuttings Brind sources
Colvin Street
Pledging dresses
Death at Colvin StreetFranklins

From the pages of the West London Observer

WLO January 4, 1896,

James Barker & Son monumental, granite, marble and stone works. 86-88 Richmond Road, West Brompton (opposite cemetary gates) and at 146 Lillie Road, North End, SW. Advert

WLO January 4, 1896,

W Tomes G W Ry (Great Western Railway, presumably), The Grove, Hammersmith and at Willesden Junction, stone merchants, monumental and general mason.

WLO January 4, 1896,

Rabies in the metropolis. A report of the public control Committee of the London County Council on the subject of rabies in the metropolis states that 40 rabied dogs have been killed during the years though no deaths from hydrophobia have been reported. During the last seven years the number of rabied dogs slaughtered has been as follows: 1888, 49; 1889, 123; 1890, 32; 1891, 13; 1892, 3; 1893, 8; & 1894, 12. In view of these figures the committee think there is not sufficient justification for re-imposing the muzzling regulations in London at the present time especially as its doubtful whether all the dogs reported to be rabied really were so. They have commented to the Board of Agricultural to this effect.

WLO January 4, 1896,

New local patents. Arthur Joseph Needham and Walter Cecil Needham of Hammersmith for improvements in fork cleaners. Countess Clementine Hugo of Bayswater for a safety envelope.

WLO January 4, 1896,

On Wednesday an exciting incident took place in King Street Hammersmith in conjunction with a mad dog. The animal was seen to be behaving itself in an extraordinary manner at Messrs Green & Sons, auctioneers, 72 King Street. It had bitten a man and a child and had seized hold of the dresses of one or two females in the house but fortunately had not otherwise injured them. The crazy dog was trapped into the drawing room and there made fast so that its condition could be inquired into by a skilled veterinary surgeon. Mr John Nettleton MRCVS of 47 St Mary Abbott's Terrace, Kensington was sent for and after a careful examination he at once came to the conclusion that the animal was suffering from rabies. Mr Nettleton at once reported his conclusion to the police. They at once procured a ladder and shot the dog through the window.

WLO January 25, 1896:

Pledging dresses. Martha Heard a dressmaker of 5 Colvin Street, Hammersmith, was charged with stealing two dresses value £1 10s the property of Fanny Taylor, a servant of 122 Baron's Court Road. The prosecutrix said she handed the dresses to the prisoner to repair. She went several times to her house for them but she never could find her at home. When she did see her the prisoner said she had pledged the dresses. Sergeant West deposed that on Saturday night he went to 5 Colvin Street where he saw the prisoner. He told her that he should take her into custody for stealing the dresses. He took her to the station where she was charged. Here she said "I did not steal the dresses". She handed him four duplicates, two relating to the property-- Mr Rose remanded the prisoner, Sergeant West stating that their were other cases against her.

WLO February 1, 1896.

A dishonest dressmaker. Martha Heard a dressmaker of Colvin Street, Hammersmith, was re-examined on the charge of stealing two dresses which she had received from Fanny Taylor a servant of Baron's Court Road to repair-- three cases having been proved against the prisoner, Sergeant West said he found 20 duplicates upon her relating to stolen property. She was in the habit of getting material and pledging it. Mr Rose committed the prisoner for 14 days in each case.

WLO February 1, 1896, page 6.

Assaulting the ex Champion. At the West London Police Court on Tuesday James Dean a labourer was charged with assaulting Thomas Sullivan ex champion oarsman of the world and landlord of the Rutland Hotel, The Mall, Hammersmith. Mr Hanson appeared for the complainant who stated that on Monday night the prisoner was in his house with another man. In conjunction of a remark he made to witness's wife he took hold of him to put him out. The prisoner then struck him violently and tripped him up. The prisoner who had been convicted before said he was very sorry. Mr Rose fined him 10s with the alternative of seven days imprisonment.

WLO February 1, 1896, page 7.

The employees engaged at Messrs Peal & Co's Jeddo works boot and shoe factory etc....

WLO February 8, 1896, page 3.

(Master of Kensington Workhouse called Mr Brindlecombe)...

WLO February 8, 1896, page 5.

From statistics just published it appears that the number of dogs suffering from rabies in London has considerably increased since the last muzzling others was passes in 1889. During the last month a number of dogs submitted to post mortem examination 25 showed indications of rabies. The Public Control Committee of the County Council recommends the issue of a muzzling order for the whole of London except the city...county council confirmed this order at their meeting on Tuesday. Any dog not properly muzzled may be seized and slaughtered forthwith if diseased; if suspected it may be kept, if not suspected it will be kept for three days then slaughtered or otherwise disposed of in such a manner as the council might think expedient. The regulations come in force on the 17th inst. (February).

The Newspaper Library 1932-92.

The british Museum began collecting newspapers systematically in 1822. By the end of the 19th century it has run out of storage space. In 1900 a bill was introduced which would have allowed the museum to dispose of provincial newspapers published after 1837. Fortunately opposition to the bill led to its being withdrawn and funds were made available for the purchase of land at Colindale and the construction of a repository. Provincial English, Welsh, Irish and Scottish newspapers were transferred from Bloomsbury in 1905. There was no reading room material requested by readers was delivered to the Bloomsbury reading room by a weekly van service. Less than 20 years later the repository was full. In 1928 the Royal Commission of National Museums and Galleries recommended that a purpose built newspaper library with facilities for readers should be constructed at Colindale. This was opened on 23 August 1932 and foreign newspapers, London titled published after 1800 and large quantities of popular periodicals were transferred to the new library. The storage facilities were expected to be sufficient for 50 years growth; this proved to be somewhat over optimistic but it was not entirely the fault of the original planners. The repository building was completely destroyed on the night of 20th October 1940 during the blitz. About 10,000 volume of 19th century English and Irish newspapers were destroyed and many more were damaged. Two temporary buildings were erected at the end of the war to provide replacement storage space and are still in use today. Subsequent developments of the Colindale site have included a new storage wing opened in 1957 a purpose built microfilming unit and extension to the reading rooms opened in 1970 and a specially designed microfilm reading area opened in 1984. In 1973 the newspaper Library along with other library departments of the british Museum became part of the newly formed British Library. The Newspaper Library is not moving to the new British Library building at St Pancras.

WLO February 22, 1896.

Patents. C W Lucase of Barnes for an invention of a floating tablet of soap.

WLO February 29, 1896, page 3:

"Attempted suicide. Susan Foster, 19, of 5 Boundary Road, Hammersmith, was charged by her father with attempting to commit suicide by swallowing a quantity of spirits of salts that (Saturday) morning the prisoner called to her father and said she wished to poison herself. Active steps were taken to prevent any serious effects of the poison and she was handed over to the police. The prisoner cried and said she could not obtain her box of clothes where she had been living-- Mr Rose pointed out that her conduct was very foolish but allowed her to be discharged and requested the court missionary to speak to her."

London Equalisation of Rates Act 1894. A census held on March 29, 1896. In the census some East End houses had as many as 50 occupants in eight rooms.

WLO April 18, 1896, page 2.

Tuesday before Mr Rose. Determined attempt at suicide. John Bradshaw a stone mason was charged with attempting to commit suicide at Putney Bridge. On Monday Police Constable 318T said the prisoner was climbing over the parapet when he caught hold of him and pulled his back. He had his legs tied together by his belt and a large stone fastened to his neck. The prisoner said "let me go, let me do it. I am tired of my life" Mr Rose was he sober?' The constable 'he had a little beer'. The prisoner, who held his hand to his head, said he had a couple of blows. A man hit him. In answer to the magistrate the prisoner said he had been living in the workhouse at Mary-place, Notting Hill. The assistant gaoler 'its the able bodied workhouse'. Mr Rose remanded the prisoner to ascertain the state of his mind.

(From British Biographical Archives, microfiche edition)

Brind, Frederick Colonel Bengal army 20 June 1854; CB 9 June 1849. d. Sealkote Bengal 10 July 1857 aged 55. Boase F. Modern English Biography, 6 v. 1892-21.

Brind, Sir James etc. Boase etc.,

Brind, The Organist at St Paul's. A Dictionary of musicians 2nd ed. 2v. 1827, also Brown J D & Stratton S.S. British Musical Biography 1897, De Bekkes, L.J. Black's Dictionary of Music & Musicians 1924 Fulham Workhouse, Classification of the inmates. The Time June 3, page 18, column B, 1899.

WLO July 8, 1898, page 3.

A Little bad fellow. Harry Robert Goodfellow only nine years of age was charged with being of such a disposition as to be beyond the control of his parents who resided in Portobello Road, Notting Hill. The mother said she could not control the boy. He would not go to school and he stayed away from home. She fetched him away on Thursday from Isleworth Union. The assistant gaoler said the boy had been twice charged. Although so small and young he was a very bad boy. Mr Rose remanded the boy to the workhouse to be sent to an industrial school.

WLO July 22, 1898, page 6.

Death at Colvin Street. At the Hammersmith Coroner's Court on Tuesday Mr C Luxmore Drew held an inquest with reference to the death of the male child of Henry Jones aged 29 hours. The father is a tailor living at 6 Colvin Street and the child was found dead in bed at the side of the mother, the medical evidence showing this to be due to want of fresh air. Two interesting side lights are thrown on the inquiry. In the course of his evidence the father stated that he was smoking in the room which his sick wife and newly born babe were lying and when questioned said it was done as a disinfectant. Dr Alderson's opinion of this was that it was a dirty, disagreeable and unhealthy thing to do. It might be a antiseptic, his opinion was that it did more harm than good. Then as regards the treatment of newly born babies the unqualified midwife said she gave the baby a little butter and sugar. Asked why she did it the reply was that it was a doctor's orders. Dr Alderson's reply was that it was no good. He was surprised at the witness. He thought she was an intelligent woman and although it might have been the advice 40 years ago, doctors certainly did not advise it. Mr Drew remarked that it could hardly be said that the child had a sweet tooth. He pointed out to the doctor that it was very strange that it was only in Hammersmith that he found the nurses were in the habit of giving delicacies to babies. Would Dr Alderson try and educate some of the midwives as to their error. Dr Alderson promised to consider the suggestion and the inquiry closed by the jury returning a verdict of accidental death.

WLO Sept 2, 1898, page 3.

Beyond control. James Lawrence, 13, was charged by his mother with being beyond her control. The mother, a widow, said her son had been three times in a truant school. He had been in habit of pilfering for the last four years. She could not trust him with money. Mr Lane remanded the boy to the workhouse.

WLO Sept 2, 1898, page 3.

A Refractory Pauper. Annie Thursden a laundress was charged with refractory conduct while an inmate of Fulham Workhouse. Frederick Hicks, porter at the workhouse, said on Saturday the prisoner took her discharge going was with three children. In the evening she returned with two children and he admitted them into the receiving ward. She used bad language and although he gave her a caution she repeated it and he was obliged to call in the police. The assistant gaoler said the prisoner had been in custody several times. Mr Lane committed her to prison from 14 days. The prisoner was removed saying that her children would have to be supported in the workhouse.

WLO Oct 21, 1898, page 3.

Sent to the workhouse. Rose Long a servant was charged with being drunk and disorderly in Bollo Bridge Road Acton on Tuesday night. Her conduct appear very strange while in the dock and Dr Jackson who examined her said she was insane. Mr Rose sent her to the workhouse to be treated as a lunatic.

WLO March 10, 1899, page 5.

The Cinematograph accident at the Palace Varieties. WLO Feb 10, 1899, page 7.

Death of a teething child. At the Twynholm House club room on Tuesday afternoon the Coroner Mr C Luxmore Drew held an inquest on the body of Alice Parsons, aged 13 months, the daughter of Francis Robert Parsons a labourer of 52 Townsmead Road. The first witness called was the mother Alice Parsons...

WLO April 14, 1899, page 9.

A Verger's Son. John Henry Yearsley aged nine was charged with being beyond control of his father John Yearsley a church verger living at 3 Drayton Villas, Kensington. The fathers complaint was that the boy was dishonest and stayed out at night. Mr Lane remanded the boy and he was taken to the cells crying bitterly. WLO April 21, 1899.

The Verger's Son. The charge was withdrawn and the little boy set at liberty. WLO April 21, 1899.

A forged certificate of birth. Mrs Ellen Hughes living at 56 Queen Street, Hammersmith was sentenced...William Henry Hayden...increased age to 14. 'It was done of course to relieve her of the necessity of sending her son to school'.

WLO April 28, 1899.

St Paul's School Sports.

WLO Mary 5, 1899, page 7.

Sudden death at the infirmary. Leonard Costello, aged 29 years, a painters labourer who was admitted into Fulham Infirmary on the 25th Ult. suffering from lead poisoning expired very suddenly...

WLO July 28, 1899.

My ancestor John Brind died on Sunday July 23, 1899.

Effects of the heat. Several cases of sunstroke have been reported this week as a result of the excessive heat. On Sunday Lily Woods aged 35 living at 43 Marboro' Road, West Kensington Park, was admitted to the West London Hospital suffering from sunstroke. She was found by police and taken to the hospital on their ambulance. On the same day Mr William Henderson of Shepherds Bush fell to the ground unconscious in Hyde Park and was conveyed to the hospital. In Piccadilly a young lady named Rosina Cartwright residing at South Kensington was over powered by the heat and fell into the roadway having a narrow escape of being run over.

WLO July 28, 1899.

Deaths through the heat. At the Fulham Coroners Court Munster Road on Saturday afternoon Mr C Luxmore Drew investigated the circumstances surrounding the death of Charles Henry Kay aged 49 a starch merchant lately residing at 48 Walham Grove, who expired on Friday morning at the residence of his clerk in a sudden and mysterious manner....the post mortem showed congestion of both brain and lungs caused by the great heat.

WLO August 4, 1899, page 5.

Doggett's also August 11, page 6. J See brother of the well known boat proprietor Charley See of The Mall, Hammersmith.

LO: June 3, 1898, page 3.

Complaint against the Fulham Workhouse Authorities-- A complaint of a serious character was made to Mr Lane QC-- the applicant stated that she took a destitute child to the Fulham Union but the authorities there refused to keep the child and asked worship if she could put it on the doorstep. Mr Lane QC the only doorstep where you could leave the child would the workhouse steps. Applicant said they won't take it. Mr Lane QC they are bound to. As soon as they open the door leave the child and walk away. Applicant thank you.

WLO May 20, 1898, page 3.

Dishonest men.

Henry Franklin, 25, of 17 Novello Street, Fulham, and Daniel Rolfe, 23, of 7 Dowell Mews, horse keepers were charged with being concerned in stealing a set of harnesses worth £2 from a stable in Halford Yard, Halford Road, Fulham, belonging to John Tobutt a timber merchant. The prisoners attempted stealing the harness and selling it after a fruitless attempt to dispose of it to Alfred Wane of Richmond Road, West Brompton-- Mr Rose committed each man to prison for two months hard labour.

WLO April 22, 1898, page 3.

Sleeping in a cellar.

At the West London Police Court on Tuesday a little boy named Harry Parsons was charged by his father William Parsons a labourer of Goldborne Gardens, North Kensington, with being beyond his control. The father said the boy not only absented himself from school but from his home. He had been away from home for the last five weeks. Mr Lane (addressing the boy) where have you been sleeping. The boy: in a cellar. Mr Lane: where did you get food? The father said he sent food by other boys. He had seen him but he could not catch him. Mr Lane remanded the boy to be sent to an industrial school.

WLO, January 21, 1898, p3.

Weak point in a workhouse-- At the West London Police Court on Tuesday two of the Kensington paupers named Richard Griffiths and James Barns were re-examined from the previous day on a charge of assaulting Mr Wm. Brimblecombe the master and Thomas Vile, labour master, and behaving in a refractory manner. It appear that on Sunday morning after the service in the chapel the master found Griffiths in conversation with three able bodied young women. As it was contrary to the rules the master directed him to return to his ward. The prisoner refused behaving in an insulting manner saying he had not committed any crime and he should go when he liked. The labour master was called and a scene of confusion prevailed. The master said arrangement were made for the men and women to enter the chapel separately but on leaving they came out indiscriminately. It was the weak point in the workhouse. Mr Lane inquired if it was known to the inmate the conversation was not allowed? Mr Brimblecombe: Yes particularly Griffiths who was brought up in the workhouse from a boy. It was stated that Griffiths had been in custody before and punished. Mr Lowe discharged Barns but said Griffiths had been guilty of most refractory conduct and committed him for 21 days with hard labour.

WLO Jan 1, 1897, page 3:

Saturday Before Mr Rose. A Christmas freak. George Carrs a stonemason residing in Chesson Road, Fulham, was charged with stealing a cup and saucer value 9 1/2d the property of Alfred Seeley a china ware dealer of Blythe Road, Hammersmith-- The prisoner was seen to take the cup and saucer from the shop and go off with them though he had £1 14s in his possession besides other property. Mr Rose thought it was a Christmas freak and ordered him to be discharged.

WLO January 1, 1897 p6.:

Disappearance of a club secretary at Fulham. We are informed that Charles Biggs, aged 62 years, of 52 Harwood Terrace, Sand's End, Fulham, who has been employed for the last 28 years as a stonemason at the Gas Light and Coke Company Works, Fulham, has been missing from his home since Monday morning when he bad goodbye to a daughter telling her that he was going to make away with himself. He left his watch and chain and a ring behind. The missing man is well known and is a prominent member of several societies including the Foresters and the Alexander Cork Club and is also secretary of the Imperial Burial Club held at the gas works. He was last seen on Monday afternoon near Hammersmith Bridge going in the direction of Putney. In two years time he would have been entitled to a pension.

WLO October 1896

(from the run down of notable events of the previous year, 1896). October 3 a distinguished resident of Hammersmith Mr William Morris passed away placidly at Kelmscott House, The Mall.

WLO Jan 8, 1897, page 2.

Correspondence. Fulham Palace Road. To the Editor of the Observer. Sir, Is it not time that the Hammersmith and Fulham visitors did something to remedy the disgraceful state of affairs that at present exists in Fulham Palace Road? The thoroughfare is nothing but a veritable Slough of despond and one shudders at having to cross from one pavement to the other. Although I pass up and down the street every day its rarely--- very rarely-- that I see a gang of sweepers at work to reduce the quagmire to a condition of terra firma. One would have thought that now the temporary offices are at Yeldham House the officials would have something to say about the dirty conditions of the thoroughfare for in passing to and from their base they must experience the same inconvenience as I do. I am quite aware that the volume of traffic that passes up and down the Fulham Palace Road is extraordinary and that as a result the macadam is churned into a sea of mud but a strong gang of sweepers might do something to remedy the extremely unpleasant state of things that at present prevail. It would have been amusing if it had not been so annoying to witness the repeated "improvements" that were being made to the entrance to the piece of ground that's used at the Robin Hood Corner for their omnibuses. Day after day one saw them busily at working pulling up and resetting these entrances with the result that one was forced to plunge into the quagmire to get out of the way. When everything had apparently been done and all seemed right up came the electricity company people and by pulling up the pavement undid all the work and again had the unfortunate pedestrian to bravely plunge into the filth. A shoe black in Queen Street might have realised a tiny little sum and might yet for the matter of that if he had only the forethought to take his stand there. A Fulham Palace Road Pedestrian.

WLO January 15, 1897, page 3.

Friday before Mr Rose. An old age pension wanted. A poor old woman applied to Mr Rose for his assistance out of the poor box. She stated that she was 67 and her husband 68. They did not wish to go into the workhouse to be parted. Mr Rose strongly recommended them to go into the workhouse observing that they were too old to work any more at their age. He doubted whether any temporary assistance from the poor box would be of any permanent service, believing that she would have to apply again. The applicant pleadingly I can earn a little money. I wish to scratch along. We have been married 40 years and its hard to leave one another. Mr Rose (sorrowfully) what is to be done? I am very sorry for you-- The applicant was again advised to enter the workhouse telling her that they would be very comfortable under the new regulations-- As the applicant appeared reluctant to adopt the suggestion Mr Rose said he would give her a little help at the same time pointing out that she was too old to keep out of the house much longer. The applicant then left the box expressing her gratitude to the magistrate for his kindness.

WLO January 22, 1897.

Sudden death at Fulham.

On Saturday morning Mr C Luxmore Drew held an inquiry at the Coroner's Court Munster Road, Fulham, on the body of William Henry Philp aged 50 years of 16 Field Road. Albert Henry Philp of 47 Chelmsford Street a labourer identified the body as that of his father and said he had not had good health....

WLO January 29, 1897, page 3.

At the West London Police Court on Monday before Mr Lane, Q.C., Frederick Parsons Senior, who resided in Ethelden Road, Shepherds Bush, was summoned for assaulting Mrs Bertha Annandine who resided in the same road...

WLO February 5, 1897, page 3.

Dishonest men.

Henry Franklin, 25, of 17 Novello Street, Fulham, and Daniel Roife, 23, of 7 Dowell Mews,horse keepers were charged with being concerned in stealing a set of harnesses worth £2 froma stable in Halford Yard, Halford Road, Fulham, belonging to John Tobutt a timbermerchant. The prisoners attempted stealing the harness and selling it after a fruitless attemptto dispose of it to Alfred Wane of Richmond Road, West Brompton— Mr Rose committedeach man to prison for two months hard labour.

WLO April 22, 1898, page 3.

A Parish Arrangement

Thomas Franklin an electrician in the employment of John Barker Ltd High Street,Kensington, was re-examined on the charge of neglecting to maintain his three children whohad become chargeable to the Fulham Union....

WLO February 19. 1897, page 6.

Mother and child.

At the West London Police Court on Friday Emily Franklin a married woman with nofixed abode was brought up on a warrant in a default of appearing to a summons charged withneglecting her child Albert aged 2 years in such a manner as to cause him unnecessary pain.

Mr Moreton Phillips on behalf of the National Society appearing to prosecute.

The prisoner was well known to the Kensington Workhouse official by going in andout for some time with the child. She was in the habit of returning to the workhouse late atnight in a state of intoxication with the child in a very dirty condition.

Mary Hunt the receiving wards woman said that child was always clean when he left theworkhouse. On the 1st of May when she admitted the prisoner who was drunk the child wasalso the worse for drink. There was also a strong smell from the child. He was very restless andshe could not pacify him.

The prisoner: It was always restless. You can't keep a child two years old quiet.
Mr Rose (to the witness): What did the child smell of?
The witness: It smelt of beer.

Mrs Diamond, the labour mistress also said the child was excited on that occasion. Thechild was very dirty and after he had been bathed she placed him with his mother but hewould not lie with her. She could not tell whether the smell of drink came from the child asthere were four drunken women in the ward which smelled strong of drink.

The prisoner on being placed in the dock said she preferred being sent before a judge andjust. After the evidence had been taken she said she was very sorry. Her husband had lefther with two children. On being asked if she understood that she had the option of being triedby the magistrate she said she did not think so much would be done to her if she went before ajury.

Mr Rose: She had better go for trial.

Mr Phillips then called an officer of the society to prove a former conviction but MrRose declined to have it recorded on the depositions. The prisoner was then committed for trial.

WLO June 18, 1897, page 6.

Unlicensed beer houses.At the West London Police Court on Friday there was a batch of summonses against threemarried couples named Charles Reader and Sarah Reader, Harry Franklin Lydia Franklin andJohn Parrott and Hannah Parrott all living in different houses in Hythe Road, CumberlandPark, Harlesden, for selling beer without licences.

WLOJuty 2, 1897. page 3.

A charge withdrawn?

Thomas Franklin an electrician of Barker's Ltd was in the list of charges for neglecting tomaintain his three children chargeable to the Fulham Union. The case had been standing oversince January last and Mr Watson the relieving officer now attended and obtainedpermission of the magistrates to withdraw the case.

WLO August 73, 1897, page 3.

Monday—Before Mr RoseScotch Airs in Shorrold's Road-Frederick Franklin, 35, an engineer of 46 Grove Avenue, Fulham, was charged with behavingin a disorderly manner. Police Constable 318T said he had to disperse some men who wereplaying bagpipes in Shorrold's Road, Fulham. They caused a crowd to assemble andobstructed the road. The prisoner interfered and with an epithet told him to clear away theorgan grinders. The prisoner admitted using an adjective and now expressed his regret. MrRose said the prisoner had very properly expressed his regret and he would be discharged.

WLO, August 27, 1S97, page 3,

Peculiar accident.

A peculiar accident occurred in North End Road on Saturday. A man by the name of HenryFrankling, aged 25 years, and living at 25 Hartopp Avenue, North Fulham, was knocked downin the above thoroughfare by a horse which he was leading. The animal reared and attempted toplunge into a shop window. In endeavouring to stop the steed Frankling sustained a somewhatsevere scalp wound for which he received treatment at the Queen's Jubilee Hospital.

WLO, September 5, 1S9 7, page 7.

Committal for embezzling

George Franklin a labourer of 10 Belmont Terrace, Chiswick, was charged on remand withembezzling money belonging to his employer Alfred Billington a fishmonger of 128 High Road,Chiswick. Mr Rose now committed the prisoner for two months.

WLO, September, 1897.

The boy and the cake.

Frederick Bulman, 12, who lived with his parents at 86 Rylston Road, Fulham, was chargedwith stealing a piece of cake belonging to Sidney Franklin a coffee stall keeper of 4 Jubilee Terrace, Burlington Road, Fulham. The prisoner snatched the cake from a stall in New King'sRoad and made off with it. He informed the magistrate that another boy told him to take it. MrLane: Did you eat it? Prisoner: Yes, but I gave the other boy a piece. (Laughter).Mr Lane remanded him.

WLO November 26, 1897, page 3.

The boy and the cake.Frederick Bulman, 12, living in Rylston Road, Fulham, was charged with stealing a piece ofcake from a coffee stall belonging to Sidney Franklin of 4 Jubilee Terrace, Burlington Road,Fulham. The boy was on this occasion discharged.

WLO December 3, 1897, page 3,

Conservative dance at FulhamMr W A Franklin

WLO February 14, 1891, page 7. col 3.