Uxbridge 1919 BIRTH in the Sub-district of Uxbridge in the County of Middlesex |
No | When and where born |
Name, if any | Sex | Name and surname of father |
Name, surname and maiden surname of mother |
Occupation of father | Signature, description and residence of informant |
When registered | Signature of registrar | Name entered after registration |
397 | Twenty ninth November 1918 5 Clifton Terrace Rockingham Road Hillingdon West Uxbridge U.D. |
Gordon Clifford | Boy | / / / / / |
Ethel Kate Brind a Domestic Servant |
/ / / / / |
Ethel K Brind mother 5 Clifton Terrace Rockingham Road Hillingdon West |
Third January 1919 |
C W Smith Registrar |
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