1885 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church, Parish of St Stephen Bow in the County of Middlesex
No When Married Name and surname Age Condition Rank or Profssion Residence at the time of Marriage Father's name and surname Rank or Profession of Father
454 26th July 1885 Joseph Harkes 25 Bachelor Engineer Archibold Street George Bell Harkes Engineer
Melina Emma Brind 18 Spinster ---- 68 Morville Stree Richard Brind Baker
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me Fredk J Lory
This Marriage was
solemnized between us
Joseph Harkes
Melina Emma Brind
    In the
Presence of us
William Taylor
Louisa Kilminster Taylor

Louisa Kilminster Taylor is probably Melina's sister. William Taylor is likely to be her husband.