1850 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Highworth in the County of Wilts
No When Married Name and surname Age Condition Rank or Profssion Residence at the time of Marriage Father's name and surname Rank or Profession of Father
176 June 3rd 1850 Richard Brind full age Bachelor Baker Highworth Thomas Brind Blacksmith
Anne Kilminster full age Spinster ---- Highworth Edw Kilminster Labr
Married in the Church of Highworth according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me Edw Rowden, Vicar
This Marriage was
solemnized between us
Richard Brind
Anne Kilminster
    In the
Presence of us
Amy (perhaps Mary) Kilminster
Elizabeth Eagles - George Eagles

Richard's eldest sister was called Elizabeth. Perhaps she married George Eagles?