Patrick Charles Kirby Marriage 1955 Stepney Olive Kathleen (Brind)
1955 Marriage solemnized at St Ann's Church in the district of Stepney in the Metropolitan Borough of Stepney
No When Married Name and surname Age Condition Rank or Profssion Residence at the time of Marriage Father's name and surname Rank or Profession of Father
41 Twenty second October 1955 Patrick Charles Kirby 26 Bachelor Metallurgist 155 Vallance Road, Bethnal Green Charles Patrick Kirby Commercial clerk
Olive Kathleen Brind 28 Spinster Private Secretary 9 St Pancras Way, St Pancras Walter James Brind Wood machinist
Married in the St Ann's Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Roman Catholics by certificate by me
P Rynn D.M.
A F Butler Registrar
This Marriage was
solemnized between us
P Kirby
Olive K Brind
    In the
Presence of us
D Revell
F George