Louis Clemence Fasquelle
d. 21/5/1920
George Louis Fasquelle m. Fulham 12/5/1906
Emma Louisa
d. 21/12/1913
b. 3/10/1884
Robert George Willmore Georgette Constance
  d. 18/01/2003

Many thanks for the intersting parcel which arrived today.

Harold Brind (New Cross) died on Saturday. He's the one who opposed the New Cross Brinds getting involved-- his elder brother Victor was okay you may recall.

Anyway, let the dust settle and Jeanie the youngest who lived with Harold may be willing to help-- her dad was William, Jack and Charlies young brother. The family split was because Jack and Charlie wouldn't pay for William's apprecenticeship after John B, the father died. Their house is a family treasure trove. They've even got the shoes Flo wore when she married William, before the First World War!

I'm off to the funeral and over the next few months I hope to get Jamie down to stay for a holiday. I'll pass on any news.

Yours ever

Chipping Sodbury (0454) 311777
3, Church Farm Close,
3 September 1993

Jonathan Brind,
3 St Helier's Road
London E10 6BH

Dear Jonathan,

Thanks for the two large bundles which awaited me on my return from holiday. Of course I don't mind what you've done with my data: I think you've done a jolly good job on it. My little booklet was written with some fictional elaboration to bring it to life for mum, you've pared it back down to hard fact very well. You've also done a super job with the appendices, bringing together the vast reams of material we both have to date. It was interesting to hear Victor Brind's comment about how my gran worshipping young Will Brind.

I haven't checked the appendices yet, to see whether I have anything further to add, but I hope to do some work on it this autumn (I am on study leave from work).

In answer to your query about post 1906 marriages, I don't have records of them, as one condition of my research was that I promised my mother not to go behind my gran's generation.

You mention putting the work so far through a DTP. We have a 486 machine which has Pagemaker loaded (as well as Wordperfect). If you could supply the text in ASCII text, with suggestions for how you want it typeset we could do it for you.

Given your print trade connections, you would have been fascinated with one of our discoveries in Crete: a print shop in the middle of the modern city where they were still typesetting with old typesetting blocks. It was like a vision from the past: he had the door open as it was a very hot day, even by Cretan standards, so it was a genuine business, rather than some curio for the tourists. It's only when you see something like that, that you realise how much computers have revolutionised printing.

Cheers for now - and CONGRATULATIONS

Chris Willmore

Bristol BS37 5BZ

23 January 2003

Dear Jonathan,

I am writing to tell you the sade news the my mother died on January 18th: it was relatively sudden (she was in hospital four days) and very peaceful. I was lucky enough to be with her and holding her hand throught.

I owe you a huge apology. Back in the autumn you sent me a list of questions you'd like me to ask her. I didnt. It didn't seem urgents and when it did become usrgent things moved too fast. I am really sorry.

A I go through her archivves I may find some answers-- also Auntie Edie's son Ian is still alive (mum's cousin) and so is Unclue Cyril (her brother in law). I plan to go and see Cyril soon-- he lives in Norfolk and is probably too frail to travel, but we will see.

Mum was fascinated at the familyhistory you producedd and was really glad we'd buried a family hatchet after nearly a century so you gave her a lot of pleasure. Thank you.

Best wishes,


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Jean, daughter of Emma & George Fasquelle, is pictured second from left. The girl on the extreme left looks very similar to my sister Mandy Bishop (nee Brind) and to Sarah Brind (nee Hall).