Registration district of Bethnal Green 1883 BIRTH in the sub-district of Green in the County of Middlesex |
No | When and where born |
Name, if any | Sex | Name and surname of father |
Name, surname and maiden surname of mother |
Occupation of father | Signature, description and residence of informant |
When registered | Signature of registrar | Name entered after registration |
211 | Fifth October 1883 7 Salisbury Street |
Harriett | Girl | Henry Brind | Jane Brind formerly Andrews |
Labourer | J Brind Mother 7 Salisbury Street Bethnal Green |
Fifteenth November 1883 |
??????????????? Registrar |
/ / / / / |
Certified copy of an entry of DEATH | Registration district | Whitechapel | 1886 DEATH in the Sub-district of Whitechapel Church in the County of Middlesex |
No | When and where died | Name and surname | Sex | Age | Occupation | Cause of death | Signature, description and residence of informant | When registered | Signature of registrar |
476 | Twentieth February 1886 London Hospital | Harriet Brind |
Female | 2 years | Daughter of Henry Brind Labourer 15 Lydia Street, Stepney | Croup Bronchial Pneumonia Certified by Thos Frizele M.D. |
M. Higgins Present at Death London Hospital Whitechapel |
Twenty Second February 1886 |
John Hall Registrar |
Registration district Mile End Old Town 1881 BIRTH in the sub-district of Mile End Old Town Eastern in the County of Middlesex |
No | When and where born |
Name, if any | Sex | Name and surname of father |
Name, surname and maiden surname of mother |
Occupation of father | Signature, description and residence of informant |
When registered | Signature of registrar | Name entered after registration |
418 | Fourth July 1881 6 Willow Street |
Henry | Boy | Henry Brind | Jane Brind formerly Andrews |
Labourer | J Brind Mother 6 Willow Street Mile End |
Fifteenth August 1881 |
R F ??????????????? Registrar |
/ / / / / |
1884 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of St Jude Bethnal Green in the County Middlesex |
No | When Married | Name and surname | Age | Condition | Rank or Profssion | Residence at the time of Marriage | Father's name and surname | Rank or Profession of Father |
56 | February 20 1884 |
Henry Brind | 24 | Bachelor | Labourer | 7 Coventry Street | Walter Brind (dec.d) | Rigger |
Jane Andrews | 23 | Spinster | 7 Salisbury St | William Andrews (decd.) | Cigar(?) Maker |
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church after Banns by me, Registrar, Sidney ?????????????????? |
This Marriage was solemnized between us |
Henry Brind x-mark Jane Andrews |
In the Presence of us |
Anthony Emm(?) Emma Brind x her mark |
Parish Church of St Jude Bethnal Green |