Registration district of Whitechapel 1860 BIRTH in the sub-district of Mile End New Town in the County of Middlesex |
No | When and where born |
Name, if any | Sex | Name and surname of father |
Name, surname and maiden surname of mother |
Occupation of father | Signature, description and residence of informant |
When registered | Signature of registrar | Name entered after registration |
72 | Tewntyfifth December 1860 4 Pelham Street |
Henry | Boy | Walter Brind | Harriet Brind formerly Dolton |
Rigger Journeyman | x the mark of Harriet Brind Mother 4 Pelham Street Mile End New Town |
Fourth February 1860 |
S Heath Registrar |
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Certified copy of an entry of DEATH | Registration district | Stepney | 1931 DEATH in the Sub-district of Mile End Old Town in the County of London |
No | When and where died | Name and surname | Sex | Age | Occupation | Cause of death | Signature, description and residence of informant | When registered | Signature of registrar |
30 | Sixteenth January 1931 20 Jupps Road |
Henry Brind |
Male | 70 years | Formerly a street trader fish | [a] Myocardial Degeneration [B] Acute Bronchitis No Pm Certified by A L H Rackham M.D. |
Henry Brind son Present at death 10 Ernest Street Stepney |
Seventeenth January 1931 |
Mary Groves Registrar |
Registration district Shoreditch 1846 BIRTH in the sub-district of Haggerstone East in the County of Middlesex |
No | When and where born |
Name, if any | Sex | Name and surname of father |
Name, surname and maiden surname of mother |
Occupation of father | Signature, description and residence of informant |
When registered | Signature of registrar | Name entered after registration |
5 | Third August 1846 17 Goldsmith Row |
Charles John | Boy | Walter Brind | Harriot Brind formerly Dolton |
Mariner | x the mark of Harriot Brind Mother 17 Goldsmiths Row |
Eleventh September 1846 |
John Johnsons Registrar |
/ / / / / |
Registration district of Whitechapel 1862 BIRTH in the sub-district of Mile End New Town in the County of Middlesex |
No | When and where born |
Name, if any | Sex | Name and surname of father |
Name, surname and maiden surname of mother |
Occupation of father | Signature, description and residence of informant |
When registered | Signature of registrar | Name entered after registration |
462 | Sixth March 1862 2 Pelham Street |
James | Boy | Walter Brind | Harriet Brind formerly Dalton |
Rigger Journeyman | W Brind Father 2 Pelham Street Mile End New Town |
Fifteenth April 1862 |
S Heath Registrar |
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