1896 Marriage solemnized at St Peter's Church in the Parish of Hammersmith in the County of Middlesex
No When Married Name and surname Age Condition Rank or Profssion Residence at the time of Marriage Father's name and surname Rank or Profession of Father
218 Oct 11th, 1896 William Brind 24 Bachelor Signal fitter 30 Beavor Lane William Brind Oilman
Mary Ann Hall 25 Spinster ---- 30 Beavor Lane Henry Hall Dead
Married in the Parish Church of St Peter according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England after Banns by me G H Tidcombe, Vicar
This Marriage was
solemnized between us
William Brind
Mary Ann Hall
    In the
Presence of us
A Hall
M Hall

This is the church where John Brind and Sarah Catherine Hall married in 1868 (28 years earlier).

St Peter's Church Hammersmith
'The oldest church in Hammersmith and the only loveable one'
Nikolaus Pevsner