Regional Conference report 1984
My selection speech July 1985
Manifesto Conference July 6-7, 1985
Forest Branch minutes March 7, 1987
Forest branch minutes

MINUTES of a meeting of Forest Branch of Leyton Labour Party held at Leyton Baths on July 8, 1985.

1) Attendance: Paul Devaney, Clare Brind, Dave Barnes, Denise Liunberg, Mark Webber, Mat White, Ian Hughes, Mike Pettit, Stan Donnelly, Jonathan Brind, Imdad Hussain, Bella Donnelly, Colin Wess & Olaf Liunberg. Apology from Richard Body & for lateness from Olaf.

2) A speaker from Lambeth Council was present and the agenda changed to allow her to speak first as she had to go to a second meeting. She spoke of the plight of Labour councillors at Lambeth who face legal costs, surcharge, bankruptcy and being banned from elected office because they followed London Labour Party policy by trying to protect services, jobs and local democracy in defiance of the Government's rate capping.

2a) The following motion was agreed: "This branch donates £20 to the Lambeth Fighting fund. We also urge the CLP to donate £100 to the fund.

3) The minutes of the June meeting were read and agreed with the addition of the Iran motion passed last month and the fact that Jonathan Brind had attended the meeting.

3a) Matters arising. It was noted that the minutes had not been distributed prior to the meeting and the following motion was carried: "That there will be a minutes secretary." Jonathan Brind elected.

3b) Denise Liunberg reported that John Rae, Jack Manning and Geoff Blay for various reasons could not be short listed for election as prospective council candidates. She suggested the short list should consist of the three already on the list (Stevie Dunn, Denise Liunberg & Jonathan Brind) plus the three runners up Imdad Hussain, Eli Tapper & Sylbert Rudder. The selection meeting will be held on July 17 at 7.45 p.m. at 180 Essex Rd, E10 6BT, the Leabridge Road end of Essex Rd. Stan Donnelly (branch chair) said a notice had been prepared and would be sent round soon. Colin Wess said it was really bad that we have been forced to go off our regular, date. He said the Local Government Committee delegate should complain.

3c) Barbecue held at 247 Hainault Rd, Ell, raised £53 and £60 had been given to George Saville the constituency treasurer for the election fund.

3d) Buzz. Dave Barnes said he was not happy with the Buzz that had been produced. Specifically he complained about an item which said services should be maintained without increases in rates and rents, The following resolution was agreed: "That this clp recommends that all draft newsletters be referred to the agent to make sure that election expenses are not incurred prematurely and that policy statements are correct." with the amendment that after referred to the agent the words "and or constituency party chairman" be added.

4) Verrol Felix Liverpool of 160 Colchester Road, E10, an OAP member of NAFTHE was elected a member of the branch.

5) Secretary's report. Correspondence: Letter from Harry Cohen about the charter for jobs campaign which Harry argues may cut across and detract from Labour's campaign for Jobs and Industry. Janice Dale, Caz Halpin & Gordon Pugh are on trial for collecting for the miners. The secretary urged members to lobby Waltham Forest Magistrates Court on July 16 at 1.30 p.m., when they will be appearing. Several GLC glossy pamphlets had been received. Health emergency newspaper had been received. Alliance for Science, an ASTMS, AUT & IPCS publication, had been received. A letter originating from Peter Pitt about the Tory leader of Waltham Forest Council who is alleged to have blocked grant for an athletics centre, was circulated. Low pay what we can do leaflet received. Cann Hall sponsored walk form received. Invitation from SWP to debate received. Request from CLP secretary asking us to consider sending out leaflets in Urdu received.

5a) It was agreed to hold a collection for Janice Dale, Caz Halpin & Gordon Pugh.

5b) It was agreed we write to GC suggesting leaflets be produced in four languages and distributed via mosques and temples.

5c) The secretary reported that one of our EC members had failed to turn up to all EC meetings so far. It was agreed that the chair should visit the EC member and have a word.

6) Treasurer's report. The treasurer was unable to attend the meeting because his son was ill. The secretary reported that £172.,50 membership money had been paid to the treasurer of the constituency. The current balance including miners levies but minus the £20 given to Lambeth earlier, was £203.04.

7) GC report. The GC is now on adjourned, adjourned, adjourned business. That is business nearly five months old. In Harry Cohen's parliamentary report reference was made to the Fowler welfare cuts. Harry was questioned about the strength of the opposition to the moves. The motion to go to conference is opposing the Fowler cuts.

7) School governors. Barclay Bell Donnelly & Stevie Dunn elected, Pat Levy reserve. Gwyn Jones, Dawn Wilson elected. Denise Liunberg to contact Leytonstone to let them know of our nominee for Gwyn Jones. Secondary schools nominees for governors bodies as follows: Cat Allen, Leyton Girls; Bob Hitchings, Connaught; Evie Edworthy, Ruckholt; Dave Barnes, Lakehouse; Vi Gosling, Tom Hood,; Amarjit Devgun, Leyton Boys; Chris Dunn, Leyton Boys, Sean Sheehan, any school.

8) Following carried: "This clp reaffirms its policy that there should be a crèche available at all day time meetings. The responsibility for organising of such crèches to be taken by those organising the meeting not the individual parents." Also "This branch deplores the disenfranchisement of delegates to the conference on the manifesto due to lack of crèche facilities."

10) Also carried: "This branch deplores the lack of notice given of LGC manifesto conference and believes that this sort of problem could be overcome by the constituency secretary sending a circular to branches highlighting decisions to be taken by them next month."

11)A report on the manifesto conference held July 6/7 is attached. Meeting concluded at 10 p.m.

Minutes of a meeting of Forest Branch of Leyton Labour Party held at Leyton Baths on Monday, October 8, 1984 at 8 pm.

Attendance: Stan Donnelly, Mark Webber, Stevie Dunn, Chris Dunn, Colin Wess, Clare Brind, Jonathan Brind, Geoff Darvell, Penny Hevey, Sean Sheehan, Shafiq Mohammed, Munib Anwar, Jennie Thompson (visitor) and Alan Holden (CLP youth officer). Apologies for absence were received from Mike Pettit, Denise Liunberg, Olaf Liunberg, Francis Dowling, Paul Dowling, Dave Barnes, Mavis Darvell, and Bella Donnelly. Chair Chris Dunn.

Alan Holden (CLP youth officer) reported on the work of the youth section. He said the YS only had about a dozen members and argued that it would be healthier if more attended. All party members aged between 15 and 25 were entitled to go.

YS member Jennie Thompson told of the YS Chile solidarity campaign. She said Chile is under military dictatorship and had been for 11 years. ... There was 32% unemployment or more. Child prostitution, many aged under 10 had venereal disease, she said. Military rulers had tried but failed to crack down on unions and communist organisations. Some had been driven underground. Workers organisations needed funds to organised. Even though the leaders of the workers organisations had held back from calling a general strike she predicted something would break eventually. A collection was held for the Chile campaign.

3) Ideas for future speakers. African National Council, Anti Apartheid Movement, proportional representation, the Irish crisis and nationalised industries (an insiders viewpoint on the rundown caused by the Tories). These subjects were all suggested.

4) Buzz report. A Buzz had been produced and distributed. It had resulted in one person applying to join the party. It was agreed to produce a further Buzz after a meeting at 3 St Helier's Rd on October 22.

5) LGC report. It was reported that at the last LGC meeting very few Leyton representatives attended and as a result a pro Leyton Baths resolution was lost. Though the chairman took the very sensible attitude that this did not change present party policy (which is pro Leyton Baths) the feeling was expressed that Leyton members should be encouraged to attend LGC, GMC, EC and any other bodies they are delegated to. The chairman and secretary were asked to talk to all branch delegates about attendance.

6) GC report. GC had agreed to write to regional secretary about Forest Branch motion on militant. Branch agreed to re-submit the motion in the meantime. YS motion on the Miners support group had urged GC to give £50 for the admin expenses of this body. GC treasurer had reported that .GC had insufficient funds. It was therefore agreed that each branch pay £5. The reason this money had to be found was that the miners support committee did not feel it right to divert funds raised for the miners to admin.

Members of the branch opposed the idea of having a whip round to raise the £5 and it was agreed that a member of the branch would donate £5 this to be refunded when the branch had raised some money. It was agreed to discuss the financial question at the next branch meeting so that motions could be put on the agenda to give all members the chance to be present at a meeting which might commit them to paying a levy.

7) Reported that the GC was seeking nominations for the post of constituency press officer. Agreed to put this on the next agenda.

March 7, 1987
Motions: Jo Brind proposed that: "This party urges the council's Labour Group to introduce a programme of customer care training for all front line staff."

& Denise Liunberg proposed a motion for GMC, LGC & Group: " This branch deplores the group decision to close the main pool at Leyton Baths from 1988. This effectively means that there will be no appropriate swimming facility in Leyton for three years. This branch demands that group reverts to LGC policy which is to maintain a full sized pool facility at this site." This was also agreed.
At this point and in conclusion the secretary must apologise for the fact that owing to both the loss of the resolutions and his own procrastination these have yet to reach GMC but they will do so in May.

Meeting concluded at 10p.m..
See Bill Rose