Jonathan Brind
July, 2000
In the hills many of the signs were riddled with bullet holes. We don't know why. It just seemed to be the custom.
The roads themselves were scary. In the towns Katy would frequently yell at me "drive on the right". On the treacherous mountain roads, she just moaned and looked faint. These roads are often falling to pieces. Sometimes they have crash barriers or walls to prevent cars from falling down the mountain sides. Sometimes there were gaps in the barriers. Sometimes they were no barriers at all, just roads crumbling into precipices. is a web site run by Roger Ellman, an old friend of Katy.

Have a look at's entry on  Driving in Crete
We took a coach trip to Samaria, the national park, and then a boat across to the start to the walk across the gorge. This was the view from the boat as we left.

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