INDEX Saturday September 11, 2021
Spooky: the spook who looked like one
So Ken McCullum, that rarest of things, a spook who actually looks like a spook, says MI5 has prevented 31 late stage plots in the UK. Has it? I didn't notice the prosecutions?

If as I suspect there were no prosecutions, what legal means did McCullum use to prevent these incidents?

The truth is, of course, that MI5 is hopeless at preventing terrorism, because it doesn't have a clue how to do it (despite the billions of pounds it wastes). Witness the case of Khuram Butt, the London Bridge attacker; Salman Abedi, the Manchester Arena bomber; Ahmed Hassan, the Parsons Green tube bomber; and Usman Khan, the London Bridge knife terrorist. Butt appeared on a tv documentary about jihadis, for God's sake, and Khan was wearing a GPS tag when he committed his atrocity.

It is impossible to say anything about McCullum, the spook, without boiling over in rage. Except I am currently watching the film The Lives of Others, about the Stasi.

How similar they were to our own pathetic, billions wasting, security services. They too had their absurd psuedo science (they could tell if you were guilty if you cried after continuous questioning for a couple of days). Our security services have their own psychological profiling and psy-ops, with just about as much scientific validation as the Stasi had.

Like the Stasi, the security services here believe they can probe into every keyhole and listen into every conversation, with impunity.

They are a menace and need to be brought to heel.

If you don't believe me listen to Australian whistleblower general David McBride who says American secret services only ever get it right by accident.

Posted by Jonathan Brind.
Saturday September 11, 2021 INDEX