INDEX Monday, November 15, 2021
MI5 is better at boasting than finding terrorists
Another day, another terrorist incident: and yes we don't need an investigation to tell us that a bomb blowing up in the back of a taxi was about terrorism!

Yet not even three months ago Ken McCullum, MI5's highly paid director general, boasted that the spooks had prevented 31 'late stage plots'.

See Yahoo News for report of Inquest on terrorist
The trouble with this claim is that in the world of smoke and mirrors there is no evidence to back it up. MI5 does not even provide evidence to prosecute terrorists because to do so would reveal its methods to other terrorists.

It has other more subtle weapons in its armoury which might be defined as cruel and unusual punishment, the international definition of torture. MI5 marks its own homework and then acts as judge and jury. The so called terrorism suspects have no appeal against the 'sentence' and are never told what they did wrong.

Yet when it comes to a real terrorist incident MI5 has to be called in, according to news reports this morning. They didn't even know something was going on!

This may be because MI5 has more expertise in the Eton Wall Game than it does in the activity of the working class (who make up the entire cohort of terrorists).

MI5 may have been fit for purpose when it was combating mostly gentlemen spies (yes, spooks are not equal opportunity) from the Soviet Union. Today it is nothing more than a huge waste of money: your money.
The following is from the Yahoo News inquest report:

The Liverpool terror attacker died from the blast from his improvised explosive device after calling his brother to warn he might do "something bad", a coroner has said.

Emad al Swealmeen died in a taxi outside Liverpool Women's Hospital when the device detonated on Remembrance Sunday on 14 November.

He made it with "murderous intent" and could have killed "many, many innocent people" - but it is unclear whether he intended for the device to go off when it did, said senior coroner Andre Rebello.

Ball bearings from the explosion blew out the taxi windscreen with such force it travelled 16 metres and hit a tree, the inquest heard.

Recording a narrative conclusion, the coroner said: "(Al Swealmeen) died from an explosion and subsequent fire caused by an improvised explosive device which he had carried into the taxi.

"It is found he manufactured the improvised explosive device, designed to project shrapnel, with murderous intent."

The inquest also heard that al Swealmeen, 32, had called his brother in America two days before the blast and suggested he might do "something bad".

Mr Rebello told the inquest: "He says towards the end of call Emad said something like 'if I do something bad that will affect the family what do you think?'

"He replied something like 'don't do s***', advising him as an older brother, although this was something which caused him concern, knowing his previous issues."

No one else died in the blast - which happened moments after the taxi pulled up - and the driver David Perry had a miraculous escape and managed to run from the car.

The inquest heard he had picked up al Swealmeen from his Rutland Avenue flat, with the attacker pushing himself up against the window and the door.
MY ADDITION:Clearly if GCHQ's Tempora system, designed to extract all phone and internet traffic, had been tracking terrorists instead of trade unionists and political activists, al Swealmeen would have been stopped long before he got into the taxi.
Monday, November 15, 2021 Jonathan Brind