INDEX June 21, 2022
MI5's F desk

Annie Machon seems to have met David Shayler when they both worked on MI5's F desk. F2 was apparently MI5's counter-subversion department.

Machon said she and Shayler were "trying to track down old communists, Trotskyists, and fascists, which to us seemed like a waste of time".

During the 1992 general election, she and Shayler provided summaries of the files of "anybody who stood for parliament". They were both "horrified by the scale of the investigations" and argued MI5 should not be doing this.

Machon is currently (June 2022) trying to promote a book (Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers) about MI5 and hacktivism, which she defines as good hacking or counter hacking.
INDEX Posted by Jonathan Brind. June 21, 2022