Walthamstow Marshes: Insects
This insect checklist is by no means complete, but it will give both the casual observer and the dedicated naturalist a starting point on Walthamstow Marshes in Entomology.
 Ants harvesting some kind of black bug. (4/June/2012)
I. Hemiptera: The True Bugs. |
Land bug | Chrosoma schillingi |
Marsh damsel bug | Nabicula limbata (Dolichonabis limbatus) |
Spurge bug | Dicranocephalus medius |
Leaf bug | Amblytylus nasutus |
Leaf bug | Psallus varians |
Leaf bug | Halticus apterus |
Back swimmer | Notonecta glauca |
Common pond skater | Gerris lacustris |
Water scorpion | Nepa cinerea |
Plant hopper | Philaenus spumarius |
Plant hopper | Macropsis scutellata |
Plant hopper | Thamnotettis confinis |
Parent bug | Elasmucha grisea |
Pied shield bug | Sehirus bicolor |
II. Odonata: Dragonflies and Damselflies. |
Emperor dragonfly | Anax imperator |
Brown hawker | Aeshna grandis |
Common blue damselfly | Enallagma cyathigerum |
Blue-tailed damselfly | Ischnura elegans |
Azure damselfly | Coenagrion puella |

III. Coleoptera: Beetles. |
Two-spot ladybird | Adalia bipunctata |
Seven-spot ladybird | Coccinella septempunctata |
22-spot ladybird
  | Theu vigintiduopunctata |
Soldier beetle

| Rhagonycha fulva |
Mealworm beetle | Tenebrio molitor |
Mealworm beetle | Oeddemera nobilis |
Mealworm beetle | Gnaptor spininanus * |
Whirlygig beetle | Gyrinus natator |
Diving beetle | Dytiscus marginalis |
Weevil | Otiorhynchus clavipes |
Tortoise beetle | Cassida virdis |
Common cockchafer | Melolontha melolontha |
Garden chafer | Phyllopertha horticola |
Devils coachhorse | Ocypus olens |
Devils coachhorse | Byrrhus pilula |
Flea beetle | Phyllotreta nemorum |
IV. Oprthoptera: Grasshoppers, Crickets and Cockroaches. |
Common cockroach | Blatta orientalis |
Roesel's bush-cricket | Metrioptera roeseli |
Meadow grasshopper | Chorthippus parallelus |
Mottled grasshopper | Myrmeleotettix maculatus |
V. Dermaptera: Earwigs. |
Forficula auricularia |
Forficula lesnei |
VI. Ephemeroptera: Mayflies. |
Caenis macura |
Ephemerella ignita |
Leptophlebia vespertina |
VII. Diptera: True Flies. |
Crane-fly | Tipula maxima |
Crane-fly | Chironomus annularis |
Crane-fly | Chironomus tentans * |
Mosquito |
 | Culex pipiens |
Horse-fly | Tabanus bromius |
Hover-fly | Syrphus ribesii |
Hover-fly | Volucella inanis |
Hover-fly | Volucella zonaria |
Hover-fly | Sericomyia borealis |
Hover-fly | Baccha elongata |
Metallic fly | Sciapus platypterus |
Blow-fly | Calliphora vomitoria |
Blow-fly | Protocalliphora azurea |
VIII. Neuroptera:Lacewings,Alderflies and Snake Flies. |
Lacewing | Chrysopa septempunctata |
Giant lacewing | Chrysopa flava * |
Alderfly | Raphidia notata |
IX. Trichoptera: Caddis Flies. |
Philopotamus montanus |
Limnephilus lunatus |
Hydropsyche ornatula |
Hydroptila sparsa |
Molanna angustata |
X. Hymenoptera: Bees, Wasps, Ants. |
Common Wasp | Vespula vulgaris |
Tree Wasp | Dolichovespula sylvestris |
German Wasp | Vespula germanica |
Cuckoo Wasp | Vespula austriaca |
Digger Wasp | Pemphredon lugubris |
Hornet | Vespa crabro |
Honey Bee | Apis mellifera |
Buff-tailed Bumble Bee | Bombus terrestris |
Bumble Bee | Bombus pascuorum (agrorum) |
Bumble Bee | Bombus lucorum |
Cuckoo Bee | Psithyrus rupestris |
Cuckoo Bee | Psithyrus vestalis |
Ichneumon Fly | Netelea testacea * |
Ichneumon Fly | Rhyssa persuasoria |
Ant | Formica rufa |