LBWF planning context |
Page 1. 9 2. PLANNING CONTEXT Introduction Planning policy is an important
element to the background of the study as any proposals ...
To see original click this link http://www.walthamforest.gov.uk/leabridge-pf-ch02.pdf | ![]() |
Planning policy is an important element to
the background of the study as any proposals
should link as strongly as possible to existing
and emerging policy.
The intention is for the Lea Bridge Planning
Framework to form part of the Northern
Olympic Fringe Area Action Plan. This will
allow future changes in policy as appropriate
to bring about the vision for the area.
National Planning Policy Planning Policy Statements and Planning Policy Guidance Notes Planning Policy Statements (PPS) and Planning Policy Guidance Notes (PPG) outline statutory requirements on key planning issues. The following PPS and PPG documents are important considerations for the Lea Bridge study area: PPS1: Delivering Sustainable ** Development sets out the Government's vision for new development and regeneration, and promotes high quality design, accessibility, and local distinctiveness. The PPS1 supplement strengthens this vision and the importance of sustainable development in the context of climate change. |
PPS3: Housing encourages the provision
** of new residential development on previously developed land, the delivery of affordable homes, infrastructure and sustainability, and the reduction of car dependency by encouraging new development to take place in accessible locations. |
PPG4: Industrial, Commercial
** Development and Small Businesses encourage a continuation of economic development in a way that is compatible with environmental sustainability. |
PPS9: Biodiversity and Geological
** Conservation promotes a number of principles to ensure that the potential impacts of planning decisions on biodiversity and geological conservation are fully considered. |
PPG13: Transport promotes the
** increased use of sustainable transport modes, which includes walking, cycling and public transport. |
PPG15: Planning and the Historic
** Environment sets out the Government policies for the identification and protection of historic buildings and conservation areas. |
PPS17: Planning for Open Spaces, Sports
** and Recreation provides guidance on supporting urban renaissance, social inclusion, health and well-being and sustainable development. |
PPS25: Development and flood Risk
** promotes the preparation of flood Risk Assessments for individual sites, outlines the criteria for the sequential test, and supports Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems and other design-led approaches to mitigating against risks of flooding. Principles of Sustainable Development The shared principles of sustainable development set out in the UK's Sustainable Development Strategy revolve around the following five key objectives for all new policy, to ensure that it is sustainable: Living within environmental limits ** Ensuring a strong, healthy and just society ** Achieving a sustainable economy ** Using sound science responsibly ** Promoting good governance **Regional Planning Policy The London Plan (2008) The regional planning context is contained within the London Plan (Mayor of London, 2008). The London Plan sets out an integrated social, economic and environmental framework for the future development of London over the next 15-20 years. The London Plan recognises the pressure of increases in population, problems of unemployment, and social exclusion. Policies promoting social inclusion and good design are central to the objectives of the plan. The Plan also highlights the strategic importance of the Blue Ribbon Network. Sub-Regional Development Framework The study area is covered by two sub-regions - the North London Sub-Region and the North East London Sub-Region. Each of these sub-regions has a set of strategic priorities, and a plan identifying Opportunity Areas and Areas for Intensification. Both the North London Sub-Region and the North East Sub-Region identify the opportunities of the Olympic Games, particularly in terms of sustainable development and benefits to local communities. Both plans also recognise the importance of the Lea Valley area, and encourage improvements to public access to the parkland. 10 Locations (PIL's), which are sites suitable for firms that have less demanding environmental requirements. Hackney Wick, Lea Bridge Gateway and Blackhorse Lane were all identified as PIL's. The strategic sites are indicated on figure 2.2. Lower Lea Valley Opportunity Area Planning Framework The Lower Lea Valley Opportunity Area Planning Framework was agreed by the Mayor of London in 2007, and sets out the strategic vision for the Lower Lea Valley. It identifies the potential for the valley to accommodate up to 40,000 new homes, and to create 50,000 new jobs. The LLV OAPF also requires that the Green Grid principles should be adopted, with one of the objectives being to link elements to a wider network of connections between the urban, suburban, and rural areas and waterways. |
Upper Lea Landscape Strategy
The Upper Lea Landscape Strategy is currently being produced by Witherford Watson Mann Architects and Jonathan Cook Landscape Architects. The strategy raises four key issues in the Upper Lea Valley: the current lack of legibility of the ** network of routes and the landscape structure; the need for careful planning of the ** spatial and social relations between the diverse activities; the importance of raising awareness ** about the many existing assets within the valley; and the current absence of a strategic ** approach to the landscape and long term planting. Of particular relevance to this study is the strategy for the Walthamstow Wetlands area, which is located to the north of Lea Bridge East London Green Grid Framework The East London Green Grid Framework (ELGGF) is an adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance Document. It is non-statutory but has material planning weight. The ELGGF has several objectives, including the provision of an integrated open space network, creating high quality and multi-functional spaces which maximise opportunities for biodiversity, and ensuring that development targets are balanced by the need for environmental quality. It also highlights how communities can benefit from environmental improvements, enhancing land values and changing the perception of East London as an area of decline. The ELGGF also identifies sub-area groups within the Green Grid, one of which is the Lea Valley. The key objectives are: Create a continuous and accessible spine ** of open space; Protect the biodiversity of the area and ** improve the value and connectivity of habitats; Improve existing open spaces by ** supporting positive uses and amenities, creating strong and accessible edges, and improve the links; and Provide 240ha - 250ha open space to ** complete the north/south recreational route. Industrial Capacity - SPG to the London Plan (March 2008) The Industrial Capacity Supplementary Planning Guidance document provides guidance to ensure that there is an adequate provision of industrial floorspace across London. It seeks to manage the release of surplus industrial land to provide more housing. The document identifies Strategic Industrial Locations (SIL's), Locally Significant Industrial Sites (LSIS), and Preferred Industrial Road, and extends up as far as Blackhorse Road and Tottenham Hale. It is envisaged that this area will become a nature reserve of regional scale, and achieved through: expansion of wetlands habitat ringing ** reservoirs; an expanded and improved public ** network of paths and bridges; a system of controlled access to sensitive ** sites; and public space crossings and public ** transport gateways integrated into the design. The strategy for Walthamstow Marshes proposes a foot and cycle path along the flood relief channel. There are also two areas which have site-specific proposals; namely: Spring Hill - Coppermill Lane Proposals include clearing excess vegetation, adding a new section of path along the Coppermill Stream by West Warwick Reservoir, moving the fence to the reservoir side of the Coppermill Stream, and deepening of the Cattle Creep, the five foot high passage under the railway line. The proposals also include the provision of a secondary visitor entrance to Walthamstow Reservoirs from Coppermill Lane. Lea Bridge Road The strategy proposes Lea Bridge Road to become a key public space gateway. Existing leisure facilities are enhanced with a new youth hostel. Clearing works would create direct and open connections to the large landscape spaces beyond. Black (or Porters) Path, an ancient pathway leading from Epping Forest to Smithfield, would be reinstated, with linear tree planting running along these new routes rather than along Lea Bridge Road. Additional small scale bridges along Lea Bridge Road would also give scope to create a generous separation between foot and cycleways and the highway. |
NOTE Architect Chris Watson gave a presentation on a similar, and clearly related, strategy to the Users Forum on February 24 |
Hackney Marshes - protected open space River Lea watercourse Dense surrounding residential areas 11 Lee Valley Regional Park Authority Plan (2000) and PDF The Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA) Park Plan (2000) sets out a series of general proposals for the enhancement of the study area, which include landscape conservation, enhancement and investment. The LVRPA considers Lea Bridge as an important leisure destination within the park, which contributes both to local and regional leisure needs. The Park Plan will be replaced in 2009 by the Park Development Framework (PDF). This provides a framework for investment in new proposals to support the Regional Park over the next ten years. Following consultation into a series of scenarios a preferred framework will be developed. This will be the subject of regular reviews to reflect the policies of the riparian boroughs and other key stakeholders. figure 2.1: East London Green Grid - Lea Valley sub-area strategy |
To understand the following key you will need to download the original document since it is a key to a map. At the bottom of the map it says in very small letters: Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Greater London Authority LA 100032379 (2008). http://www.walthamforest.gov.uk/leabridge-pf-ch02.pdf |
Planning Designations
Strategic Industrial Location
- safeguarded land for industrial uses only Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) - protected from inappropriate development Employment Land - protected for employment being the most significant use Lea Valley Regeneration Corridor - area for focus for investment Lea Bridge Conservation Area - new development must protect or enhance the Conservation Area Estate Improvements - housing areas due for area improvement schemes Additional employment land - opportunities for new employment development Waterfront location - opportunities for high quality development Tall Building Opportunity Area - locations where a tall building may be considered acceptable Estate Improvements SIL METROPOLITAN OPEN LAND Conservation Area Tall Building Opportunity Area HACKNEY WALTHAM FOREST |
Figure 2.2: Local planning designations 13 Borough Planning Policy LB Waltham Forest The Lea Bridge Planning Framework, with the Northern Olympic Fringe Masterplan, will together form the basis of an Area Action Plan (AAP) for Waltham Forest as noted earlier. The Northern Olympic Fringe Masterplan will identify how the opportunities afforded by the Olympic Games can be used to regenerate and support communities who live and work surrounding the Olympic Park. Unitary Development Plan (2006) Employment Land Argall Industrial Estate and the Rigg Approach Estate are both identified as Strategic Employment Areas (SEA's), and Policy IMB1 of the UDP supporting B1, B2 and B8 uses in these areas. Any offices, nurseries and catering facilities may be acceptable in these areas, providing that they are ancillary to existing or proposed uses. The loss of employment land is firmly resisted - the change of land use is not considered acceptable unless there are strong environmental, traffic or other reasons. Lea Valley Regeneration Corridor Most of the Lea Bridge study area is situated within the Lea Valley Regeneration Corridor. Policy IMB6 supports proposals which contribute to the areas that require investment. The UDP seeks to optimise the use of land for employment, unless otherwise stated. Policy INB1 encourages the modernisation and improvement of existing employment areas, with particular regard to Blackhorse Lane and Lea Bridge Gateway. Metropolitan Open Land The Lea Valley is designated as Metropolitan Open Land. The UDP seeks to protect this area from development that would result in a loss of open space unless open space of equivalent or better value in terms of quantity, quality, amenity, accessibility or value to biodiversity is provided elsewhere within the borough (ENV1). Lea Valley Regional Park Policy ENV13 supports the LVRPA, subject to compliance of the plan. In particular, it supports proposals that create a sustainable and valued regional green lung; create an area of enhanced and protected natural bio-diversity; achieve the full utilisation of the regional park's land and water assets for specialist leisure and recreation facilities; and create accessible visitor attractions. LB Hackney The London Borough of Hackney will use this report as a baseline evidence study, intended to help inform future policies, strategies or projects in the area. It is not a planning policy or other policy document, and it will not be endorsed by Hackney's Cabinet. However, it will be used to inform upcoming masterplanning work, such as the 'Millfields Masterplan' and the 'Hackney Marshes Masterplan', both being undertaken by Hackney's Parks Department and 2012 Unit. The baseline information and access proposals may be used by the Neighbourhoods and Regeneration Directorate to inform future policy and project work in the area. Core Strategy Employment Land The Core Strategy identifies that a diverse mix of uses is generally promoted (Preferred Policy Option 1). However, PP09 states that employment is to remain the most significant use in the designated employment areas. PPO24 establishes a hierarchy of employment areas on the Proposals Map. Strategic Industrial Locations and Locally Significant Employment Sites are preferred locations for industrial, manufacturing and warehousing. Protection of Open Spaces and the Natural Environment PPO33 states that open spaces and the natural environment (including MOL) should be protected and enhanced to improve capacity and accessibility. This will be achieved through no loss of space in the MOL and designated Green Spaces. There is an opportunity to create a high quality development that takes advantage of the waterfront location. Quality of the Built Environment PPO13 states that all buildings should seek to transform Hackney's built environment and create a sense of place and local distinctiveness. Tall buildings may be appropriate in the Tall Building Opportunity Area. Transport Improvements PO43 states that new development should improve transport linkages to the North London viaduct, River Lea and A12 trunk road, and by taking advantage of the waterways, creating links with the river, and promoting high quality waterfront development. Hackney Saved UDP Policies The framework of saved policies for Hackney includes a number of policies to protect the MOL and open spaces (EQ21, OS3) and highlights the need for development adjacent to open spaces to respect the character, avoid the loss of amenity, and improve public access/ routes through the space (OS5 and OS9). 14 |