Lea Marshes
Filter Beds and Walthamstow Marshes User Forum

Draft Agenda

Date: Wednesday 24th February 2010

Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Venue: Waterworks Centre, Lammas Road
1. Apologies (6.30pm-6.35pm)
2. Minutes and Actions from last meeting (6.30-6.35)
3. Environment
** Landscape Strategy - update
** Middlesex Filter Beds update
** Wind Turbines
4. Community
** Social Inclusion Project
** Hackney BAP
5. Maintenance
** Any issues
6. Other People
** Conflict with dog walkers.
7. Access
** Horse Riding Routes/Times
** High Bridge
** Kings Head Bridge ramp
8. Use
** Events
9. You
** Eg Safety concerns
10. Design and Appearance
** Thames Water works
** Habitat Management - New Ponds
** Entry to Higher Level Stewardship
11. A.O.B. (8.20-8.30)
12. Dates of Next Meetings (8.30)