Network Rail on the Triangle    
Claire Weiss posted the following on Facebook: "I have received the following response obtained from Network Rail by Stella Creasey MP via Cllr Masood Ahmad. I am not impressed with Network Rail. Comments made include: disdain that Network Rail seem to be more concerned with the graffitti on their notices than on the substantive issues; doubt about alleged 'illegal activities' (where is the evidence) and outrage that the whole Triangle has been closed off when all that is needed is to safeguard the actual railway lines. I am mindful that there is no mention at all of the supposed/proposed Cross Rail tunnel portal . The response follows, what do others think?
From: Hussain Fadaia
Date: 28 August 2014 12:51:27 BST
To: stella creasy , "cllr.masood.ahmad@walthamforest.gov.uk" , "cllr.yemi.osho@walthamforest.gov.uk"
Cc: Briggs Hannah , Belcher Adrian
Dear Stella
Land Access Closure - Walthamstow Marshes
Thank you for your email below in respect of the above.
Our route crime team took the decision to lock the gates a couple of weeks ago on the ground of trespassers who have been trespassing on the land around the marshes. Unfortunately we have suffered numerous incidents caused by trespassers which had direct implications on the safe running of the lines. Additionally our mobile operations managers have attended the sites on several occasions and found trespassers, illegal camping, dwelling on the land and also some illegal activities around the land. Land Sheriffs (our security contractors) attended this site as well on frequent occasions, and found the risk of cable theft and illegal activities being too high and recommended we close the gates.
As such we would not be comfortable unlocking the gates at this stage. I understand this can be a frustration for some of your constituents, however safety is our number one priority as such the decision was made to lock the gates and restrict access to our land.
Whilst conducting a fence line walk at this location, we noticed that our newly erected signs on the triangle access had been vandalised. The vandalism consists of graffiti on all signs, all of which being in black permanent marker and one sign had been ripped down (please see below photographs). These have now been replaced by our land sheriff team (final photograph).
I hope you find the above information useful.
Kind Regards
Fed Hussain
Community Relations Executive
Network Rail - We own and operate Britain's rail infrastructure
Network Rail - we own and operate Britain's rail infrastructure. Helping Britain Run Better.
NOTE: There are a number of difficulties with this email. Firstly if there was a problem why not come to the local community and seek a solution? Just closing the area hardly solves any of the problems? It remain quite literally child's play to get onto the railways, should you wish to do so. Closure of the Triangle has not, and could not, improve security since there are other places where entrance to the railways can be achieved. The problems alluded to, but not spelt out, by Network Rail, are rough sleepers and cruising by gay men. The people involved in these two activities had no reason to want to steal cable (many of the gay men are quite well paid and the homeless person was too easy to track down should s/he embark on cable theft). To achieve safe running of the railways Network Rail needs to have the co-operation of the local community since only local people can be the eyes and ears who will report incursions onto the railways and loopholes in its security. Finally, Network Rail should be aware that its claim to own the Triangle is highly doubtful, at best, and it should admit the uncertainty of its position rather than try to bluff its way into uncontested ownership of the Triangle.
Lea Marshes