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Henry Brind, late of Hannington, probate 1767.

Midthep{?} by Divine providence Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of all England and Metropolitan To all and singular clerks and literate persons whomsoever and wheresoever in and throughout our whole Province of Canterbury greeting Whereas the Right Honourable Sir George Lee Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of our prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted rightly and duly proceeding in a certain cause or business of bringing into and leaving in the Registry of our said prerogative Court of Canterbury the Probate of the last will and Testament of Henry Brind late of Hannington in the County of Wilts Widower deceased and of showing cause why the same should be be revoked and declared null and void to all Intents and Purposes in law whatsoever as having been granted by a judge altogether incompetent and of proving the said will by good and sufficient witness in due form of law otherwise of showing good and sufficient cause why the said will should not be declared to be of no effect in law whatsoever and why the said deceased should not be pronounced to have died Intestate and who of Exhibiting and leaving in the Registry of our said Court a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased upon oath promoted before him in judgement by Mary Franklin wife of John Franklin the natural and lawful mother and next of kin and administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased against Thomas Carter the elder one of the executors named in the said will hath at the petition of the proctor of the said Thomas Carter the elder interposed his interlocutory order or decree for the transmitting and leaving in the Registry of our said court the original last will and testament of the said deceased in manner and form hereinafter mentioned (Justice so requiring) We therefore hereby empower and strictly enjoin and command you jointly and severally to Monish or cause to be Monished peremptorily the Reverend Henry Stebbing Doctor in Divinity archdeacon of the archdeaconry of Wilts his official and his Register or......... special and all others in General in whose custody power or possession the said original will is ..... now remain (whom virtue of these present so admonish) that they or one of them do on or before the third session of this present Trinity Term to wit Thursday the twenty third day of this Instant June between the hours of nine and twelve in the forenoon transmit or cause to be transmitted unto our said Commissary his surrogate or some other competent judge in this Behalf in the Common Hall of Doctors Commons situate in the Parish of Saint Benedict near Paul's Wharf London and in the usual place of indicature where the said original last will and testament of the said Henry Brind deceased under pain of the law and contempt thereof and whatsoever you shall do in the premises you shall duly.... our commissary aforesaid his surrogate or some other competent judge in this ....together with these presents dated at London the eighth day of June 1767 and in the first year of our .....

W{illia}m Legard Pet: St Elolf Hen. Herens Deputy Registers