Charles = ????
Eliza Esther
=1844 Joshua Ladbrook Cook
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1844 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Saint Luke in the County of Middlesex
No When Married Name and surname Age Condition Rank or Profssion Residence at the time of Marriage Father's name and surname Rank or Profession of Father
485 April 27th Joshua Ladbrook Cook Full Bachelor Japanner Seward Street Edward Cook Milkman
Eliza Esther Brind Full Spinster   Seward Street Charles Brind Distiller
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church by Banns by me Barry Hangar sen, a curate????
This Marriage was
solemnized between us
Joshua Ladbrook Cook
Eliza Esther Brind
    In the
Presence of us
Edward Cook
Clementina Camp