John Greenwood | = 1970, South Africa | Margaret Iris Evelyn Brind | b. 1943 Bowden, Cheshire, grew up in Manchester and emigrated to South Africa in 1968 | b. Mar 22, 1948, South Africa |
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Tracy Joy | Warren Scott |
b. 1971 | b. 1974 |
Return to index |
![]() See larger version of this photo and the original names on the back of the photo. See also second photo showing younger children (but without names). |
Did you see the school photo on the Aldbourne site???? I think that at
least 11 of those children are the grandchildren of William Brind and
Mary Mudge.... and one of the little boys in the front is Alfred, our
shepherd... and next to him is Colin (Herbert Colin) who died in WW1..... Margaret Greenwood |
A photograph of pupils at a school in Aldbourne
(approx 1890) has just come into my possession. The back is inscribed with the name of the little scholars:-
Maria Bray Will. Bray Charlie Hathrill Charlie Martin Albert Penny Willm. Walker Fred Culley Flo. Pett Edie Osbourne Miss. Tipper Lizzie Walker Kate Mudge Jenny ? Liddiard Lily Hathrill Ada Bazey? Kate Barnes Flory Martin Kate Brind Nelly Brind Edie Deacon Nancy Brind Rose Walker Maggie Brind Clara Humphries ? Nellie Miller Charlie Westall Henry Cullie ? Joyce Walker Alf Brind Colin ? Brind Emma Brind Lizzie Williams Jim Hathrill Tom Westall Mark Brind Arthur Barrett. Now this transcription may not be accurate, as obviously this is very old, but I have done my best. My interest is in the Walkers all of which I can trace but there may be someone who finds this photo - or the names - of interest. Copied from the Aldbourne communal web site by Margaret Greenwood, before February 2006. See debate about which Kate Brind this was. |
Aldbourne picture postcard village |
Words of comfort
This is from the chaplain of the deceased soldier's brigade + the other is from the Lieutenant of the platoon which the Rifleman H Brind belonged. They read as follows. Dear Mrs Brind
Dear Mr Brind It is with the greatest regret that I write to tell you of the death of your husband. He was killed in action when our Battalion attacked the trenches just north of Neuve Chapelle. Your husband was killed by a shell and death was immediate so he can have suffered no pain-- perhaps even not have known that he was struck. We shall miss him here. He was always cheery and always ready to do his job. I am sure you will miss him at home. Please accept my warmest sympathy and that of his comrades here. I am his Platoon Officer. Believe me yours truly, |
CHARLES ROBERT CRIGHTON MALTBY, Lieutenant, 12th Bn., Rifle Brigade, died Sunday 27 August 1916 aged 26.
Neuve Chapelle, situated north of La Bassee and west of Lille in north-west France,. The map is relevant to the battle that occurred six months before Herbert's death.
Post Office Rifles, the official account. | Oldest cavalryman dies in 2005 |
Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves | Fighting Brinds |
Subject: School Photo and CD Date: 3 November 2006 13:28:16 GMT Hi Jon.... Received the CD.... Thank you very much.... Have been scouting around to see what has changed...... I see that you have linked the Kate below to the Kate in the Aldbourn School photo..... I'm afraid I do not agree with you as this family do not appear to have lived in Aldbourne.... besides I think she was too old at the time I figure the photo was taken..... I have attached something I put together at the time I was trying to figure out the photo...(it is from this Tree program that I use and no known decendants only means that I (me) have not found any at this point in time).... I originally counted all the Walkers into one family but I now think that 2 of them are probably cousins of the Brind/Walkers.... The three families are children of William Brind and Mary Mudge (as you can see)..... The oldest child of the family group is Emma b. 2.7.1882.. the youngest is Alf b 18.2.1889.... I would therefore guess that the photo was taken in the 1893/4 school year...if you start when you turn 4... If it is when you turn 5 then the photo was taken in 1894/95 school year... (I am not sure exactly how old one must be to start school in England, but I know we start much later here in SA)...... The next youngest in the family group, Sarah Louise WALKER b. 29.7.1899.... is not in the picture.... I think you can safely say that she was still too young and will start the following year.... so I would say that this info puts an almost exact year to the photo..... Emma the eldest (family group) would have been 11yrs old in 93/94 year...and 12 in 94/95 year....... The girls Kate, and Nellie look like one another and Miss Tipper and the two of them helped me discover that the names were recorded in the order that the pupils were standing (girls and boys fell into the correct places)..... Also the two little boys in the front also helped fit the names... I would like to have the 1891 census for the families to see how the names were recorded as some 2nd names appear to have been used at school... I am not actively working on this branch though, as it is not my direct line but a side branch that I just happened to get from another tree that I trawled from the Internet.... (I save all the brinds as I find them as you never know when they will link up!!!!!) Frederick Charles.. brother of Herbert Colin, went to Canada.. (tree on your CD as well).... Henry Brind (son of William and Mary ) who married Sarah Grossman is the brother of these 3 siblings..... I have seen a tree on your CD for him.... with all this info you can get quite a big link going... My attached pages should be read together, one under the other (col 1 on pg 1 ...continues in col 1 on pg 2 etc)... If you disagree with any of the info, I'll appreciate your comments.... (I tried to save in a RTF and the columns disappeared so I copied and pasted into "Paint"..... If you cannot open the "Works" word processor program, you can at least look at the picture... PLEASE LET ME KNOW THE YEAR THAT CHILDREN WOULD HAVE STARTED SCHOOL IN 1890s..????.. margaret |
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Subject: Re: School Photo and CD Date: 4 November 2006 14:02:24 GMT I think you are right about me getting the wrong Kate. You paint a very convincing picture. I'd guess the photo was taken in June/July 1893 and some of the standing children at the back are 11, hence were born about 1881/1882. Village schools catered for all age groups (I believe) so some of the pupils would have been about 4 while others 11/12. If you look at the 1891 census you won't find many children of 14 down as scholars. Most were working then. Village schools taught the three Rs: reading, writing (I KNOW) and rhetoric (often mistakenly believed to be Arithmetic). In some ways the discipline could be severe (caning, don't speak until spoken to etc.) in others the schools were run quite informally. For example my grandmother told me the school she went to about this time had special holidays for the times of the year when children were needed to work in the fields (gleaning etc.). I think the Kate I originally linked it to would not have gone from Beedon (about ten miles away from memory) to Aldbourne. It was simply too far and also across county boundaries. It wouldn't have happened. This is a list of Brinds born in Aldbourne 1880-1889 from the web site (source for the censuses). Sarah Kate's birth was registered in the last quarter of 1880. If she is the Kate she seems too old. If she isn't then I don't know who could be.
Jonathan PS I will think about this some more.. By the way don't worry about correcting me. I know I make mistakes and welcome corrections. |