I Robert Brind of the market place newbury in the county of Berks grocer and chandler herby revoking all will codicils or other testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made do declare this to be my last will and testament ???? my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses to be in the first place paid and satisfied by any executors and executrix hereinafter named from and out of my personal estate ???? devise and bequeath unto my friend s John Harbert of ???? in the said County of Berks farmer William Fisher of ???? in the same county ????. farmer in the said .. ???? Hampstead in the county of ???? All that my freehold???? shop and premises situate in the marketplace of ???? Newbury no in my possession Together with all my stock in trade goods household furniture plate linen china money and securities for money (except such money as ready money which may be in the house of my decease which I give to my dear wife Jane to hold to hand the said John Harbert William Fisher and Isaac Mullis their heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the ???? upon and for the trusts following that is today upon trust to permit and suffer my dear wife to use ????. possess and enjoy all and every the said messuage dwelling house and premises and all the household furniture goods and stock in ????. to carry on my said business or otherwise as she may think fit for and during the term of her natural life if she shall so long continue my widow and I direct my said wife from and out of the same to maintain and educate as far the same will permit each of my children by her my said wife as may be living at my decease and unable to maintain themselves being under the age of twenty one years and unmarried and from and immediately after the decease or marriage of my said wife which may first happen upon this further trust and for the intents and purposes following that is to say I direct that my said Trustees or the survivors of them or the heirs or assigns of such survivor do and shall sell and dispose my said freehold dwelling house and premises by public sale or private contracts as to them shall seem expedient and sell and dispose of all my said