Will of Robert Brind of 1845 (spouse = Jane)
Main index Brind press cuttings Sources index

See Robert Brind (Fenchurch) insurance 1830
See Wills index
1841 census See tree of Robert

It looks like he says his eldest son is called William Brind, though it is hard to read from the available copy of the will. Since Robert Brind married Jane Bridgeman in 1826 (if this is the right Robert) it is quite possible they had a child before Thomas, the eldest listed in the 1841 census. Since William could have been about 14 in 1841 it's quite possible that he was away from home (perhaps working as an apprentice) at the time of the census. But it is quite difficult to find a William Brind of that sort of age and living away from his parents, in the 1841 census. However, there is a William J Brind born in about 1826 in the 1851 census.

This looks like a standard document (except for page 5)

I Robert Brind of the Market Place Newbury in the County of Berks Grocer and Chandler hereby revoking all wills codicils or other testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made to declare this to be my last will and testament I distribute my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses to be in the first place paid and satisfied by any Executors and Executrix hereinafter named from and out of my personal estate Faive devise and bequeath unto my friend John Harbert of Ploughly in the said county of Berks Farmer William Fisher of Co-pyhol in the same County ??????? farmer **** Isaac Nullies of W Hampstead in the county ????? all that my ??? ? shop and premises situate in the market ?????? now in my possession together with all my stock in trade goods household furniture plate linen china money and securities for money except such money as ready money which may be in the house at my decease which I give to my dear wife Jane To hold to them in the said John Harbert Williams Fisher and Isaac Nlloie their heirs executors and administrators and assigns accounting to the ????????? for the trusts following that is today ???????????? suffer any ???? wife to use occupy posses s and enjoy all and every the said messuage dwelling house and premises and all the household furniture good and stock in hand to carry on my said business or otherwise as she may think fit for and during the term of her natural life if she shall so long continue my widow and I direct my said wife from and out of the same to maintain and educate as far the same will permit each of my children by her my said wife as may be living t my decease and unable to maintain themselves being under the age of twenty one years and unmarried and from and immediately after the decease or marriage of my said wife which may first happen upon this further trust and for the intents and purposes following that is to say I direct that my said trustees or the survivor of them or their heirs or assigns of such survivor do and shall sell and dispose of my said freehold dwelling house shop and premises by public sale or private contracts as to them shall seem expedient and sell and dispose of all my said

Second transcription of same document

I Robert Brind of the market place newbury in the county of Berks grocer and chandler herby revoking all will codicils or other testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made do declare this to be my last will and testament ???? my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses to be in the first place paid and satisfied by any executors and executrix hereinafter named from and out of my personal estate ???? devise and bequeath unto my friend s John Harbert of ???? in the said County of Berks farmer William Fisher of ???? in the same county ????. farmer in the said .. ???? Hampstead in the county of ???? All that my freehold???? shop and premises situate in the marketplace of ???? Newbury no in my possession Together with all my stock in trade goods household furniture plate linen china money and securities for money (except such money as ready money which may be in the house of my decease which I give to my dear wife Jane to hold to hand the said John Harbert William Fisher and Isaac Mullis their heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the ???? upon and for the trusts following that is today upon trust to permit and suffer my dear wife to use ????. possess and enjoy all and every the said messuage dwelling house and premises and all the household furniture goods and stock in ????. to carry on my said business or otherwise as she may think fit for and during the term of her natural life if she shall so long continue my widow and I direct my said wife from and out of the same to maintain and educate as far the same will permit each of my children by her my said wife as may be living at my decease and unable to maintain themselves being under the age of twenty one years and unmarried and from and immediately after the decease or marriage of my said wife which may first happen upon this further trust and for the intents and purposes following that is to say I direct that my said Trustees or the survivors of them or the heirs or assigns of such survivor do and shall sell and dispose my said freehold dwelling house and premises by public sale or private contracts as to them shall seem expedient and sell and dispose of all my said

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household furniture and stock in trade the use whereof I have herintofore bequested to my wife for life or widowhood as the case may be and convert the same into money and when and so soon as my said ???? and personal estates are so disposed of and converted as aforesaid then it is my will and mind and I hereby give and bequeath and direct my said trustees to pay the whole produce thereof unto and among all my said children by my said wife as shall be living at the time of my decease in equal shares and proportions any children to take as tenants in common and not as joint tenants but in case it should happen that my said wife should marry or depart this life during the minority of all or any of my said children then upon trust to lay out and invest the part or share of each child or children, who shall not have attained the age of twenty one years upon Government or other securities in England in the name of my said trustees and to apply the interest dividends and proceeds thereof for their maintenance and education until they shall attain the age of twenty one years and my will further is and I do hereby direct that should such sale arise from the marriage of my said wife then that my said Trustees shall from and out of the money arising from such sale in the first place before any previous payments to any child or children so entitled as aforesaid retain and invest in like manner so much of the said money as they may consider proper and necessary for the purpose of and from the interest and dividends arising from such investments and payments my said wife the clear annual sum of ten pounds by equal quarterly payments the first payment thereof to be made on the first quarter day of the actual quarterly days of payment in the year following such her marriage clear of any deductions whatsoever and I give and bequeath the same to my said wife for her own sole use and benefit independent of her then or any future husband or husbands and her receipt alone to a beneficial discharge for the same and my wife further is that my said Trustees or the survivor of them or the heirs or assigns of such survivor shall and may advance moderate sum of money from the share or any of my said Children during his or her minority (but no such advancement to be made during the

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widowhood of my said wife without her consent nor at any time to as to ???? provision I have hereinbefore made ???? the event of her marrying as to them ???? said Trustees shall seem meet for their advancement in the world and when as their shall severally attain the age of twenty one years I direct that my said Trustees or the survivor of them or the heirs or assigns of such survivor shall pay or transfer the part or share of such child or children (subject to such provision for my said wife in the event of marriage) unto him or her or them accordingly and I direct that the share of any child or children being a daughter or daughters whether they may be married or single at the time they shall become entitled to her or their share or share in any of the said trust money is and I give the same to and for her or their own sole separate use4 and benefit free and independent of the debts liabilities or contract of their their or any future husband or husbands with whom they may intermarry and their release alone to my said Trustees to be a sufficient discharge for her or their part or share in any ????. ???? my will and mind further is that in case any or other of my said children should happen to die before having attained twenty one years of age without leaving issue of his or her body lawfully begotten then in trust to pay assign transfer and convey (????. by each ???? aforesaid the said trust monies unto such other of my said children as shall live to attain such his her or their respective ages of twenty one years But in case all or any of my said children should happen to dies without having such his her or their respective ages of twenty one years leaving issue of his her or their body or bodies lawfully begotten then in trust to pay transfer assign and convey the part or share of such deceased child or children unto his her or their issue ???? more than one as they respectively shall attain his her or their age or respective ages of twenty one years and apply the interest and dividends of such deceased parent or parents share or shares during his or her minority or

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minorities towards his her or their respective maintenance and advancement in the world in the same manner as I have by this my will directed for my said children during his her or their respective minority as aforesaid and if there shall be but one child who shall live to attain his her or their age of twenty one years then to each one child his or her issue legally begotten and thereby declare that upon payment of the money ???? by the sale of my real and personal estate it shall and may be lawful to ???? for my said trustees (acting under the trusts of this my will) and the survivor of them and the heirs or assigns of each survivor to give and sign any receipt or receipts for the money ???? arise thereby which receipt or receipts shall be good and sufficient discharge to any purchase after or purchase thereof his her and their respective heirs executors and administrators for so much of the said purchase money shall be theirs expressed or acknowledged to have been received and which purchase his her or their respective heirs Executors administrators and assigns shall not afterwards be ????? to see to the application or ???? or accountable for any case of misapplication or from applications thereof And that they any said Trustees shall each of them be answerable only for their separate acts ???? disbursement and ???? the one for the other of them and they shall not be accountable for any ??? which may happen in my estate or the task thereof except the same shall ???? in or by his or their respective negligence of default and I direct that they shall and may retain all the costs charged and expenses they or either of them may sustain in and about the execution of the trusts of this my will out of the estates and effects hereby in them exclusively vested Provided always and my will and mind further is that previous to any sale of my said Freehold property stocks in trade and other the fixtures so hereinbefore directed to be sold I direct that my said trustees shall offer to my sons according to seniority commencing with my eldest son who may have attained the age of twenty one years the purchase of such promised at a fair valuation and deducting their share from ??? over the remainder the money to my said trustees to be applied by ?? hereinbefore directed and concerning the same I desire that as of my said dear wife ???? select such

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articles of household furniture and stock in trade not exceeding one third in value and quantity ?? either of them to whom give and bequeath the same for her own and sole use and I authorise and empower by executors and executrix to get in and collect ?????? as convenient may be all debts due and owing to me at my decease and I hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said John Herbert of Jeffrey Fisher?????? Isaac Wallis? and my said wife Executors and executrix of this my will I give and devise to my eldest son William Brind my freehold cottage and garden situate ??? in the said county of Berks to hold to him his heirs and assigns for ever . In witness whereof I the said Robert Brind the testator have placed my hand to this ????? ???? first four sheet hereof the thirtieth day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty five
Signed published and declared by the said testator for his last will and testament in this presence of us who is his presence at his request and in the presence of each other

Joseph Rand

Geo Saunders

Robert Brind

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YOU swear that the contents of the Affidavit hereunto annexed, and ot whichyou have subscribed your names are true, ot the best of your knowledge and belief, and the the Paper Writing, also hereunto annexed, doth in it contain the true original last Will and Testament of Robert Brind late of Newbuey in the County of Berks deceased as far as you know of believe; that you are two of the Executors therein named; that you will duly execute and perform the same nd pay his Debts and Legacis, as far forther as his Goods, Chattels and Credit will thereto extend, and the Law bind you; and that you will make, or cause to be made, a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to your Hands, Possessionl or Knowledge, and exhibit the same into the Regiastry of the Archdeacon of Berks and pass a just and true account of your Execut???ship thereupon, when thereto lawfully required; You also swear that the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of the said deceased are under the lalue of six hundred Pounds. So HELP YOU GOD (Kiss the Book.)


At Newbury in the County of Berks on the Twenty fifth day of September 1845 the Oath above written was administered to John Harbert and Isaac Nullin twi if the Executors named in the last Will and esta ment of the above named Robert Brind hereunto annexed and by them duly taken (Power renewed tio the other Executors)

Before me ????????????


D|ied 7th May 1845
Executors Oath