minorities towards his her or their respective maintenance and advancement in the world in the same manner as I have by this my will directed for my said children during his her or their respective minority as aforesaid and if there shall be but one child who shall live to attain his her or their age of twenty one years then to each one child his or her issue legally begotten and thereby declare that upon payment of the money ???? by the sale of my real and personal estate it shall and may be lawful to ???? for my said trustees (acting under the trusts of this my will) and the survivor of them and the heirs or assigns of each survivor to give and sign any receipt or receipts for the money ???? arise thereby which receipt or receipts shall be good and sufficient discharge to any purchase after or purchase thereof his her and their respective heirs executors and administrators for so much of the said purchase money shall be theirs expressed or acknowledged to have been received and which purchase his her or their respective heirs Executors administrators and assigns shall not afterwards be ????? to see to the application or ???? or accountable for any case of misapplication or from applications thereof And that they any said Trustees shall each of them be answerable only for their separate acts ???? disbursement and ???? the one for the other of them and they shall not be accountable for any ??? which may happen in my estate or the task thereof except the same shall ???? in or by his or their respective negligence of default and I direct that they shall and may retain all the costs charged and expenses they or either of them may sustain in and about the execution of the trusts of this my will out of the estates and effects hereby in them exclusively vested Provided always and my will and mind further is that previous to any sale of my said Freehold property stocks in trade and other the fixtures so hereinbefore directed to be sold I direct that my said trustees shall offer to my sons according to seniority commencing with my eldest son who may have attained the age of twenty one years the purchase of such promised at a fair valuation and deducting their share from ??? over the remainder the money to my said trustees to be applied by ?? hereinbefore directed and concerning the same I desire that as of my said dear wife ???? select such