widowhood of my said wife without her consent nor at any time to as to ???? provision I have hereinbefore made ???? the event of her marrying as to them ???? said Trustees shall seem meet for their advancement in the world and when as their shall severally attain the age of twenty one years I direct that my said Trustees or the survivor of them or the heirs or assigns of such survivor shall pay or transfer the part or share of such child or children (subject to such provision for my said wife in the event of marriage) unto him or her or them accordingly and I direct that the share of any child or children being a daughter or daughters whether they may be married or single at the time they shall become entitled to her or their share or share in any of the said trust money is and I give the same to and for her or their own sole separate use4 and benefit free and independent of the debts liabilities or contract of their their or any future husband or husbands with whom they may intermarry and their release alone to my said Trustees to be a sufficient discharge for her or their part or share in any ????. ???? my will and mind further is that in case any or other of my said children should happen to die before having attained twenty one years of age without leaving issue of his or her body lawfully begotten then in trust to pay assign transfer and convey (????. by each ???? aforesaid the said trust monies unto such other of my said children as shall live to attain such his her or their respective ages of twenty one years But in case all or any of my said children should happen to dies without having such his her or their respective ages of twenty one years leaving issue of his her or their body or bodies lawfully begotten then in trust to pay transfer assign and convey the part or share of such deceased child or children unto his her or their issue ???? more than one as they respectively shall attain his her or their age or respective ages of twenty one years and apply the interest and dividends of such deceased parent or parents share or shares during his or her minority or