household furniture and stock in trade the use whereof I have herintofore bequested to my wife for life or widowhood as the case may be and convert the same into money and when and so soon as my said ???? and personal estates are so disposed of and converted as aforesaid then it is my will and mind and I hereby give and bequeath and direct my said trustees to pay the whole produce thereof unto and among all my said children by my said wife as shall be living at the time of my decease in equal shares and proportions any children to take as tenants in common and not as joint tenants but in case it should happen that my said wife should marry or depart this life during the minority of all or any of my said children then upon trust to lay out and invest the part or share of each child or children, who shall not have attained the age of twenty one years upon Government or other securities in England in the name of my said trustees and to apply the interest dividends and proceeds thereof for their maintenance and education until they shall attain the age of twenty one years and my will further is and I do hereby direct that should such sale arise from the marriage of my said wife then that my said Trustees shall from and out of the money arising from such sale in the first place before any previous payments to any child or children so entitled as aforesaid retain and invest in like manner so much of the said money as they may consider proper and necessary for the purpose of and from the interest and dividends arising from such investments and payments my said wife the clear annual sum of ten pounds by equal quarterly payments the first payment thereof to be made on the first quarter day of the actual quarterly days of payment in the year following such her marriage clear of any deductions whatsoever and I give and bequeath the same to my said wife for her own sole use and benefit independent of her then or any future husband or husbands and her receipt alone to a beneficial discharge for the same and my wife further is that my said Trustees or the survivor of them or the heirs or assigns of such survivor shall and may advance moderate sum of money from the share or any of my said Children during his or her minority (but no such advancement to be made during the