Brind wills

Most of the information contained below was extracted from the index of wills kept at Somerset House in the early 1990s. There are several additional wills in Brind sources.
see also PCC Administrations taken from folders at the Family Record Centre

25 Mar 92

Dear Mr Brind,

Just a couple of wills and a few bits. I can't read old writing very well, but IO think one lady didn't like her son-in-law very much. I got them hoping to find my Thomas. I have tried the Wiltshire marriage index again-- no luck. There must be some records about his somewhere.

Have you taken a look at the Death Duty Records (years 1796-1894) at Chancery Lane Records Office? They may give more details than a will but are closed for 75 years after active for 50 years from date of death.They are indexed in IR27.

Best wishes

Jean (Livingstone)

see also very impressive list of Wiltshire wills from county archive

Return to index

Registration Year Name Area County Code Swindon archive
  1542 Edmund Brynde (South) Marston Wiltshire
  1557 Joanne Brynd Marston Wiltshire
  1559 Thomas Brynd Staunton Fitzherbert Wiltshire
  1562 John Brinde Wanborough Wiltshire
Berks 1564 Adrian Brinde Shrivenham Berks
  1574/5 W{illia}m Brynde Southmarston, Highworth Wiltshire
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Record Swindon archive
  1607 Vincent   Ogboourne St Gorge Wiltshire Administration bond, will P5/1608/4
Deans Court 1634 Johes (John) Yeoman & Husbandman Highworth Wiltshire Commission, inventory, will P5/1634/24
Deans Court 1635 Nicholas Gentleman South Marston Wiltshire Administration bond, inventory P5/12Reg/178
Sarum 1635 Anne Spinster Westrop, Highworth Wiltshire Inventory, will P5/1635/6
Deans Court 1635 William   South Marston Wiltshire
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Record Swindon archive
Archdeacon's Court 1637 Thomas   Aldbourne Wiltshire Account, administration bond, inventory P3/B/390
Archdeacon's Court 1638 Thomas   Aldbourne Wiltshire
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Swindon archive
Bishops Court 1641 John (senior) Gentleman Wanborough Wiltshire P1/B/295
commission, will
Registration Year Name Area County
Bishops Court 1645 Jno Wanborough Wiltshire
Bishops Court 1645 Richard Wanborough Wiltshire
Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1653 Thomas Brynd senior, gent Wanborough Wiltshire 289
Registration Year Name Status Area County Code Date Swindon archive
Archdeacon's Court 1665 James     Wiltshire
Archdeacon's Court 1665(6) Jane Spinster Wanborough Wiltshire W.I.C. (Commission, inventory, wills (two)) 23 Feb 1665(6) P3/B/516
? 1669 William   Highworth Wiltshire
Archdeacon's Court 1671 Bartholemew Yeoman or husbandman Wroughton Wiltshire Inventory, will 27 Apl 1671 P3/B/589
Registration Year Name Status Area County Code Date Swindon archive
Archdeacon's Court 1671 John Yeoman Wroughton Wiltshire W.I. Inventory, will 29 April 1671 P3/B/590
Archdeacon's Court 1674 Anne Widow Wanborough Wiltshire W.I. Inventories (two) will 14 May 1674 P3/B/640
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Swindon archive
Bishops Court 1677 Richard Husbandman Whitmore/ Aldbourne Wiltshire P1/B/512
Commission, inventory will
Registration Year Name Status Area County Swindon archive
  1681 John Brind Gentleman of Wanborough Wiltshire 20 June 1681
Registration Year Name Status Area County Code Date Swindon archive
Archdeacon's Court 1684 Owen   Little Hinton (Hinton Parva) Wiltshire Inventory, will 10 Apl 1684 P3/B/799
Registration Year Name Status Area County Code Date Swindon archive
Archdeacon's Court 1684 John Gentleman Wanborough Wiltshire I.B. Administration bond, inventory 15 Oct 1684 P3/B/798
Highworth Court 1685 Anthony Husbandman Wanborough Wiltshire I.B. Administration bond, inventory 29 Oct 1685 P3/B/818
Registration Year Name Area County Swindon archive
Bishops Court 1686 Elizabeth see will Whitmore/Aldbourne Wiltshire inventory, will
Registration Year Name Area County Status Code Date Swindon archive

Highworth Court 1688 Abraham Wadborough/Wanborough Wiltshire Yeoman W.I. Inventory, will 3 Oct 1688 P3/B/845
Highworth Court 1688 Edward Wanborough Wiltshire   B.Administration bond 31 Jul 1688 P3/B/846
Highworth Court 1690, 1699 John Wanborough Wiltshire Yeoman W.I.debo.Bd. (Administration bond, inventory, will) 16 Oct 1690 P3/B/868
Highworth Court 1694 John Little Hinton Wiltshire Husbandman W.I. Inventory, will 4 May 1694 P3/B/923
Highworth Court 1697 Matthea Little Hinton Wiltshire Widow W.I. Inventory, will 27 Apl 1697 P3/B/968
????? 1699 Mary Wanborough Wiltshire Widow W.I. Inventory, will 7 Dec 1699 P3/B/987
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Records Date Swindon archive
Highworth Court 1703 John shepherd Alborne Wiltshire W.I.C. (Commission, inventory, will) 28 Jun 1703
Highworth Court 1721 George husbandman Alborne Wiltshire W.I. (Inventories (two), will) 26 May 1721 P3/B/1190
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County
1723 George Yeoman Liddington Wiltshire P1/6Reg/463A
1723 Henry Innholder Highworth Wiltshire P10/1732/2
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Records Date Swindon archive
Highworth Court 1727 John   Stratton St Margaret Wiltshire I.B.C.(administration bond, commission, inventory) 13 Sep 1727 P3/B/1256
????? 1728 Richard   Salisbury Wiltshire Administration bond   P4/1728/17
Highworth Court 1730 John   Wanborough Wiltshire I.B Administration bond 27 May 1730 P3/B/1297
  1730 John   Aldbourne Wiltshire Inventory P3/B/1298
  1730 Thomas   Ashbury Berkshire Will
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Swindon archive
Highworth 1732 William Innholder Highworth Wiltshire P10/1732/1
Administration bond, copy requisition, copy will
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Date Swindon archive
Highworth Court 1736 Mary widow Liddington Wiltshire   5 May 1736 P3/B/1353
Highworth Court 1736 Charles yeoman Wanborough Wiltshire Will 5 May 1736 P3/B/1352
Highworth Court 1738 Edward yeoman Wanborough Wiltshire Will 21 Nov 1738 P3/B/1373
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Swindon archive
Bishops Court 1738 Abigail Labourer's widow Aldbourne Wiltshire P1/8Reg/306
Registration Year Name Status Area County Code Date Swindon archive
Highworth Court 1739 Thomas shepherd Aldbourne Wiltshire Will 30 Oct 1739 P3/B/1382
Highworth Court 1743 John Gentleman Wanborough Wiltshire Will 18 May 1743 P3/B/1417
? 1748 Dorothy spinster Swindon Wiltshire July 8 1748
Canterbury Prerogative Court 1748 Margaret spinster Swindon Wiltshire July 8 1748
Highworth Court 1750(1) Mary widow Little Hinton Wiltshire Will 23 Oct 1750 P3/B/1468
Highworth Court 1757 Henry Gentleman & widower Hannington Wiltshire W. mon.(Requisition, will) 18 May 1757 P3/B/1509
Two children by Elinor Carter mentioned in the above will, the name of the first may be Carter, but in the new (2009) Nimrod data the second was given as Henery Brind bap 24/4/1757
Registration Year Name Area County
Canterbury PCC 1758 Brind William.
Poor. Sep 258
Registration Year Name Status Area County Code Date
Highworth Court 1762 Walter   Liddington Wiltshire B (administration bond) 26 May 1762 P3/B/1550
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Swindon Archive
Bishops Court 1763 John Yeoman Wanborough Wiltshire P1/12Reg/100

Return to index

Registration Year Name Area County
Canterbury PCC 1767 Brind, John
Dec 436
Canterbury PCC 1770 Brind, William Henry
Feb 41
Registration Year Name Area County
Canterbury PCC 1758 Brind William.
Poor. Sep 258
Registration Year Name Status Area County Code Date Swindon archive
Highworth Court 1777 John Yeoman Wanborough Wiltshire Will 14 May 1777 P3/B/1648
  1778 Henry   Stratton St Margaret Wiltshire Will 14 Dec 1778 P 3/B/1652
Registration Year Name Area County
Canterbury PCC 1779 Mary Brind
Oct 403
Registration Year Name Status Area County Code Date Swindon archive
Highworth Court 1780 Mary widow Cricklade St Sampson Wiltshire Will 25 May 1780 P3/B/1665
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Swindon archive
Canterbury PCC 1780 Brind James
Jul 349
  Worcester Worcestershire
Canterbury PCC 1781 Brind William**
Sep 422
Canterbury PCC 1785 Brind Clayton Victualler
Apr 171
Online document PROB 11/1128
National Archives/A2A website
St Andrew Holborn Middlesex
Canterbury PCC 1787 Brind Mary
May 195
Canterbury PCC 1788 Brind John
Aug 382
Bishops Court 1792 Ann Spinster Wroughton Wiltshire P1/14Reg/398
Canterbury PCC 1793 Brind John
Feb 65
Founder St Andrew Holborn, City of London London Online document PROB 11/1228 (National Archives/A2A website)
Canterbury PCC 1796 Brind Walter
Jul 347
Registration Year Name Status Area County Code Date Swindon archive
Highworth Court 1799 George Yeoman Liddington Wiltshire Will, wrapper 12 Dec 1799 P3/B/1770

Return to index

Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Swindon Archive
Bishops Court 1801 William Labourer Aldbourne Wiltshire P1/14Reg/335B
Highworth Court 1808 Elizabeth Spinster Liddington Wiltshire P3/1808/22
will, wrapper
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Swindon archive
Highworth Court 1812 William Yeoman Malmesbury Wiltshire P3/1812/48
Registration Year Name Area County Swindon archive
Highworth Court 1826 Walter Wroughton Wiltshire P3/1826/25
Administration bond, wrapper
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County
Chester Proved 1830 Sarah widow Highworth Wiltshire
1832 Waller (Walter?) Brind Paternoster Row, City of London National Archives/A2A website Online document PROB 11/1802
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Swindon archive
Bishops Court 1834 Sarah widow Formerly Marlborough Wiltshire Administration bond, will wrapper
1837 Benjamin Gentleman Malmesbury Wiltshire Will, wrapper
1838 Will of Thomas Brind 1838 Online document PROB 11/1891 Pentonville, Middlesex National Archives/A2A website
Registration Year Name Area County Swindon archive
1841 William Highworth Wiltshire
Highworth Court 1842 George Liddington Wiltshire Administration bond, commission, wraper
?????? 1843 Elizabeth London
?????? 1844 Richard Woolwich See document
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Swindon archive
Highworth Court 1845 Joseph Yeoman Liddington Wiltshire P3/1845/14
Commission, oath, renunciation, will, wrapper
????????? 1845 Robert Grocer and Chandler Newbury Berkshire Robert Brind of the Market Place Newbury in the County of Berks
Registration Year Name Area County Swindon archive
London 1848 Charles Bishopsgate London
1848 William Henry Cheltenham Gloucestershire

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Registration Year Name Area County
Canterbury PCC 1850 Brind Thomas, June Administration (with will) of goods unadministered former grant March 1838 will registered 144 Nicholl. -- NOTE: Nicholl was the registrar in 1838 Prob 11 Wills Class List this will PROB 11 (1889) National Middlesex
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Swindon archive
Highworth Court 1851 Thomas Yeoman Liddington Wiltshire Commission, two depositions, will, wrapper
  1852 Brind Thomas   Jly 547 Middlesex
Registration Year Name Occupation Area County Swindon archive
(Arch. Sarum) 1852/60 John Brind inn keeper Codford St Peter Wiltshire P2/1852/60
Commission will, wrapper
Registration Year Name Area County
1853-7 none (Canterbury PCC)
1858 none (Canterbury PCC)

Some of the wills recorded at Somerset House.

Name Details
William Brind effects under £3,000. 20 February. Letters of administration of the personal estate and effects of William Brind late of Medbourne in the county of Wilts farmer, a widower deceased who died 21 June, 1852 at Medbourne aforesaid were granted at the prinicipal registry to Fanny Usher Church (wife of Robert Church of Burghclere in the county of Southampton the only child of the said deceased she having been first sworn.
1859: none
1860: none

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Name Effects
William Brind effects under £20. 2 March. The will of William Brind formerly of Lambourne in the county of Berkshire but late of Baydon in the county of Wilts Yeoman deceased who died 17 August 1859 at Baydon aforesaid was proved at Salisbury by the oath of Thomas Fernandez Clarke of Wantage in the said county of Berkshire Doctor of medicine one of the executors.
Edward Brind Effects under £50. Savings Bank. 14 November. Letters of Administration of the personal estate and effects of Edward Brind late of Highworth in the county of Wilts a labourer a depositor in the Faringdon Bank for Savings deceased who died 25 November 1860 Highworth aforesaid were granted at Salisbury to Anne Brind of Highworth aforesaid widow the Relict of the said deceased she having been first sworn.
1862: none
1863: none
John Brind . Effects under £200. 19 September the will of John Brind late of 27 Bow Lane, Poplar in the county of Middlesex a pensioner from her Majesty's Dockyard at Woolwich deceased who died 23 August 1864 at Bow Lane aforesaid was proved at the principal registry by the oaths of John William Brind of 16 Lower Thames Street in the county of London licensed victualler the son and Samuel Joseph Malenoir of 110 Lower Thames Street aforesaid fish salesman the executors.
1865: none
John Brind 24 August. The will of John Brind late of Lyddington in the county of Wilts Yeoman deceased who died 25 July 1866 at Lyddington aforesaid was proved at Salisbury by the oaths of Walter Waldron of the parish of Shefford in the county of Berks Yeoman and George Brind of Lanedarn Farm in the parish of Lanedarn in the county of Glamorgan Yeoman the nephew the executors. See ASSIGNMENT DATED 20 DECEMBER 1867.
Mary Brind . 17 August. Letters of administration of the personal estate and effects of Mary Brind (wife of Thomas Brind) late of Marlborough in the county of Wilts deceased who died 18 April 1866 at Marlborough aforesaid were granted at Salisbury to the said Thomas Brind of Marlborough aforesaid Gardener he having been first sworn.
1867: none
1868: none
1869: none
1870: none

Return to index

Name Effects
1871: none
Joseph Brind effects under £1,500, 11 September the will with a codicil of Joseph Brind late of Maindee in the Parish of Christchurch in the county of Monmouth gentleman who died 16 June, 1872, at Maindee was proved at Llandaff by Emma Brind of Maindee widow the Relict the sole executrix.
Lucy Brind effects under £50. 23 February administration of the effects of Lucy Brind late of Liddington in the county of Wiltshire widow who died 27 February 1855, at Liddington was granted at Salisbury to Alexander Bulcher Smith of Melksham in the said county gentleman the nephew and one of the next of kin.
Thomas Brind effects under £100, 21 December the will of Thomas Brind late of Marlborough in the county of Wiltshire gardener who died 5 December, 1872, at Marlborough was proved at Salisbury by Joseph Green of 6 Sanders Terrace, Blakes Road, Peckham Grove, in the county of Surrey upholsterer the grandson the sole executor.
Walter Brind effects under £3,000. 15 May the will of Walter Brind late of Castletown in the Parish of Marshfield in the county of Monmouth gentleman who died 18 April, 1872,at Castletown was proved at the principal registry by John Brind of the parish of Michaelstone-y-vedw in the county of Monmouth farmer the brother the sole executor.
1874: none
Thomas Brind effects under £200. 24 November administration of the effects of Thomas Brind late of Bank Street in the county of Worcester Draper who died 7 April, 1864, at Bank Street was granted at Worcester to Harriett Coombs (wife of James Coombs bookseller) (formerly Brind widow) of the said county the Relict.
William Brind effects under £450. 8 July the will of William Brind late of Boxford in the county of Berkshire Butcher who died 14 April 1875 at Boxford was proved at the principal registry by Jane Brind widow the Relict and James Knight Accountant both of Newark- upon-Trent in the county of Nottinghamshire the executors.
Thomas Brind effects under £200. 25 September the will of Thomas Brind late of 53 Compton Street, Brunswick, Square in the county of Middlesex General Dealer who died 7 August, 1876, at 53 Compton Street was proved at the principal registry by John Henry Ludwig of 84 High Street, Banbury, in the county of Oxford General Warehouseman and John Smith Rimes of Huddersfield in the county of York, Draper the executors.
William Brind effects under £5,000. 5 February the will of William Brind late of Liddington in the county of Wiltshire farmer who died 4 December 1875 at Liddington was proved at Salisbury by James Copleston Townsend of Swindon in the said county gentleman and William Alfred Rebbeck of Liddington Farmer the executors.
Robert Brind effects under £100. 28 July the will of Robert Brind late of Tiverton in the county of Devon Grocer who died 12 June 1877 at Tiverton was proved at Exeter by Rachel Griselda Brind of Tiverton widow the Relict the sole executrix.
Mary Ann Brind personal estate under £450. 29 March administration of the personal estate of Mary Ann Brind late of Liddington in the county of Wiltshire spinster who died 6 December 1873 at Liddington was granted at the principal registry of Lucy Cannon (wife of James Cannon) of Little Hinton in the said county the sister and one of the next of kin.
1879: none

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Name Effects
Fanny Clara Brind personal estate under £20. 29 May the will of Fanny Clara Brind (wife of Edward Agincourt Brind Esq.) late of 64 Lansdowne Road, Notting Hill, Middlesex, who died 19 April, 1880, at 29 Devonshire Street, Portland Place, in the said county was proved at the principal registry by Aubrey Augustus Timbrell of Alvin Villa, Leytonstone, in the county of Essex and Charles Brind of Belmont Park Lee in the county of Kent gentlemen the executors. Probate being granted under certain limitations.
Jane Brind personal estate under £500. 24 June administration of the personal estate of Jane Brind (wife of Sir James Brind K.C.B.) late of Park Street in the county of Bath who died 6 November, 1868, at Park Street was granted at the principal registry to the said Sir James Brind of Leinster House, Wimbledon, in the county of Surrey a General in Her Majesty's Army.
1881: none
1882: none
1883: none
1884: none
Sarah Brind personal estate £67 16s 7d. 2 July administration of the personal estate of Sarah Brind late of Colham Green, Hillingdon in the county of Middlesex spinster who died 6 August 1867 at Colham Green was granted at the principal registry to John East Brind of Hazlitt Mews West, Kensington Park in the said county labourer the brother and one of the next of kin.
1886 none
1887 book missing
Sir James Brind (G.C.B.) personal estate £5,135 15s 2d. 23 November the will as contained in writings A and B of Sir James Brind formerly of Highfield Upper-Maze-hill but late of 10 Dane Road, St Leonard's-on-Sea both in the county of Sussex a General in Her Majesty's Army G.C.B. who died 3 August 1888 at Ticehurst in the said county was proved at the principal registry by Henry Knightley Burne of Cambridge House, The Avenue, Clifton in the county of Bristol a Lieutenant General in Her Majesty's Army C.B. Sir Owen Tudor Burne of 132 Sutherland Terrace, Maida Hill in the county of Middlesex K.C.S.I. a Colonel in Her Majesty's army and Alfred Walter Brind of Stantone House Pembury, Tunbridge Wells in the county of Kent Esq. the son three of the executors.
Rachel Griselda Brind personal estate £1,010 11s. 9 April the will of Rachel Griselda Brind late of Silver Street, Townsend, Tiverton, in the county of Devon widow who died 22 March 1888 at Silver Street was proved at Exeter by Griselda Jane Brind of Silver Street spinster the daughter the sole executrix.

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Name Effects
John William Brind personal estate £984 14s 4d.
4 February the will with a codicil of John William Brind last of 26 St Mary-at-Hill in the county of London licensed victualler who died 22 December 1889 at 26 St Mary-at-Hill was proved at the principal registry by Sarah Ann Brind of 26 St Mary-at-Hill and Mary Louisa Brind of 26 St Mary-at-Hill spinsters the daughters the executrixes.
Jane Brown Brind personal estate £1,024 10s 9d, 17 December. The will of Jane Brown Brind late of Brighton in the county of Sussex spinster who died 22 October 1891 at Brighton was proved at Lewes by Frederick William Brind and Charles Brind both of 6 Gresham House, Old Broad Street, in the city of London wine merchants the nephews the executors.
George Brind of Cecylyford Trelleck, Monmouthshire, retired farmer died 3 August 1892 administration Llandaff 6 October to Thomas Brind farmer effects £400.
1893: none
George Hubert Brind of Oxford stables James Street, Regent's Park, Middlesex died 30 May 1894 administration London 15 June to Jane Elizabeth Brind widow effects £55 10s.
Elizabeth Jane Brind of Warrenboyne, Ealing, Middlesex, (wife of Harry Hanslow Brind esq.) died 10 March 1895 probate London 23 Mary to the said Harry Hanslow Brind effects £4,307 1s 10d. (Hand written-- -> Re-sworn May 1897 £5,810 2s 2d.)
Charlotte Eliza Brind of 29 Denmark Villas, West Brighton, Sussex, widow died 7 June 1896 probate London 2 July to Charles Frederic Hardy gentleman and Jane Mary Martin (wife of Charles Martin) effects £2,324 5s 10d.
Henrietta Sarah Brind of 12 Belgrave Place, Brighton, widow died 2 August 1897 at Hollycroft, Wellington Road, Bournemouth. Probate London 21 September to Alexander Elder Murray esq. effects £453 14s 4d.
Frank Willoughby Brind of the Court Lodge, Chelsfield, Kent, and of 5 John Street, Bedford Road, Middlesex, died 8 May 1898 at 7 Bedford Gardens Kensington, Middlesex, administration London 22 August to Frederick William Brind wine merchant effect £2,129 10s 8d.
Brind John of 122 Monier Road, Old Ford, Middlesex lighterman and barge owner died 22 September 1899 administration London 16 October to Hannah Brind widow. Effects £212 11s.

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Name Effects
Percy Edwin Owen Brind of 13 Meridian Place Clifton Bristol sergeant 2nd battalion Gordon Highlanders died 4 March 1900 at Ladysmith South Africa. Administration Bristol 10 July to dame Eleanor Elizabeth Lumley Brind effects £54 5s 9d.
Ann Brind of 2 Marine Terrace. Fowey Cornwall (wife of Charles Brind) died 18 January 1900. Probate London 13 October to the said Charles Brind gentleman effects £18.
Agnes Brind of 134 Bath Road Southsea Hampshire (wife of Michael Joseph Brind) died 13 August 1901 probate London 24 September to Alfred Michael Brind gentleman and William Eustace Baker White farmer effect £983 6s 10d.
Sarah Brind of Biddestone Wiltshire spinster died 20 January 1901 administration London 26 August to Sovano Billett widow effects £122 16s 8d.
William Brind of Aldbourne Wiltshire labourer died 19 August 1901 administration Salisbury 13 December to Hannah Hale (wife of George Hale) effects £22 8s 8d.
Charles Brind of 5 Victoria Place Eastbourne died 27 December 1901 probate London 24 February to Ernest Walter Brind wine merchants effects £2181 14s 6d.
Emma Brind of Mount Pleasant Malpas near Newport Monmouthshire widow died 3 October 1902 probate Llandaff 5 November to Rose Emma Burnell-Jones (wife of Edward John Burnell-Jones) Florence Jane Brind spinster and Annie Louisa Matilda Carver (wife of Howard Carver) effects £4,277 5s 10d.
John East Brind of 4 Thorn Cottages North Road Southall Middlesex died 5 December 1901 probate London 30 January to Frederick Rouse licensed victualler effects £27 7s 2d.
Alfred Michael Brind of Old Swinford Worcestershire and of 69 Warrender Park Road Edinburgh died 12 July 1902 at Liberton county Midlothian administration London 23 June to Michael Joseph Brind Esq. effects £5340 6s 3d.
Edward Brind of 77 St Peter's Street Islington Middlesex died 19 May 1903 probate London 24 June to George Frederick Woods tax collector and Thomas Marsh solicitor's clerk effects £906 8s 2d.
Edward Brind of Cirencester Gloucestershire died 18 December 1903 probate London 25 January to Frances Brind widow effects £1997 7s 11d.
John Brind of 9 Bessborough Place Westminster Middlesex died 21 September 1904 administration London 6 October to Elizabeth Frances Brind widow effects £377 7s 5d.
William John Brind of 9 York Road Leamington Spa died 10 November 1905 probate Birmingham 14 December to Katherine Annie Brind widow effects £3003 15s 6d.
Stephen Brind of Shaw Road Newbury berkshire grocer's assistant died 25 January 1906 administration Oxford 13 March to Charles James Brind watchmaker effects £132 18s 10d.
Thomas Brind of 16 Essex Street newcastle Upon Tyne died 26 February 1907 administration London 16 April to Elizabeth Jane Scott (wife of John Scott) effects £104 4s.
Peter Brind of 24 Oxborne Street Southsea Hampshire pensioned sergeant major in HM Army died 27 December 1906 administration (with will) Winchester 18 january to Mary Ann Brind widow effects £127 2s.
1908 Frederick William Brind of 13 Maze Hill St Leonards-on-Sea died 15 October 1908 probate London 20 November to Julia Mary Brind widow William Charles Nosworthy gentleman and Arthur Lichfield Sowerby gentleman effects £16,706 9s 9d.
1909: none

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Name Effects
Katherine Annie Brind of 2 Clarendon St Leamington Spa widow died 27 December 1909 probate Birmingham 10 May to Githa Deorwyn Watkins spinster effects £112 19s.
1911: None
Frances Brind of 33 Cecily Hill Cirencester Gloucestershire widow died 15 December 1911 probate London 7 February to Henry Tovey ironmonger and Ethelbert Ernest Heller solicitor effects £3,116 8s 7d.
Frederick Sale Sowley Brind of the Windsor Glen Ferngardens Old Christchurch Road Bournemouth died 18 January 1912 probate London 15 February to Frederick Shore Bullock police Commissioner and Ernest Walter Brind wine merchants effects £1,248 13s 5d.
Charles Brind of The Limes Court Road Banstead Surrey died 2 September 1913 probate London 27 September to Arthur Haden Brind architect Sarah Alice Brind spinster and Annie Mary Heller (wife of Ethelbert Ernest Heller) effects £2,080 1s 7d.
Charles George Brind of 6 Campion Hill Putney Surrey died 20 December 1912 probate London 21 February to Mary Annie Kate Brind spinster effects £4,505 8s 1d.
Ernest Walter Brind of 15 Bedford Gardens Middlesex died 16 March 1913 administration London 7 August to Theodora Maimee Brind effects £916 4s 1d.
Robert Whitehead Brind of Ingleside Victoria Road Abingdon Berkshire ironmonger died 7 December 1912 at Challow Berkshire administration Oxford 31 July to Jane Brind widow. Effects £3,065 19s 3d.
William Brind of 122 Dalling Road Hammersmith Middlesex died 15 December 1912 at Weltje Road Hammersmith probate London 29 January to William Brind warehouseman effects £890 10s. (hand written->) Further grant November 1915. See will.
1914: None
1915: Book missing
Arthur Haden Brind of 25 Cavendish Road Clapham Common Surrey died 26 April 1916 at Vale Royal Bournemouth probate London 5 July to Aida Frances Elizabeth Brind widow effects £1,604 14s. 4d.
Elizabeth Brind of Churchman's Farm Hurst Berkshire spinster died 16 June 1915 at the Berkshire Asylum Cholsey administration London 4 August to John Frederick Sargeant solicitor effects £135 1s 1d.
Ralph Montacute Brind of 4 Arlington Villas Clifton Bristol Captain in H M Indian Army died 14 January 1916 in Mesopotamia administration (with Will) Bristol 7 July to Eleanor Elizabeth Lumley Brind widow effects £289 10s.
Elizabeth Brind of 77 St Peter's Street Islington Middlesex widow died 13 December 1917 administration London 31 January to Abraham Joseph Dymock Brind post office employee effects £78 6s 7d.
Walter William Brind of 13 Magdalen Road Oxford retired builder died 14 January 1918 at the Radcliffe Infirmary Oxford probate Oxford 14 November to Jane Emma Brind widow effects £2684 17s 11d.
Edward Agincourt Brind of the Laurels Dorchester Dorsetshire died 12 January 1919 probate London 23 April to Albert Lund Captain HM Army. Effects £689 91s 8d.
Elizabeth Jane Brind of Sonning Common Oxford (wife of Robert Brind) 16 November 1918 administration London 5 February to the said Robert Brind butcher effects £318 7s 4d.
Name Effects
Alfred Walter of 62 St Augustines Avenue, South Croydon, Surrey, died 5 September 1920 probate London 11 October to Elizabeth Louisa Brind widow effects £503 12s 5d.
Sarah Brind of 1 Upper Speen View Terrace, Newbury, Berkshire (wife of Stephen Brind) died 6 July, 1920 at 99 Newtown Road, Newbury, administration Oxford 26 July to the said Stephen Brind labourer effects £109 2s 8d.
J. Fitz Brind of Denver, Colorado, United States of America, died 22 December, 1921, administration (with will) London 4 November to James Fothergill Evans solicitor attorney of Emma M Brind effects £291 13s 4d.
Elizabeth Frances Brind of 61 Bessbroough Place, Westminster, Middlesex, widow died 14 September, 1921 at 369 Fulham Road, Chelsea, Middlesex, administration London 13 August to Alfred John Brind taxi driver effects £5.
Thomas Henry Gordon Brind of Eagle Barnsdale, Lincolnshire, died 1 October,1923, administration Lincoln 16 October to Margaret Brind widow effects £157 8s.
Dame Eleanor Elizabeth Lumley Brind of 7 Princes Buildings, Clifton, Bristol, widow died 12 March, 1924, at 4 Chesterfield Place, Clifton, probate Bristol 2 May to Paul Hughenden Brind and Cyril Meade-King gentlemen effects £1084 6s 4d.
Jane Emma Brind of 13 Magdalen Road, Oxford, widow died 1 February, 1924, probate Oxford 20 February to Thomas Quelch shoemaker and James Henry Jefferies tailor effects £2,900 10s 7d.
William Brind of Heatherlere Park Road, Caterham, Surrey, died 13 December, 1923, probate London 14 February to Percy Hedley Hall solicitor effects £1467 0s 2d.
Dorothy Margaret Swire Brind of 26 Scardale Villas, Kensington, Middlesex (wife of John Edward Spencer Brind) died 26 November, 1924 at 17 Manchester Street, Middlesex, administration London 14 January to the said John Edward Spencer Brind colonel HM Army. Effects £185 17s 1d.
Mary Brind of Chapel Row, Warborough, Oxfordshire, spinster died 28 March 1925 at Little Haseley, Oxfordshire, probate Oxford 6 May to Julia Washington (wife of Henry Washington) effects £4,031 14s 9d.
Walter William Brind of Brinds Hotel Madras, India, died 20 January 1924 at Lady Willingdon Nursing Home Madras administration (with will) London 12 January to Mary Horgan (wife of John Joseph Horgan) effects £284 6s.
Leo Brind of Cliftonville Well Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, died 18 December 1926 at the Royal Isle of Wight County Hospital Ryde administration London 26 February to Rosabel Winifred Brind widow effects £545.
Robert Victor of Sonning Common Oxfordshire, died 2 March, 1928, at Middlesex Hospital, Marylebone, Middlesex, administration London 26 April to Robert Brind butcher effects £228 4s 7d.
Thomas Brind of West Street Aldbourne, Wiltshire, died 21 March 1927 administration (with will) London 3 April to Thomas Farmer Brind carpenter and Mary Jane Barrett widow effects £194.
Edgar Brind of 32 Brookswood Road, Southfields, Surrey, died 16 December, 1928 probate London 7 March to Edith Selina Brind widow effects £78 17s 6d.
Frederic Henry Brind of 178 Compton Buildings, Goswell Road, Middlesex, died 7 December 1928 at 14 Lloyd Square, Finsbury, London, administration London 22 March to Almedia Brind widow. Effects £384 18s 5d.
Mary Ann Brind of Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire spinster died 6 July 1929 administration (with will) London 2 September to Ernest George Gray builder effects £296 10s 4d.

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Name Effects
Annie Mary Brind of 12 Belgrave Place, Kemp Town, Brighton, spinster died 1 January, 1930, administration (with will) London 26 February to Ethel Emily Margaret Mainwaring spinster and Francis Edward Brind Mainwaring retired superintendent. Effects £7,422 15s 2d.
John Thomas Brind of 12 Colmer Road, Streatham, Surrey, died 27 January, 1930, administration London 20 February to Hubert John Brind omnibus driver effects £551 1s 7d.
Mary Annie Kate Brind otherwise Mary Annie of 5 Templeton Place, Earls Court, Middlesex spinster died 9 June, 1930 at Boreen Bridge Lane, Golders Green, Middlesex, probate London 18 July to Maude Brind spinster effects £534 19s 11d. (Hand written-> Further grant 21st April, 1942, Frances Winifred Major spinster appointed additional administrator in places of Frances Edward Brind Mainwaring deceased.
Gladys Olive Brind of 4 Manor Parade, Brighton Road, Purley, Surrey spinster died 24 February, 1937, at South London hospital for women Clapham Common Surrey administration Winchester 22 May to William Peter Brind schoolmaster effects £496 16s 3d.
Leonard Charles Brind of 100 Knollys Road, Streatham, Surrey died 8 May, 1937, at 72a East Dulwich Grove, Dulwich, Surrey, administration (with will) London 28 June to Hilda Brind widow. Effects £240. (My grandfather.)
Sydney Brind of Chislehurst 48 The Greenway, Uxbridge, Middlesex, died 22 June, 1937, probate London 20 August to Richard Francis Arthur Goffin groundsman RAF sports boards effects £500 1s 5d.
Brind William Charles of 2 Ardwell-avenue, Ilford died 15 November, 1937 at King George's Hospital, Ilford, administration London 4 February to Eliza Charlotte Brind widow effects £801 8s further grand 6 January 1958.
Two x Brinn in 1938
Brind Rosabel Winifred of Shirley Hayward-avenue, Ryde Isle of Wight widow died 5 January 1939 at Schoo House Spennywell Mottisfont Hampshire probate London 21 February to Hugh George Brind civil engineer and Vera Brind spinster effects £1,298 19s 8d.
Brind Sarah Elizabeth of 1 Spain-lane Boston Lincolnshire widow died 6 March 1937 probate Nottingham 13 April to Dorothy Isabel Brind spinster effects £251.
Brind Walter of 120 Grovelands-road Reading died 6 November 1939 at 344 Oxford Road Reading Probate Oxford 1 December to Emily Brind spinster effects £471 9s 7d.

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Name Effects
Brind Charlotte Elizabeth of 70 Brunswick-street Canton Cardiff (wife of Robert John Brind) died 6 January 1940 administration Llandaff 10 February to Robert William John Brind master baker effects £277 5s
Brind Elizabeth Ellen of 69 Donnington-gardens Reading (wife of Albert Edward Brind) died 2 December 1939. Administration Oxford 26 January to the said Albert Edward Brind chauffeur. Effects £187 3s 6d.
Brind Harriette of 15 Green Leas Sunbury-on-Thames Middlesex widow died 1 February 1940 probate London 20 May to Ernest Beeching solicitor effects £802 6s 7d.
Brind Mary Ann of 122 Dalling Road, Hammersmith London W6 (wife of William Brind) died 2 October 1940 at 25 Weltje-road, Hammersmith administration Llandudno 7 December to the said William Brind builders warehouseman effects £276 10s 3d
Brind William John of 15 Craignair-avenue Patcham Brighton died 20 February 1940 administration London 1 April to Jennie Frances Brind widow effects £228 8s 4d
Brind Dorothy Isabel of 63 Hull-road Hessle Yorkshire spinster died 21 July 1941 probate York 8 August to Francis Williams chemist and druggist effects £109 12s 6d.
Brind Eileen Margaret of Hill Lodge Bedhampton Havant Hampshire (wife of Eric James Patrick Brind) died 25 September 1940 at the Acland Nursing Home Oxford probate Llandudno 27 June to the said Eric James Patrick Brind commodor R.N. effects £8,995 8s 8d.
Brind Maud Ellen Jane of Heatherset Brighton-road Crawley Sussex spinster died 1 August 1941 administration Llandudno 20 December to Beatrice Wilhelmina Langslow Cock (wife of Edward Arthur Langslow Cock) effects £2,523 13s 2d.
Brind Ellen of 115 Fallsbrook-road Streatham London SW16 (wife of Robert William Brind) died 2 November 1941 at St James Hospital Balham London SW17 probate Llandudno 29 January to the said Robert Willaim Brind decorator effects £924 3s 2d.
Brind Lavinia Elizabeth otherwise Elizabeth of 28 Gloucester-road Newbury Berkshire (wife of Thomas Farmer Brind) died 4 May 1942 at the County Council Emergency Hospital Newbury probate Winchester 20 June to the said Thomas Farmer Brind and Colin Bennett Brind carpenters effects £809 17s 11d.
Brind Mary Annie Kate otherwise Mary Annie of 5 Templeton Place, Earls Court, Middlesex, spinster died 9 June, 1930, at Boreen Bridge Lane, Golders Green, Middlesex. Administration with will Llandudno 21 April (1942) to Beatrice Wilhelmina Langslow Cock (wife of Edward Arthur Langslow Cock) effects £325 10s 3d former grant P.R. 18 July 1930.
Brind Alice Louis of 79 Oxford-road Reading (wife of Frederick Brind) died 21 June 1941 probate Llandudno 15 January to Clarence Louis Brind painter effects £937 8s.
Brind George Ambrose of 413 Longbridge-road Barking Essex died 28 January 1943 on war service probate Llandudno 23 April to Ellen Brind (wife of Frederick Ambrose Brind) effects £255 2s 4d.
Brind Kate of 66 Chester-street Reading (wife of Charles Brind) died 20 March 1943 administration Oxford 7 June to the said Charles Brind retired railway goods inspector effects £156 2s 4d.
Brind Lily Elizabeth of 49 Portman-place London E2 (wife of Arthur Robert Brind) died 14 February 1943 at Bethnal Green Hospital London E2 administration Llandudno 22 May to the said Arthur Robert Brind rubber curer. Effects £186 9s.
Brind Robert John of 70 Brunswick-street Cardiff died 3 September 1943 at 121 St Fagans-road Cardiff probate Llandaff 13 October to Robert William John Brind baker and confectioner and Frank Edward Rose income tax assessor effects £3,682 6s 9d.
Brind Florence of 42 Church-street Northbourne Didcot Berks spinster died 10 February 1944 administration Oxford 22 March to Harry Theodore Brind retired railway employee effects £159 11s 9d.
Brind Robert of Sonning Common Oxfordshire died 22 February 1944 at the Royal Berkshire Hospital Reading probate Oxford 17 October to Alfred William Brind butcher and Dorothy Lilian Brind spinster effects £6,897 12s 9d.
Brind William Walter of 16 Parkside-road Didcot Berkshire died 18 July 1943 on war service administration Oxford 7 March to Gwendoline May Brind widow effects £273 4s 3d.
Brind Derek Thomas of 14 Chesterton-road Cambridge died 24 August 1944 on war service administration Peterborough 1 January to Edna Gertrude Brind widow effects £107 14s.
Brind Ellen of 413 Longbridge-road Barking, Essex, widow died 26 November 1944 administration Llandudno 27 March to Ellen Agnes Hadley married woman effects £1,211 2s 11d.
Brind Frederick Ambrose of 413 Longbridge-road Barking, Essex died 26 November 1944 administration Llandudno 27 March to Ellen Agnes Hadley married woman effects £524 0s 5d.
Brind Louisa of 2 Syr Davids-avenue Cardiff widow died 16 February 1945 at 16 Pencisely-rise Cardiff probate Llandaff 5 November to Aubrey William Gomer Warren certified accountant effects £4,367 15s 11d.
Brind Percival of Oakleigh Burtons Green near Halstead Essex died 9 October 1944 at Halstead Hospital Halstead probate Ipswich 14 April to Bessie Brind widow effects £493 17s
Paddy Kendall Brind-Sheridan of 6 Bay View-terrace Northam Devonshire died 1 November 1944 on war service probate Llandudno 16 March to Wendela Millear Brind Sheridan widow. Effects £640 9s 1d.
Brind Alfred Frederick Fell of Glenthorne Lodge, The Glen Walmer Kent died 17 December 1945 probate London 26 August to Florence May Brind and Lady Muriel Gore-Browne widows effects £3,472 8s 9d
Brind Ann Susannah of 3 Whitworth-road South Norwood London (wife of William Henry Brind) died 1 February 1946 at Briarwood The Avenue Malden Surrey administration (with will) London 1 May to the said William Henry Brind commissionaire effects £711 11s 9d
Brind Emily of Seven Acres Chieveley Berks (wife of William Henry Brind) died 3 September 1946 administration Oxford 28 October to the said William Henry Brind retired farm labourer effects £205 17s 8d
Brind Ethel Elizabeth of 1 Redlands Blundells-road Tiverton Devonshire spinster died 29 July 1946 probate 29 July 1946 probate Winchester 30 August to CatherineMackinnon Baxter widow effects £211 19s 10d
Brind George of Ishtree-terrace Stoke-row Ipsden Oxfordshire died 4 September 1946 administration Oxford 30 November to Sarah Rose Brind widow effects £460 1s 7d
Brind Ivy May of 6 High-street Caterham-on-the-Hill Surrey (wife of Frederick Gordon Brind) died 15 April 1945 at Sunniholme Nursing Home Warham-road Croydon Surrey probate London 29 June to Flossie Violet Coppard (wife of George Henry Coppard) effects £231 3s 7d
Brind John James of the Butts Aldbourne Wiltshire died 15 November 1923 at Devizes Wiltshire (with will) Winchester 22 August to William John Brind thatcher effects £320
Brind Richard Baden of 28 Valentia-road Reading died 9 May 1946 at Cholsey Berkshire administration Oxford 2 August to Edith Margaret Brind widow effects £174 9s 9d.
Brind Richard Henry of 10 Claude-road Cardiff died 25 December 1943 on war service administration Llandaff 16 April to Elsie Grace Brind widow effects £962 13s 2d
Brind Dorothy Alfreda Annie of 24 Kendall-avenue South Sanderstead Surrey spinster died 17 March 1947 at 28 Mayfield-road Sanderstead probate London 1 July to Forbes Spottiswood Weir solicitor effects £3,455 5s 6d
Brind Ernest John of 8 Heathdene-road Streatham London SW16 died 17 April 1947 at St James Hospital Balham London administration London 10 May to Isabel Hellen Hodge Black Brind widow effects £396 7s 10d
Brind Walter John of Delmead Little Basing Basingstoke Hampshire died 14 June 1944 at the Royal Berkshire Hospital Reading administration Winchester 26 June to Emma Brind widow effects £225
Brind William Henry of Seven Acres Chievely Berkshire died 9 January 1947 probate Oxford 3 June to Francis Albert Brind bricklayer effects £275 1s 4d
Brind Alice of 108 Stoke Newington Church-street London spinster died 29 September 1948 administration London 19 November to Emma Brind spinster effects £468 9s 8d.
Brind Florence Annie of Toft Vicarage Knutsford Cheshire spinster died 29 June 1947 probate Birmingham 16 January to the Reverend Walter Hinde Brind clerk and John Randolph Anthony retired solicitor effects £2,262 17s 4d.
Brind Louis of 91 High-street Ryde Isle of Wight died 7 May 1948 probate London 4 August to Charles Frederick Brind grocer and Lucy Rhoda Osborne widow effects £1,876 12s 9d.
Brind Mabel Jane Harriet of Toft Vicarage Knutsford Cheshire spinster died 25 February 1947 probate Birmingham 1 January to the Reverend Walter Hinde Brind clerk and John Randolph Anthony retired solicitor Effects £842 9s 9d
Brind Emma Smith of Rest Haven Marine-parade Leigh-on-Sea Essex spinster died 18 April 1949 at the General Hospital Southend-on-Sea administration London 5 July to Sidney Robert Purvis bank clerk effects £664 0s 5d
Brind Ergentine of 27 Mawson-lane Chiswick Middlesex widow died 16 August 1925 administration London 2 December to Walter Charles Brind retired wallpaper manufacturers foreman effects £769 11s 9d
Brind Harry Hanslow of Ismeer Gorran Haven Gorran Cornwall died 23 October 1948 probate London 4 February to Ethel Catherine Spencer Shaw spinster effects £3,327 12s 8d.
Brind Thomas Henry of 10 Lewis-street Barry Glamorgan died 31 March 1949 administration Llandaff 25 April to Neillie Winifred Blanche Brind widow effects £900/
Brind William of 37 Paddenswick-road Hammersmith London W6 died 25 January 1949 administration London 12 March to William Henry Brind railway clerk effects £834 11s 2d.
Brind William Henry of 65 Arundel-road Kingston-upon-Thames died 9 February 1949 probate London 1 April to Wilfred Henry Brind sales clerk effects £389 0s 7d

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Name Details
Brind Charles of 66 Chester-street Reading died 13 May 1950 at 344 Oxford-road Reading probate Oxford 6 July to Reginal Charles William Brind railway signalman effects £777 18s 11d
Brind Charles Ernest of 79 Regina-road Southall Middlesed died 21 April 1950 at King Edwards Hospital Ealing Middlesex administration London 12 June to John Bishop Brind capstan operator effects £169 13s 7d
Brind May Isobel of 41 Stuart-crescent Stanmore Winchester widow died 9 June 1950 at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital Winchester administration Winchester 3 July to Sheila Blanche Brind spinster effects £218 9s 3d
Brind Walter Griffith of 55 Wrekin-drive New Donnington Wellington died 22 January 1950 administration London 1 April to Maude Mary Brind widow. Effects £919 11s 3d
Brind Abraham Joseph Dymock of 60 Belgrave-road Walthamstow Essex died 28 June 1951 probate London 19 September to Edward Thomas Grainer civil servant effects £1,587 4s 2d
Brind Amy of 11 Courtybella-terrace Newport Monmouthshire (wife of Richard Mortimer Brind) died 7 January 1951 administration Llandaff 2 February to the said Richard Mortimer Brind journeyman butcher effects £132 7s 9d
Brind Charles Frederick of 58 West-street Ryde Isle of Wight died 17 December 1950 probate London 13 March to Midland Bank executor and Trustee Co Ltd effects £13,034 6s 4d
Brind Eleanor Jane Marriott of Herrison Charminster Dorsetshire spinster died 24 November 1950 administration Bristol 14 March to Paul Hughenden Brind retired civil servant effects £2,276 15s 1d
Brind Julia Margaret of 13 Lower Maze Hill St Leonards-on-Sea spinster died 19 January 1951 probate Lewes 28 March to Arthur William Keith Brackett and John Sydney Meneer solicitors and Constance Theodora Montague Owen spinster effects £17,447 5s 6d.
Brind Rosa Blanche of 41 Stuart-crescent Stanmore Winchester spinster died 25 January 1951 at St Pauls Hospital Winchester administration London 11 May to Edward Charles Henry Brind printer effects £227 11s 4d
Brind Francis William of 79 Deacon-street Swindon Wiltshire died 8 December 1951 at St Margarets Hospital Stratton St. Margaret Wiltshire administration Oxford 30July to Henry John Brind railway labourer effects £1,927 9s 10d
Brind Alice of 56 Oldfield-road Coventry widow died 28 May 1952 probate Birmingham 21 November to Cyril Brind engineer and John Whittle sheet metal worker effects £2,223 0s 2d
Brind Frederick Thomas of 97 Piedmont-road Plumstead Kent died 6 January 1952 administration London 16 February to Emily Brind widow effects £379
Brind Henry John of Kings-lane Longcot Faringdon Berks died 2 November 1952 at Victoria Hospital Swindow Wiltshire probate Winchester 28 November to Annie Amelia Brind widow effects £436 18s 1d
Brind William Thomas of 37 Kingsbridge-road Newbury Berkshire died 17 April 1938 administration Oxford 1 July to Tabitha Brind widow effects £15
Brind Elizabeth Mabel of 121 St Fagans-road Cardiff (wife of Robert William John Brind) died 19 September 1953 at Royal Infirmary Cardiff probate 9 November to the said Robert William John Brind master baker effects £2,567 1s 6d
Brind Robert William of 31 Caithness-road, Mitcham Surrey died 24 February 1953 probate London 2 May to Arthur Ernest Brind builders supervisor effects £564 8s 1d
Brind Walter Thomas of 68 Buckleigh-road Streatham London SW16 died 4 April 1953 at St James Hospital Balham London administration (with will) London 28 May to Frederick Walter Brind building contractor effects £207 1s 7d
Brind Albert Edward of 40 Francis-road Chingford London E4 6 February 1954 at Whipps Cross Hospital London E11 administration London 19 March to Margaret Elizabeth Brind widow effects £515 15s 7d
Brind Edward Charles Henry of 152 Willow-road Enfield Middlesex died 17 October 1953 at Chase Farm Hospital Enfield probate London 18 March to Amy Frances Brind widow effects £93 10s
Brind Eleanor Ann of Heatherclere 73 Park-road Caterham-on-the-Hill Surrey widow died 16 May 1943 at Linkfield house Batts Hill Reigate Surrey probate London 8 December to Frederick Gordon Brind postmaster effects £480.
Brind Frederick of 21 Dacre-street Sheffield died 6 February 1954 at the City General Hospital Sheffield administration London 30 March to Ada Brind widow effects £911 13s 8d
Brind Sir John Edward Spencer KCB KBE CMG DSO of Kenthurst Rolvenden Tenterden Kent died 14 October 1954 probate London 23 December to Sir Eric James Patrick Brind GBE KCB and William Pasfield Oliver CB OBE Major General HM Army effects £7,017 16s 6d
Brind William Harold of 141 Westbrooke-road Welling Kent died 5 October 1953 at Joyce Green Hospital Dartford Kent probate London 22 January to Lizzie Kirkby Brind widow effects £1,892 8s

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