Thomas | = St Mary, Marylebone 19/11/1790 | Mary (Sowley) |
b 1758 | See Sowleys | |
d 1838 Parish register/ Certificate Will |
d 1846? Parish register? |
Prime Warden Goldsmith Co
See report of aquisition of premises by state to build General Post Office, linking Thomas Brind to Augustus Brown(e) goldsmith Spirit merchant (see insurance) |
|| |
Charles | Henry Walter Possible link |
Thomas | Frances Esther | Mary Ann |
b 1788 | b 1792 | b 1793 | b 1795 | b 1798 |
d. 1848 See will See auction. |
???? See d. 1852(60) certificate See will |
d. 1870(77) | d. 1856 | |
Wine merchant, prime warden of the Goldsmiths' Co 1848 See London trade directories |
Coal merchant See London trade directories |
1841 census |
Return to index | Skeleton of tree |
Certified copy of an entry of DEATH | Registration district | St James Clerkenwell | 1838 DEATH in the Sub-district of Pentonville, Clerkenwell in the County of Middlesex |
No | When and where died | Name and surname | Sex | Age | Occupation | Cause of death | Signature, description and residence of informant | When registered | Signature of registrar |
159 | February 10 14 Winchester (or Colchester?) Place |
Thomas Brind |
Male | 80 | Gold Refiner | General decay | Charles Brind son present at death 14 Devonshire Street Bishopgate |
February 16 | George Pyne Registrar |
Certified copy of an entry of DEATH | Registration district | Lewisham | 1852 DEATH in the Sub-district of Lewisham Village in the County of Kent |
No | When and where died | Name and surname | Sex | Age | Occupation | Cause of death | Signature, description and residence of informant | When registered | Signature of registrar |
40 | Sixth July 1852 Dartmouth House, Lewisham |
Thomas Brind |
Male | 60 years | Gentleman | Chronic inflammation of the bladder Certified |
John Hornkapp(???) Present at death Dartmouth House Lewisham |
Tenth July 1852 |
James Buchan(?) Registrar |
Kelly's Post Office London Directory of 1839 |
Brind Chas, Wine &c mercht, 14 Devonshire st, Bishopsgate |
Brind Charles Bourn, Tea dealer & Grocer, 28 Old change |
Brind Thos. Coal & coke mercht, 24 Winchester wf, City rd. basin |
Brine John & Son . Statuaries, 17 South row, New rd, St Pancras |
Kelly's Post Office London Directory of 1830 |
Brind C, wine mercht, 14 Devonshire st, Bishopsgate |
Brind T. jun, Coal & coke mercht, Winches wha, City ro basin |
Brind Wal, Ribbon & Silk wear, 11 Paternoster row, St Pauls |
Brine John. Statuary, South row, New road, Somers town |
Robson's London Commercial Directory of 1830 |
Brind Chas, wine merchant, 14 Devonshire st, Bishopsgate |
Brind Thos, Coal merchant, 24 Winchester wharf, City rd basin |
Brind Walter, Ribbon manuf. 11 Paternoster rw |
Brine Jne. Statuary & mason, 16 South rw, New rd, St Pancras |
Lease 1930 B. S. & G. 898 |
Thomas Brind to Horace Boys No 24 wharf, City Rad, Islington |
[LMA British records...] 1848-1868 |
This the last Will and Testament |
Thomas Brind of Ellington Road near Ramsgate Kent I
give and bequeath to my housekeeper Elizabeth Mac Donald all my household goods and books casts & provider the remains w(h)ich survives me And I appoint my friend Geo: Howell? Executor of this my will dated this nineteenth February 1852 Thos Brind Witnesses Alice Plusfold Ellington Kent William Mackey N 1 Union Place Ramsgate |
Signed and published and declared by the Testator Thos Brind as and for his last will & Testament in the presence of both of us present at the same time who in the presence of each other have thereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses |
Proved at London 22nd July 1852 before the Worshipful James
Parker Deane Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of George Howell? the sole Executor to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer |
This is the last will & Testament
of me Charles Brind of Devonshire Ct Birshopsgate in the City of London Wine Merchant. I revoke all other Wills by me at any time made I appoint George Smith Hayter? of the ffirs? Mitcham in the county of Surrey Gentle man William Nosworthy of Lower Sydenham in the county of Surrey, Gentleman and George Howell of Devonshire St in the City of London my executrix Executors of this my will I desire the payment of all my debts? funeral testamentary expenses all of my personal estate I give devise &bequeath all my Real & personal Estate to my said executors that their executors adminis trators & assigns on the ******** for the contents & purposes Hereafter declared that is to say upon Trust as to all the sums owing to me as a Wine Merchant and as to all my wines and spirits & stores in trade that they & the survivors or survivor of them or the trustees for the time being of this my will as authorised by powers permit the debts to be collected and the said Wines Spirits & store in trade to be sold during the first eighteen months after my decease in the course of my trade by the said George Howell and fFrederick William Brind son of my late cousin Walter Brind of Coventry or the survivor of them and that after payment of the annuities hereinafter mentioned they shall from time to time pay the residue of the monies which shall be so receivved into the joint monies of my said trustees at their Bankers and that they account to my executors for such receipts by all Account to be made up and advised to them every three months and I declare that my executors shall pay to the said George Howell as they may agree invited then for such services and make such compensation to the said fFrederick William Brind as they ma&y think reason- able and I declare that my said executors or trustees shall not be liable for the acts and defaults of the said George Howell and fFrederick William Brind in collecting my debts or selling my stock in trade until the proceeds thereof shall have been paid into the account of my trustees which their Bankers and ???? ????? that the said George Howell & fFrederick William Brind shall bear charges from liability over all things appearing in the accounts to be received after my trustees shall unconditionally allow to them And I direct that the said George Howell & fFrederick William Brind shall make the quarterly pay- ments of the annuities to be secured by the Bond of the said fFrederick William Brind as my Residury Legatee out of the monies which shall so come to their hands during the first eighteen months after my decease the Residue of such monies to be disposed of by my trustees as part of my personal estate And upon further trust as to all my painting pictures drawings engravings Bronzes Etruscan Antiquities Vases Coins and all other works of art or Jewellery and plate also my Household ffurniture Glass & China that may cause the same to be sold by public Auction by Messrs Christie & Alanson or if no longer in Parternship by either of them or by such person or persons |
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as my trustees may select between the first day of March and the first day of July next after my decease And upon further Trust that as the expiration of eighteen months ???? after my decease my trustees shall dispose of and convert into money such parts of the uncontrolled? debts and unsold stock as shall be in their nature valuable except the contingent reversionary interests which were bequeathed to me by my ffather's will or residue received under my ffather's will I have purchased from my Brother and any lease- hold or freehold property I may be possessed of I have forgiven Thomas Palmer of Newgate St the debt of two thousand pound which he owed me retaining two policies on his life of five hundred pounds each in lieu thereof I have also forgiven his son Thomas Walter Palmer the one thousand pounds he owed me on condition that he regularly pays the premiums of the two policies of five hundred pounds each which I hold on his life but should he fail to do so I then leave to my trustees to deal with the said debt as they may think proper. I give to the aforesaid Thomas Palmer for his life the proceeds as Rent of the House No 23 Milk St Cheapside after payment of a ten pounds pa annum to paidcure payee in which I am liable for him the Rent due to the landlord say sixty five pound p annum and twentynine pounds p annum to my trustees or Residuary Legatee for interest on the money I have laid out or lent to be laid out upon the said House I have forgiven William Nosworthy certain pocidural payment which he was vowed to make me out of the Coal business formerly Edward Brinds I give to Mary Ann Elliott now resident with me and whom I have adopted as my daughter One thousand pounds To Eliza Elliott also now residing with me two hundred pounds To my executors one hundred pounds each in consideration of the trouble they may have in performing duties under this my will To George Bower Esq. of Token House yard? I have omitted among those of my executors knowing the many calls upon his valuable time all whom I look to as the friendly or legal advice as the case may be of the above named Mary Ann Elliott and Eliza Elliott one hundred pounds Whereas I some time ago assigned a policy of Insurance for the sum of one thousand pounds on my life in same manner as that I intended also still intend that the above mentioned Eliza Elliott shall be entitled to the said sum of One thousand pounds at my death I do hereby hereby direct that the trustees for the time being of this my will in case by any means whatsoever the said Eliza Elliott shall not receive the said sum of one thousand pounds upon the said ** in due time after my decease so pay and I do hereby give to the said Eliza Elliott the sum of one thousand pounds in lieu thereof I also declare? that my trustees shall after the completion of eighteen calendar months from my decease transfer over the leases of the House ******** and premises which I now or may then occupy in Devonshire Street as well as the fixtures and of my trade and the household furniture plate linens Glasses but not Pictures or Works of Art accidentally there to fFredrick William Brind aforesaid and to put him in possession of the Goodwill of the trade which I carried on there I further give the following legacies To my Clerk and and friend Mr George Howell in addition to his beneficial legacies five hun- dred pounds To my God-daughter Mrs Ann Goldham sister of Ffrederick William Brind five hundred pounds To her brother Charles Brind Two hundred pounds To my Cousin Mrs Caroline Mitchell (late IoW?) one hundred pounds To Susan wife of my Executor Mr William Nosworthy two hundred pounds To each of my four God-children Emma Thomas being Mr Samuel Thomas? Margaret Mackinlay daughter of Thomas Mackinlay To Emma daughter of George ***** Esq. and Charles Hayter son of my executor fifty pounds each To my cousin William Henry Brind of Cheltenham ******** One hundred pounds To Mrs Walter Brind Mother of my cousin Frederick William Brind fifty pounds. To Mrs Susan Nosworthy senior Mother of my executor fifty pounds To my cousin Charles Bourne |
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Brind late of the old Change ffifty pounds to Miss Eliza Northleigh compan
-ion of my sisters fifty pounds. To my cousin Henry Brind now of Florence ten pounds for mourning. To his sister Mrs Susanna Welsh of Charmouth? ten pounds to Mrs Shearman daughter of my late Aunt Dalton ten pounds to her sister Mrs Esther Hoinville ten pounds. To their sister Mrs Dalton five pounds to their sister Mrs Earle five pounds.. To Edward Brind brother of Frederick William Brind fifty pounds. To Jane Dale nurse? of my sisters if in their service or of the survivor of them at my death ten pounds. To my Men Charles Wren William Barber John Brown and Edward Rooke and to Mrs Mary Ann Barber wife of the above William Barber if still in my service at my decease five pounds each I irect that all legacy duties on the several bequests by me made shall be paid out of my personal estate and also that until the several bequests and legacies shall be paid ******** or invested according to this my will in the same shall bear interest at the rate of five pa cent pa annum from twelve months after the day of my decease I also give to Mrs George Palmer widow of my late cousin George Palmer. To my brother Thomas Brind one hun- dred pounds. To my old friend Mr Thomas Acewater> of Dalston Rise one hundred pounds. All the rest residue and remainder of my estate Real and personal except the contingent reversionary? interest bequeathed to me in the will of my father and that which devived under my father's will I have purchased of my brother and which I intend hereafter to dispose of in this my will I do hereby give and bequeath to my executors their heirs executors and administrators upon the trusts follow- ing that is to say in trust for and I give and bequeath the same to the said fFrederick William Brind his heirs executors and administrators on the following conditions that is to say that he shall within a eighteen calendar months of my decease provided my executors have by that time ascertained the amount of the residue of this my first estate exclusive of the Reversionary interest above alluded to give and deliver at his own expense to each of the annuitants hereinafter mentioned his bond or obligation in writing in a sufficient penalty with condition that the said Bond shall be void on the due payment of the annuity secured by the said Bond *** the said fFrederick William Brind his executor and administrators laying out the sum of money hereinafter mentioned in the purchase of a Government annuity in the name and for the benefit of such annuitant to be payable quarterly on the usual quarter days each year the first payment to be made on the fifth quarter day after my decease I accordingly give and bequeath to my brother Thomas Brind fifty pounds pa annum for his natural life provided the said fFrederick William Brind is allowed to retain at five pa cent pa annum the eight thousand pounds belonging to my two sisters and the portion of it which will belong to the survivors of them and which monies I hold at the said rate of interest with written assent of the executrix and executor of my late ffather (my late mother and my late Uncle Bourne) in order thereby to render my sister's income sufficient for their wants in their present? state should the said fFrederick william Brind is obliged to invest the said monies belonging to my sister so their income could thereby be in all probability secured? the said annuity of fifty pounds per annum shall as regards my brother cease from the time of the said investment and be added to the income of my sisters to whom I hereby give during their joint lives but to revive in favor of my brother and continue for the remain der of his life immediately on the death of the first dying of my two Sisters should either of them die before him should the said fFrederick William Brind invest the said eight thousand pounds or any portion of it during the life of my two sisters of his own free will and preferences then my brothers annuity is to continue as before and I hereby in case Ffrederick William |
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Brind prefers so investing the said monies and does so give and bequeath to
my sisters during their joint lives One Hundred pounds per annum in order to render their income more nearly sufficient for their wants but should the said Frederick William Brind prefer investing and invest after the death of my first dying sister the six thousands pounds which will then be the por- tion of the survivors of them as the increase thereof would then be sufficient for the wants them the said annuity of One Hundred pounds is not to be paid nor in any case after the death of either of my said Sisters notwith- standing anything therein said or appearing to the contrary I hereby give to my trustees for the time being all my leasehold and if any freehold proper- ty except the lease of the Devonshire Street House to hold and ***** so long as my Sisters money remain invested in the first place as a security for the due payment of the interest due to my sisters of Sister by ffrederick William Brind which I direct shall be paid quarterly to Mrs George Howell and Miss Eliza Northleigh or either of them for the use of my said sisters so long as they remain incapable of managing their own affairs and in the next place for my trustees to hold after any security may become unnecessary on behalf of my sisters either by the death or the investment of their money in trust for Mary Ann Elliott during her natura- al life the lease of the House I have lately built at Stamford Hill free from the will or control of any husband she may intermarry with but with power to her to will it away as she may think proper unless she marries as intended the said fFrederick William Brind in which case it is to become his property absolutely after and to pay to her the rent of the said house during her natural life and I further direct that my trustees shall also retain as security for the annuities I am about to give to Miss Eliza Northleigh and Jane Dale at the death of the survivor of my two sisters the lease of the house No 32 in Newgate? Street unless the monies of my said sister or sisters shall been previously ***** invested in which case a sufficient portion of the said monies shall be retained invested before the remainder is made over as I may direct to serve as security for the above mentioned annuities which I am about to give to the said Miss Eliza Northleigh and Jane Dale The remainder of my household and freehold property not otherwise disposed of is of ***** * be made over to my residuary legatee when no longer required as a security as ** above mentioned and the rents thereof in the meantime to be paid to *** provided the interest due by * to my sister or sisters continues to be regularly paid Be it well understoof that not withstanding anyting therein to the contrary I intend order and direct that the house I have built at Stamford Hill shall be an independent provision? for the said Mary Ann Elliott for her natural life and that the income derived therefrom shall be paid to her from and immediately after my decease and I therefore direct that should the said Ffrederick William Brind at any time make default in paying the interest which may be owed by him to my Sister or sisters any said trustees shall immediately take steps as they may deem necessary or prefer to service to the said Mary Ann Elliott the interest and benefits I have hereby given her in the said house by the sale or disposal of whatever of my property may be in their possession not? otherwise disposed of or in any other manner they may think fit and *** I hereby give to Miss Eliza Northleigh fifty pounds to annuity for her natural life and to Jane Dale twenty pound in annuity for her natural life both these annuities to commence from the day of the death of the survivor *** of my two sisters should both the said annuities be in attendance upon them or her until that time unless incapacitated therefrom by ill health I further give to be paid quarterly for the natural lives of the annui- tants to Eliza Elliott before mentioned and twenty five pounds per annum to my cousin Ann daughter of my late Uncle Walter Brind twenty pounds as |
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per annuity to her Sister Jane ten pounds per annum to their sister Ellen
ten pounds pe annum to their sister Mrs Elizabeth Davis twenty pounds pe annum to my cousin Mitford Patrick and to his sister Mary Patrick each fifty pounds pe annum to be applied to their *** not so long a they may be incapable of managing for themselves by Mr George Howell my executor and fFrederick William Brind to my cousin Elizabeth Luck (late Patrick) fifteen pound pe annum provided always that the several annun- itants shall take and accept such bonds of the said fFrederick William Brind in his sole personal security as shall not have or be entitled to the benefit of any trust charge or lieu after the said fFrederick William Brind shall *** have given such bonds as aforesaid in or upon any said first residuary bequest or other legacy given and bequeath to him nor shall such annui- ties or the bonds to be given or in any way a charge or lieu upon any part of my estate except such part thereof as I shall hereafter expressly make chargeable there with provided always that in case the trustee or trustee for the time being of this my will shall at the end of eighteen calendar months after my decease at any time afterwards within two years of my decease rectify that according to their or his opinion my first residuary bequest to the said ffrerderick William Brind (not including any other legacies bequeathed to him by this my will shall be of less amounts or value than ten times the annual amount of all the said annuities or thereof amounts of each annuity shall abate in proportion as such residuary estates shall be so rectified to fall short of that (sum?) but in case such annuities shall abate by reason of the above mentioned deficiency then I do direct that as soon as by the death of any of the annuitants my said first residuary estate shall have become equal to ten time the amount of the annuities then the liability of the said fFrederick William Brind to pay the full amount of the annui- ties shall revive from that time And I further declare in case the said fFrederick William Brind his heirs executors and administrators should at any time during the life of the said annuitants invest such a sum of money as is equal to ten times the amount of their his or her annuity in the purchase of a Govern ment acquiring in the name of such annuitant or annuitants then their his or her annuity shall cease and such Government annuity or annuities shall be accepted in satisfaction of the annuities sourced by the Bond of the said fFrederick William Brind and such bond or bonds shall be given up to be ******** by him my late father Thomas Brind having by his last will left Eight thousand pounds the interest thereof to go to his two daughters for their joint lives and at the death of either of them without issue one half her share to go to the survivor and the other half to be divided between his two sons my Brother and myself hand I having purchased my brother's share thereof as well as of the property of the surviving sister which was also to be divided equally between two that is to say himself and me should also die without issue I hereby with the reserve as security to Miss Eliza Northleigh and Jane Dale already mentioned give to my trustees all my interests in this my *** residuary Estate upon trust that at the death of the first dying of my two sisters they divide the two thousand pounds that will then revert to my Estate equally between the before mentioned Mary Ann Elliott and ffrederick William Brind and that at the death of my surviving Sister that to divide the same manner the residue of that property also between the two same parties and further I direct that should either of the said two parties die before one of my two sisters than the whole of that property as it becomes due to my estate shall be given and I hereby give it to the survivor of those the said Mary Ann Elliott and fFrederick William Brind I do hereby also declare that should the trustees of this my will or any of them or their executors administrators and assigns or if the said George Howell and Eliza Northleigh who are to be trustees for the application of the income of my sisters or either of them happen to die or be desirous of being discharged from or be incapable to act |
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the trusts hereby deposed on than then and so often as the same happens
the said Mary Ann Elliott and the surviving trustee or trustees or after her decease the surviving trustee or trustees and fFrederick William Brind shall appoint a person or person to become trustee or trustees in the stead of those so hoping or desiring to be discharged or becoming incapable to act as aforesaid I also further declare that the said several trustees their executors and administrators and assigns shall be chargeable respectively for such monies only as they shall annually receive notwithstanding their or any of their giving or joining in giving any receipts for the sake of conformity and that any one or more of them shall not be accountable for the others nor for involuntary losses and also that it shall be lawful for them with and out of the monies which shall come to their hands by virtue of the aforesaid trusts to retain and reimburse themselves res- pectively and also allow to their so trustees of trusty all costs charges damages and expenses which they6 or any of them shall suffer or be put to **** about the execution of the aforesaid trusts In Witness whereof I the said Testator have to this my last will and Testament contained in nine pages of paper including this present one set my hand this twenty second day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty seven Charles Brind-- signed and declared by the said Testator as and for this last will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have here unto subscribed our names as witnesses Catherine Murphy-- Mary Bartlett his servants This is a Codicil to my last will and Testament I wish to explain with reference to my annexed will ffirstly that I intend that the House No 23 Milk Street Cheapside should be available as security in case of need to my Sisters or Sister only as far as regards that part of the proceed codicil now let that being about five pe Cent Interest on the money which I consider I have contributed towards improving its value the use to be made of the remainder of the rent receivable from Mrs Peter Popplewell I have fully Inscribed in my will the lease of house is therefore not to be sold ******** such is it understood that should either Mrs Eliza Northleigh or Jane Dale have ceased to be in Attendance upon my sisters of sister at the death of the survivor of them I intend them to be from that time entitled to the annuity I have given them if their absence from these duties is by my trustees consider ed to be occasioned by their ********* from illness? Notwithstanding Anything I may have said to the contrary I direct that should my Residuary legatee fFrederick William Brind prefer investing and of his own free will invest the property of my sisters or of the survivor of them then the annuity of one hundred pounds pe annum which I have conditionally given them is that **** shall be and continue not only for the life of the two but also for that of the survivor of them ffourtly should unfortunately my trustees by ******** default of the said fFrederick William Brind be obliged to appropriate to the use of my sisters or sister the proceeds of the house I have built at Stamford Hill instead of for the time being paying them over as directed to Mary Ann Elliott I direct that immediately on that necessity ceasing the proceeds of the said House shall be as originally intended paid to the said Mary Ann Elliott and that on no account shall the said House be sold or Mortgage or so dis- disposed of as that she should be deprived of the rent thereof at latest after the demise of my sisters of the survivor of them I give Mrs Walter Brind senior daughter of Mrs Dalton five pounds I acknowledge all the silver plate now in my *** use and marked with her initials to belong to Eliza Elliott I give to my friend Mr Alderman Copeland a diamond ring of the value of nineteen Guineas I give to Mr Norton of Soho Square his sister Mrs |
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Norton his daughter Mrs Mauson and her husband Mr Mauson each a
ring or broach of the value of five guinea. To Mrs Augusta Browne a Broach of the vlue of five Guines I give to each of my following friends a ring similar to those made in Memory of my late ffather, to my Brother Thomas Brind to my Cousin Colonel ffrederick Brind, to my Cousin Captain James Brind a to my three executors to Mr George Bower of ********** house yard to Mr E. A. Browne of Devonshire Place to Mr Wingrove his partner to Mr E? their Clerk to Mr Kingston their Clerk to Mr George Parkinson of ***** Raquet Court to Mr John Parkinson of Sackville Street to Mr Thomas in *** of Leadenhall Street and Enfield to Mr John Lane? of Goldsmith's Hall and to ffrederick William Brind I also give to the said ffredrick William Brind my Gold Watch by Mr East? my Marble Bust by B*** RA my large Bible Testament and Prayer Book and my engraved Portrait of the Queen by Chalon with her sign Manner I give to Mary Ann Elliott my little picture by (late Mrs Ffulton?) my kaleidoscope my small Microscope and Glasses my small Cameo Ruby Ring from among my coins as well as the piano due to me by Mrs Collard and all my other pianos if any and other Musical Instruments and Music and my Sapphire Ring given me by Mr Dobson I give to Mr George Howell my Gold ***** Watch Chain or any other watch chain I may have in use in lieu of it at the time of my decease I wish all the Rings Broaches *** hereby devised to be ******** forwarded to the different parties by my residuary legatees ffrederick William Brind I give to Mr George ********** my marble Busts of himself and a Thalbery (by Baily RA) and my single stoned diamond Ring given me by Mr ** Hameville I should wish unless my executors see any good reason for mybeing buried in Bishopsgate Church yard but at all evevents in a grave and not in a vualt to be buried in some Country Church yard or Cemetery provided it be consecreated ground and with as little expense as may be considred decent I hereby wish added to the list of Mourning Rings to be given out to my old ffriend Mr Thomas Acewater? of Dalston Rise In Witness whereof I have to this Codicil to my last Will and Testament contained in two pages set my hand this twenty third day of December in the year of Our Lord One thousandeight hundred and forty seven -- Charles Brind-- Signed and declared by the said Testator as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto and at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses-- Mary Bartlett-- Catherine Murphy his servants. Proved at London with a Codicil the 12th December 1848 before the Worshipful James Parker ***** Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the * of George Smith Hayter William Nosworthy and George Howell the executors to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn duly to |
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See an interesting will |
Milk Street, Cheapside, seems to have been a major commercial centre. According to Kent's Directory for the Year 1794 (Cities of London and Westminster, & Borough of Southwark) several of the premises were used for commercial purposes. Number 21 (presumably next door to number 23) was a wholesale tea dealers run by Elton, Hammond & Parker. There was a button seller and a button manufacturer in the street. Harris & Venning, ribbon manufacturers, had premises at 37 Milk Street and Remington & Wilson silk manufacturers were at 30 Milk Street (Walter Brind 1763-1832 was in the silk trade). At 43 Milk Street there was a Men's Mercery Warehouse run by Lee & Jefferson. There was a warehouseman and interestingly at Clement's Court, Milk Street, there was a wine & brandy merchants run by M. Newbold. There were several other businesses in the various courts around Milk Street.
For more directory information see this note. |
In Charles' will we have mention of a cousin George Palmer and in the court case of 29 March 1792 Henry has a newphew William Palmer. I cannot see how they fit in. Perhaps they were relatives of his mother and aunt-- Mary and Susannah Brind (nee Sowley), the same applies of Mrs Caroline Mitchell (late IoW?). David Brind. |
Mary Ann was the daughter of Thomas Elliott of Ealing. In a pedigree by Sir Thomas Phillipps of 1867 and in another of 1871 the daughter of John Elliott of ....... In both she was shown as Marian. Eliza Elliott is probably her mother, or a sister. Her baptism has not been found in the IGI. David Brind. |
Return to tree |
Document ref no MS 11936/472/938252 |
Insured Thomas Brind 14 Devonshire StreetBishopsgate Street without spirit merchant |
Guildhall Library, records of Sun Fire |
1818 and another in 1823 different ref. |
At Messrs. Christie and Manson's the many specimens of art which were, with equal taste and judgement, selected by the late Charles Brind, ESq., will shortly be sold. The sale commences on Thursday next, and does not conclude before Saturday. From the time which is will occupy the reader may form some notion of the value of the collection. It consists of many rare specimens of antiquity, and a number of pictures, which we advise all of our readers to see. To appreciate the worth of the gems something like knowledge is required; but to recognise the beauty of the paintings we do not imagine any learning can be needed. A more choice collection never came under out notice. The works are really beautiful, and should provoke the longing of all who profess to admire art. The majority of those by the old masters are specimens such as do not every day come into the market. Many of them have been engraved, and several has been exhibited at the British Institution. Of the genuineness of the paintings we allude to there is no reason to entertain a doubt. The things declare their authenticity by the merit they display. We see them not to question but to admire, and had we liberty to choose it would be difficult to point out the one we would give preference to. In size they are small being in dimensions even less than what are generally termed cabinet pictures, but in genius they are indeed large, and one of them would more adorn the apartment in which it hung than a larger work of ordinary character possibly could ornament it. In subject and in style they have a domestic aspect, and there is no place for which they would be unsuited. With one of two exceptions they belong to the Dutch school, and those which represent the talent of other countries are nevertheless of a character which harmonises with the leading attributes of the group. The subject are pleasing, and the taste they indicate is in other particulars borne out. We looked over the collection with delight, and cannot but imagine it will excite a lively competition, for it would be difficult to suppose so rare an opportunity would, by the wealthy, be allowed to ass without a struggle being made to secure some of the treasures it offers a chance of possessing. Unfortunately at this period of the year there are so many claims made upon the space at our command that we have no power to do full justice to all which falls under our notice. It would require more than a column of close print to describe even briefly the beauties of these works, for, on referring to our catalogue, we find nearly every one is marked as excellent. Consequently, not daring to assert which is the best where styles and subjects are various and talent in all exhibited, we shall content ourselves with a general expression of sincere admiration, advising our readers, whether they intend to purchase or not, to go and see the paintings, which will, we should conjecture, fetch rather unusual prices on Saturday next. Although this is undated, this is what Wikipedia says about the Bishop of Limerick:- Edmund Knox was an absentee Irish Bishop in the mid 19th century whose death at the height of the Irish Famine lead to a famously critical leading article in The Times. He was born in 1772, the 7th and youngest son of Thomas, 1st Viscount Northland and educated at Trinity College, Dublin. He was Dean of Down from 1817 to his elevation to the Episcopate as Bishop of Killaloe and Kilfenora in 1831. Translated to Limerick in 1834 he died in post on 3 May 1849. It seems likely that this was the auction of the goods of Charles Brind (1788-1848) and it took place in May 1849. | ![]() |
The name Thomas Brind features in the penultimate column. The above comes from a volume in Google Books. It is an odd collection of archives from the session 21 April to 23 November 1820 that seems to have been deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. One section contains a long complaint by Augustus Brown(e) about what seems to be the compulsory purchase of premises at Cheapside, St Martin-Le-Grand, Aldersgate Street, Saint Anne's Lane and Foster Lane by an Act of June 1815 designed to improve the area. Augustus Brown(e) goes before a Select Committee, presumably to complain about the way he has been dealt with. The section is headed APPENDIX TO REPORT FROM SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE INTENDED NEW POST-OFFICE LONDON. The following is just a sample of the rather complex text. |