McGuffin's Film Society
This site was last modified on March 17, 2001

Save the Cinema!

McGuffin's is the film and tv society dedicated to saving the EMD Cinema in Hoe Street, Walthamstow (close to the junction with High Street & Church Hill). It has been set up to show art house films at the EMD (the old Granada Cinema) on Friday evenings.

Click here to join the society

Above the winning team.

Pictures taken at the first event staged by the McGuffin Film Society, a quiz night at the Rose and Crown in Hoe Street, Walthamstow, on Saturday February 10, 2001.

Press cuttings Return to top of page Return to main page
Souvenir brochure produced to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the opening of the cinema. Click here to read about the history of the cinema.   Letters to McGuffin's

Thank you for visiting the McGuffin's web site. If you have any comments about this site please email Jo Brind. My address is

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