INDEX August 19, 2022
After Covid: everyone forgets
We are now being told that post lockdown there are more deaths than average. Could this be because of the stresses and strains caused by lockdown? During lockdown I argued for a cost benefit approach.
Now a thousand people more than usual (the five year average) are dying each week according to the Office for National Statistics.

These deaths are caused by conditions other than Covid.

The excess death rate was 14.4 per cent higher than the five-year average, meaning 1,350 more people have died than usual in the week ending 5 August. (Source Daily Mail, Mailonline

The same story about ONS mortality figures in the Independent quotes a Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) spokeswoman as saying the figures are being checked but circulatory diseases and diabetes "may be partly responsible".

Of course the Tories have been getting the grim reaper to work for them (by accident or by design) for quite some while now. Cuts in the NHS and social services kill off old people, reducing the need to pay pensions and the many other support services the elderly require. The long term reduction in the mortality rate came to a juddering halt in 2017. This link shows the annual mortality rate between 1990 and 2020. It is hard to get a figure for 2021.

In summer 2022 the news agenda has moved on from Covid, to

decent ordinary employed people being pushed into poverty by inflation as a result of the Ukraine war and there were strikes in many core areas of the economy. Of course, it was far too early for Ukraine to have caused double digit inflation (the highest in 40 years), though petrol prices certainly went up
remarkably quickly. The inflation was largely caused by the money thrown about by the Government during the lockdown seemingly willy nilly. According to the National Audit Office the Government had frittered away £372 billion in its response to Covid by May 2021.

This process will continue this winter with the Government promising huge payments so that people can afford to pay their fuel bills, expected to reach incredible levels during the dark months. No-one in the Government considered the rational alternative (bringing the fuel utilities into public ownership and controlling prices). By 2020 it was also clear that the virus could overwhelm NHS mental health services because of the Lockdown in the longer term (that means now).
August 19, 2022