Certified copy of an entry of DEATH Entry No. 68
Registration district Sub-district
Administrative area
Date and place of death Name and surname Sex Maiden surname of
woman who has married
Date and place of birth Occupation and usual address Name and surname of informant Qualification Usual address Cause of death I certify that the particulars
given by me are true to
the best of my knowledge and belief
Date of registration Signature of registrar
Hillingdon Uxbridge
London Borough of Hillingdon
Thirtieth April 1969
Harefield Hospital Harefield
Walter William
Male       /
19th May 1894

Retired Reservoir Attendant

3 Brookdene Drive Northwood
Lilian Maud Brind Widow of deceased 3 Brookdene Drive Northwood 1a Bronchopneumonia
b Parkinsonism

Certified by J.S.Ashworth M.R.C.S.
Signature of informant
A. Walker
Deputy Registrar

Certified copy of an entry of DEATH
Registration district DACORUMSib district Dacorum admkinistrative area County of Hertfordshire
1. Date and place of death 2. Name and surname 3. Sex 4. Maiden surname of
woman who has married
5. Date and place of birth 6. Occupation and usual address 7 (a)Name and surname of informant (b) Qualification (c) Usual address 8 Cause of death 9 I certify that the particulars
given by me are true to
the best of my knowledge and belief
10 Date of registration 11 Signature of registrar
Twenty-first March 1975
General Hospital West Wing Hemel Hempstead
Lilian Maud
female Arrowsmith 28th October 1893
Bethnal Green
Widow of Walter William Brind
Reservoir keeper

"Hazeldene" Hempstead Road, Bovingdon
Doris Lilian Gilbert Daughter "Hazeldene" Hempstead Road, Bovingdon 1a Broncho-pnuemonia
b Carcinomatosis
c Carcinoma of Rectum
Certified by J F Gray M.B.
D L Gilbert Twenty-first March 1975 B H Hible
Deputy Registrar