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Wanborough Churchyard: To the memory of Ann wife of John Brind, who died Jan 3rd 1717. Aged 51 years. Reader, prepare to follow me, For as I am so shalt thou be Rotting in Dark and Silent Dust Prepare for death, for die though must Life is uncertain, Death is sure Sin is the wound, Christ is the cure Wanborough Churchyard: To the memory of Ann, daughter of Thos. and Elizabeth Brind who died May 19, 1808. Aged 13 months. Also Mary their daughter who died who died May 25, 1808. Wanborough Churchyard: To the memory of John Brind who died Feb 5 1786. Aged 55 years. A time of death you know full well But when, or how, no mortal man can tell Be it at night, noon, now, or then Death is most certain, yet uncertain when See also Jemima daughter of a John Brind who died the same year. |
Wanborough Churchyard: Head stone In memory of Catherine ye wife of Isaac Brind. She died April ye 8 1743, aged 57. See marriage in old Nimrod Index. There are four Isaac Brind entries in the 2009 Nimrod Index for Wanborough. |
Wanborough Churchyard: Flat stone In memory of Margaret ye wife of Charles Brind. She died Oct. ye 1 Anno Dom. 1732 Aged 75 years. In memory of Ann the wife of John Brind. She died Jan 25. 1756, Aged 57. |
Wanborough Churchyard: Flat stone In memory of Charles Brind he departed this life Oct 12 anno Dom 1735, Aged 85. |
Wanborough Churchyard: Flat stone In memory of John Brind who died April 6, 1777, Aged 62 years. |
Wanborough Churchyard: Flat tombs Francis Merchant buried April 5, 1748 In memory of Jane Merchant second daughter of Thos. and Dorothy Brind, of Foxbridge, Wanborough, Gent, who died March 14, 1745. This tomb was erected by her sister, Ann Brind. |