Thomas Brind
1634 Mary (Brynde)
b.?      b. 1617
Mary Jane Thomas
Anne Martha
1638 1639 1641 1643 ? ?
d 1665
See will
d 1754 d 1693
=Dorothy (Hedges) 1675 =Oliver Pleydell
See Coleshill Church Monument to the Pleydell Family

See Draft Pedigree of Brind of Wanborough & Stanton Fitz-Herbert
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A monument at Shrivenham suggests that the above tree is wrong. This says that the Martha who married Oliver Pleydell was actually the daughter of John Brind. See Draft Pedigree of Brind of Wanborough & Stanton Fitz-Herbert although there is no obvious John Brind of an age to be the father of Martha in 1617.

See Also email from Mexico about Martha

Simon and Rachel Martin note that Volume6 No. 1 of the "Oxfordshire Local History" containsan article entitled "Patterns of life among villagewomen: Shrivenham, Berkshire cl520 cl720" byJoan Dils & Deirdre Schwarz, which has somereferences to Pleydell women and the Pleydellfamily. Rectory Manor was owned by Pleydellsfrom the time of the Dissolution at least up to 1682.Other information to be found in this source is thatMartha Pleydell was wed a few months before herseventeenth birthday in 1617; Mary Pleydell was 24when she got married in 1650. Birth rates infamilies tended to be high. Oliver and MarthaPleydell had six children in fourteen years. Thomasand Rachel Fettiplace (a surname which occurs inthe family tree) had ten between 1671 and 1688.The article has a substantial reference list of 38sources.

On a recent visit to Shrivenham, Marion Pleydellphotographed a memorial to Elizabeth Hale, neePleydell, in the church. The inscription reads asfollows

"Near this Place lieth the Body of Mrs ElizabethHale Widow
the youngest Daughter of OliverPleydell late of this Place Esq:
(who was directlydefcended from William Pleydell Esq.
of Coleshillin this County in the time of Edward the fourth)
And Martha his wife who was Daughter of
John Brind of Wanborough in the County of Wilts. Gent
They had three Sons and four Daughters, viz
John, Thomas, Anne, Martha, Mary, Elizabeth,Oliver. John
Died a bachelor, Thomas marriedMary the Daughter of Sr George Prat of ColeshillBart
Anne married Samuel Ash of Langley in theCounty of Wilts Efq.
Martha married ChristopherThomlinson of London Merchant,
And after hisdeceafe, Sr Robert Brooke of Nacton in the Countyof Suffolk Bart.
Mary married Thomas Goddard ofSwindon in the County of Wilts Efq
Elizabethmarried Thomas Hale of London Gent.

On a panel below this:

"Mrs Elizabeth Hale died the 4th of February 1721in the 70th year other Age, who by will order'd herExecutor
Mr. Pleydell Goddard of LondonMerchant, to Erect this
Monument in Commemoration other Father, Mother, three
Brothers, & her Sifter the Lady Brooke,
Who allnear to her lie interr'd here;
And fleep in the LordJesus, in hope of a bleffed Refurrection.

From the Pleydell Society Newsletter No. 11, 2000