Section three

JOHN BRIND 1590-1634

Highworth Parish registers show that John married Katharina Batson in 1615, that she died in 1642 and that they had the following family:
    m Anthony Mifling in 1646
    a Glover - married Margarett Waters April 17, 1656
In John's will which is attached, it mentions that he is a Yeoman and also his wife Katharine, his son Thomas and six other children. In the Inventory his peers show him as a Husbandman which as a younger son was probabily his correct status. In 1618 in a deposition on the next page he was described as a Cordwinder and keeping a victualling house.

The only will left by any of his children is the one by William who became a Glover, it is also attached, he left his copyhold (land held by title written into the Manorial Court Rolls) to a cousin.

No information has been found on either John or Richard, perhaps the former fought in the Civil War and was killed or moved away, on the other hand he may have married Mary and had children in 1665, 1667, 1669, 1673 and 1676, but these birth dates are rather late for someone born in 1619, they are not therefore shown at the Annex to this section.

It is interesting to note that on the west wall of the south transept of St Michael's Church in Highworth are a helmet and tabard (jacket). They are believed to be part of the funeral regalia presented at the high altar after the interment of Captain Thomas Batson about 1709. The helmet has also been attributed to the Elizabethan period. The south transept once "belonged to" the Batson family, whose coat of arms hangs there.

At the time of John's death the population of England was about 5 million and as a result the pressure on available agricultural land had further increased. In North Wiltshire by 1640 three-quarters of the holdings were now under 20 acres in extent, it is therefore possible that John was the last member of the family who worked the land.

In the following years the increased demand for food, particularly from the manufacturing areas, led to higher grain prices and to the growth of capitalist farming, a change from simple production for subsistence, which was characteristic of much farming under the common-field system, to production for the 'market'. Considerable extra production was achieved by the introduction of water meadows and later to the enclosures of the common fields.

John also sold ale at his victuailing house:



Recognisances taken before the JPs at Wootton Basset 14 March 1620.

182. John Brittayne of Highworthe, alehousekeeper. Sureties: Edmund Barchester and John Brynd, both of the same, alehousekeepers.

183. Edmund Barchester of Highworth, alehousekeeper. Sureties: William Sayer, joiner, and John Brinde, alehousekeeper, both of the same.



[1618] Johes Brin de Westrop poe de Highworth in com Wiltes Sh Cord Winder ubi moral fecit ab infantia oriund ibm annoru' etatis 28 plus minus........ [John Brin of Westrop in the parish of Highworth in the county of Wilts shire cordwinder where he has lived since an infant and was born about 28 years...]                   

Ad 2nd ... he saieth and deposeth that upon
the Wensday sevennight before Ester daie
last to his now remembrance he this
depo[nen]t keeping a victualinge house in
Highworth articled] as he was in his backside
ther setting forward some of his guests
herd the art Thomas Willier terne &
call him the sd art William Edwards
Cuckoldie Ass and there unto this depot
saieth that he herd the said William
Edwards call to and request his precontest
Mr Edwards and one Giles ffleminge
being then & ther pr[ese]nt and readie to goe
out of the towne to beare witnes and that
done this depot saieth that he the said
William Edwards called to this depot to be
a witnes also thereunto And more this depot
then & ther herd not to his now remembrance

Ad 3rd ... he saieth that the art William
Edwards and Jone his wife are by the comon
voice and speech of the countrie maried and
so have been for the sd sixtene yeares of
his remembrance and for lawfull man &
wife are and have been accompted reputed and

Ad 4th ... he saieth that for of he knoweth
or hath herd the art William Edwards
never had other wife but her the art Jone...

Ad 5th ... he saieth that for his owne parte
in respect he is a yonge man he cannot
speake much but in his understandinge &
as he thincketh in comon construcon yt
cannot be otherwise taken or understood
but that that mans wife that is a
cuckoldie Ass must needes be a whor[e] ...

Ad 7th ...he saieth that as he conceaveth
yt the words by him formerlie deposed
and spoken by the art Thomas Willier wer
disgracefull to the art William Edwards and
reprochefull to the art Jone his wife and
in his opinion did tend to ther discredit
referringe himselfe to the lawe and to the
judgement of the lerned in the law in
this behalf...

[numerous lines of latin]

[signd] John Brind [N.B. not Brin] The deposition prior to John Brind's was made by William Edwards of Stanton ffitzwarren, Wilts., clerk [not the articled William Edwards but another man of the same name] (ff. 12bv - 13bv). He, being at market in Highworth and ready to go home:
" he was taking hors at the
backside entr[a]n[ce] dor of one John Brin
ther saw and herd the p[ar]tie pl[aintiff] William
Edwards and Thomas Willier brawling and
emongst other speeches wch this depot
now remembreth not he this depot saieth
that he heard the said Thomas Willier
then & ther speak unto the said Willm
Edwards thus viz Thou speaking to thart
William Edwards art a cuckoldie Ass
and slaw and repeated it twice --
and said that he would manteyne yt

On ff. 17bv - 18bv is the deposition of Giles ffleminge of Stanton juxta Highworth, Wilts., husbandman, which also refers to John Brin.

[Please note: for clarity, I have extended all contractions to full words. transcriber]

Brind Joh[ann]es de Highworth
In the name of God amen. The second day of
May an[n]o d[omi]ni 1634. I John Brind of High
=worth in the County of Wiltes yeoman beinge sicke in body yet perfecte in memory (thankes be
given to almighty God) consideringe with my
selfe the mutability and uncertainty of mans
life and my present stay here in the world doe
make & ordayne this last will and testament
followinge. ffirst I bequeath my soule into the hands
of almighty God my Creatour trustinge through
the death and passion of his sonne Jesus Christe
my only savior and redeemer to receave remission
for all my sinnes and to be made partaker of lief
everlastinge. And my body I recomend unto the
earth. And as touchinge such worldly estate & goods
as yt hath pleased God to lend me I give &
bequeath in manner & forme followinge Imprimis

I give and bequeath unto the Church of Highworth six pence
Item I give to the poore of Highworth six pence. Itm
I give to me sonne Thomas Brind my best feather
bed and bolster when he shall accomplishe the yeares of eight & twenty.
Item I give to other my six younger
children forty shillinges apeece to be payd when they
come to the age of one and twenty yeares. Provided
allwayes that if any of theis Children of myne doe
dye before the end of one & twenty yeares then
the legacies to remayne to my surviveinge children.
All the rest of my other goodes unbequeathed I
doe give unto my faythfull and loveinge wife ka=
=therine Brind (after my funerall expences and
debts beinge payd) whome I doe make my sole
executrix of this my last will and testament.
And lastly I doe make and ordayne my fayth=
=fully and loveinge friends W[illia]m Batson and
William Brind my overseers of this my last
will and testament. And I give unto them for
their paynes twelve pence apeece to see this
my last will and testament performed. In witnes
whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and
seale the day and yeare above writen.
Witnesses hereunto
John Brind
Peter Hardley
Wm Marshe

Probate 4th November 1634 by the executrix. Inventory value: £20 5s.

WILTSHIRE RECORD OFFICE Miscellaneous wills calendar: Reference to an inventory was located which, on ordering the document, produced the original filed will and a commission too. The will copy that I transcribed for you previously came from a different source: it was certainly not this item as a part of the page has decayed and the lining differs from my original typescript.
An Inventary of ye goodes & Cattels of
Jhon Brindes of Westroppe in ye pishe of
Highworthe & County of Wilts husbandman
deceased taken ye last of May Ano Dni
1634 viewed & praised by Richard Lewes
Edmunde Diston Edwarde Leader & Willm Marsh
Imprimis his wearinge apparelliiili
Itm in ye best Chamber one ffetherbed
& bedsteed two bolsters, one payre of
blankets, one Coverlet
Itm eight payre of sheetes, fower pillowbyes
& fower old table Cloathes
Item one table boarde wth ye frame one chest
two coffers, two boxes one forme
one truckle bed one bible wth two prayer bookes
xxvs iiiid
Itm in ye Chamber over ye hall one bedsteed
one flockbed one fether bolster tw flocke
bolsters two blankets wth other lumber
xxvis viiid
In ye Chamber over ye buttry two bedsteeds
two flockbeds two Coverlets one fether
bolster two flocke bolsters fower pillows
one round table boarde wth ye frame
& one forme
xxiiis iiiid
Itm in ye hall one table bard one frame
one forme one benche one cupborde
one joind* stoole, one chaire one shielfe
In ye chamber next ye streete, one short
table board, one forme one benche
iiis iiiid
Itm in ye buttry two hogsheads three
litle firkins, one horse to cary drinke
and one cherne
Itm in ye kitchin one paire of andirons
two broaches three hangers two paire
of pothookes
Itm one kive one meshfate two kivers
wth other lumber
Itm three brasse pots, thre kettles two
skillets one brasse pan one Chafingdishe
one paire of brasen skales one dripping
pan one brasse Candlesticke
xxiiis iiiid
Itm eight platters on bason one
chamberpot fower pottengers two sawsers
one quartpot two pewter candlesticks
Itm one store piggevs
Itm ye executors yeerevli
Itm whatsoever else was
forgotten to be praised
 Summa totlis
xxli vs
Edmunde Diston
Edweard Leddar

Exhibited at Sarum 4th November 1634

* The original reads h with a dot over the letter (see the photocopy). I feel sure this should read "joind" stool as such furniture was a common feature in inventories of this date. There is probably some sort of scribal error here - j was often written as i and it should read "ioind". It may, of course, be the photocopy which is misleading and it may be clearer in the original document.

                      [photocopy enclosed]
    WRO Highworth ppH I.d. 1634 Bdl 2

William Brind, glover, of Highworth, makes a verbal will which is registered on October 13th, 1669.

Memorandum That on or about the twentieth day of July last past William Brind late of Highworth in the County of Wilts glover deceased being then weak and sick but of sound and perfect memory and having a serious desire to make his last will did utter publish and declare his last will and testament monopative(?) or by word of mouth in these words following or words to the like effect (vide ????) I give to my cousin William Peters the execute of my copyhold in Highworth aforesaid which will happen after the death of my wife and all the rest of my goods and chattels I give unto Margaret my wife whom I make my executrix in testimony which we whose names are underwritten have hereunto subscribed our hands this thirteenth day of October in the year of our Lord on thousand six hundred and sixty and nine
Richard Humphries
Henry Kilmaster.
Probatum... testamentum??? aedesc Exon (etc. Latin)
PROB 11 -331

Return to index Source documents
Index Section 1 Section 2 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10

Draft Pedigree of Brind of Wanborough & Stanton Fitz-Herbert