He was a churchwarden of St. Michael's in 1818, 1819, 1823-25. This ribbon manufacturer was in 1827 a member of the Cappers' Company - see PA184/1/8. Occupied a Fleet St. messuage (BA/D/D/29/1) .
Year Lease.
9 Apr 1824
By Peter [II] Seager (described as in 55/3/2) , with Joseph Butterworth (of Coventry, grocer) as his trustee, to John Royle (decribed as in 55/3/2) of a messuage with new erections, on the eastern side of Warwick Lane alias Greyfriars' Lane, together with the remnants of Greyfriars' Church Yard, all bounded on the east by Thomas Ashton's premises and by parts of the aforesaid garden which John Woodcock, Thomas Goodall, Maria Johnson Pickering and Henry Cave have agreed to buy, on part of the west by parts of the garden which Walter Brind and William Young have bought and by premises which P. [II] Seager occupies, on the rest of the west by part of Thomas Parsons' garden, on part of the north by Warwick Lane, on the rest of the north by another part of the garden which T. Parsons owns and by gardens belonging to Widow Lindon, - Brown and William Mason, and on the south by Union Street where the frontage is 74 ft, along with all else conveyed to P. [II] Seager by lease and release dated 7th.-8th. Apr.[, 1824].
Note: Cappers' = Cap Makers Company
There is no mention of him in the Coventry Trades Directory of 1830.
Brigadier Frederic Brind CB 1802-1857
Frederic Brind was the fourth son and eighth child of Walter and Ann. He joined the Bengal Artillery in 1821, and up to the outbreak of the Indian Mutiny in 1857, he had seen much active service and had a far more distinguished military career than his, subsequently, more celebrated younger brother, James.
He saw service in the Gwalior campaign in Central India in 1843, with the 1st Troop 3rd Brigade Bengal Horse Artillery and as a reward for his services he received Brevet promotion to the rank of Major. He fought throughout the First and Second Sikh wars in '45/6 and '48/9 and was repeatedly mentioned in despatches. He received Brevet promotion to the ranks of Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel and the CB. An oil painting of him was apparently done in 1825 and an engraved copy of it is held by M.J.S. Brind. A copy of this one is in this section along with a copy of a miniature which is c 1850. The location of the originals is not known.
Brigadier Frederic Brind 1802- K1857 C1825.
In 1837 he married Henrietta Sarah daughter of Major General Sir Robert Sale, the Commander of the "illustrious" garrison of Jellalabad, who was subsequently killed at the battle of Moodkee. Their family is shown at the end of this section.
On the outbreak of the Mutiny in 1857 he was the Brigadier commanding the troops at Sialkot in the Punjab on the border of Kashmir. The following is an extract from page 307 of Major General Stubbs' "History of the Bengal Artillery":
The station of Sialkot had been deprived of its Europeans by the dispatch with the moveable column of Dawes' Troop, Bourchier's Field Battery, and the 52nd Regiment. It had also lost the 35th N.I., but there remained the 4th N.I. and a wing of the 9th Light Cavalry. The Brigadier, Colonel Frederic Brind, CB, of the Artillery, remonstrated and begged for 250 to be left, which was refused. Even if Brigadier Brind's faith in the loyalty of the Sepoy had been as great as it is said to have been, it is impossible to acquit Sir John Lawrence of having neglected an ordinary precaution which should have been taken.
On the morning of the 9th July 1857 the officers discovered when they went out that picquets had been placed to prevent anyone escaping. It was a day filled up with several murders and many hairsbreadth escapes. Among other fatalities, Brigadier Brind mounted his horse and rode forth, but was shot in the back by his orderly; he died the next day and is buried in the cemetery at Sialkot.
In Kaye & Malleson's work on the mutiny Vol II page 471 he is described as being in 1857 "an officer of high repute, lofty stature and large proportions amply endowed with physical and mental vigour".
Eight Europeans (4 military and 4 civilians) were killed at Sialkot.
The following is taken from "Officers of the Bengal Army 1758-1834 Part I by Major V.C.P. Hodson:
BRIND, Frederick. (1802-1857) . Bt. Colonel, C.B. Artillery. b. London 22 Mar 1802. Cadet 1819. Arrived in India Mar 1821. 2nd Lieut 16 Jun 1820. Lieut 1 May 1824. Capt 7 Mar 1838. Major 1 Jan 1848. Lt Col 31 Dec 1854. Bt. Col. 20 Jun 1854. d. Sialkot, 10 July 1857, having been mortally wounded the day before by a mutineer of 9th L.C.
Son of Walter Brind, of Paternoster Row, London, ribbon manufacturer and silk merchant. Brother of Sir James Brind q.v. m. Karnal, 9 Sep 1837, Henrietta Sarah, dau. of Sir Robert Henry Sale, G.C.B.
Services: Fur. June 1824 till 9 Mar 1828, during which he was employed at Addiscombe from 2 Aug 1826 till 24 Jun 1827. Adjt & Qmr 3rd Bde H.A. Feb 1837 till Apr 1838. Gwalior campaign; Paniar; Capt. comdg. 1st Troop 3rd Bde H.A. (Bronze star) . First Sikh War; Mudki; Ferozshahr; Sobraon; Bt. Major comdg 1st Troop 3rd Bde (Medal with 2 clasps) . Second Sikh War; Ramnagar; passage of Chenab; Chilianwala; Gujerat; Bt. Lt Col comdg 2nd Bde H.A. (Medal with 2 clasps) . Appointed Bdr (Brigadier) in Mar 1856 and posted to Sialkot. Was comdg at Sialkot when the mutiny broke out there on 9 July 1857, and was one of the first victims of the outbreak. C.B. 9 June 1849
Refs: De Rhe-Philipe
And from "Punjab, N-W.F.P., Kashmir, Afghaustan.Inscriptions on Tombs or Monuments and Biographical Notes onPersons Mentioned," which is in the British Library. |
Brind, Frederick, C.B., Lieutenant-Colonel andBrevet-Colonel (1801-1857) .-Grave at Sialkot, No.706.-Born at Putney, Co. Surrey, in 1801.-Enteredthe Bengal Army in 1819 as a Cadet of Artillery.Sailed from England on the 26th September 1820 in theH.E.I.C.S. Brilliant, which vessel was wrecked onthe 25th February following off Narsipur, Rajamandri.Arrived at Fort William in March 1821, and was postedin the same month to the 6th Company 3d Battalion,Foot Artillery, at Dum-Dum, with which he remaineduntil May 1822. He was then removed to the 3d Company 3d Battalion at the same station, with which hecontinued serving there until the following year. In1823-24, during the period of the Burmese incursionsinto Assam, Cachar and Chittagong, he was employedon the eastern and south-eastern frontiers with detachments of golandaz, but the climate of those regionsaffected him so injuriously that he had to return to thePresidency at the end of January 1824, and was afterwards obliged, in the following June, to go home onfurlough. He returned to India in March 1828, andhaving in that month, after various nominal transfersand removals, been posted to the 3d Company 1st Battalion, he proceeded to the Upper Provinces and joinedthat company at Karnal in the autumn. In June 1830he was removed to the 3d Company 2d Battalion, whichhe joined on its arrival at Karnal in the following November. In September 1831 he was transferred to theHorse Artillery, and after doing duty for two monthswith the 3d Brigade at Meerut, he was posted in November 1831 to the 1st Troop, 2d Brigade, at Karnal.In August 1832 he was transferred to the 4th Troop,3d Brigade, at Meerut, and in January 1833 to the 4thTroop, 2d Brigade, at Ludhiána, With this troop, in
1836, he was employed for some time on service in theJhind district. In November 1836 he was removed tothe 1st Troop, 3d Brigade, and in the following February he was appointed Adjutant and Quarter Masterof the 3d Brigade,-an appointment which he held, atKarnal and Cawnpore, until his promotion to the rankof Captain in April 1838. After his promotion he wasappointed, May 1838, to the command of the 1st Company 4th Battalion, Foot Artillery, at Dum-Dum, andin the following year he officiated for some time asDepy. Principal Commissary of Ordnance. In December 1839 he was removed to the 1st Company 1st Battalion at Dum-Dum, and in April 1840 he was reappointed to the Horse Artillery and posted to the 1st Troop, 3d Brigade (now "L" Battery, Royal HorseArtillery) , which he joined at Dum-Dum, and thecommand of which he held for nearly eight years. Inthe spring of 1842 he proceeded with this troop toCawnpore, and at the close of the following year hecommanded it in the Gwalior Campaign, including thebattle of Paniar (bronze star, and promoted to the rankof Major by brevet) . On the conclusion of the campaignhe returned with the troop to Gawnpore, whence, in thespring of 1845, he proceeded with it to Ambala. Onthe outbreak of the first Sikh War he went to the frontwith his troop and commanded it throughout the SutlejCampaign of 1845-46, inclusive of the battles of Mudki,Firozshahr and Sobraon (medal and two clasps, andpromoted to 'Lieutenant-Colonel by brevet') . On thetermination of the war he returned with the troop toAmbala, and remained in command of it there untilJanuary 1848, when he vacated on promotion to the
Brigadier Frederic Brind 1802- K1857 C1850.
| regimental rank of Major. He was then posted to the 2d Brigade of Horse Artillery, the head-quarters ofwhich he joined at Ambála, and on the outbreak of thesecond Sikh War he proceeded with it on service andcommanded it throughout the Punjab Campaign of1848-49, including the action of Ramnagar, the passageof the Chenab, and the battles of Chilianwala and Gujrat (medal and two clasps, and created a Companion ofthe Order of the Bath) . On the close of the operationshe returned to Ambála with the 2d Brigade, and soonafterwards proceeded on leave for six months. In November 1849 he was removed to the 1st Battalion of FootArtillery at Agra ; in August 1851 to the 6th Battalion,which he joined on its arrival at Agra in the followingNovember; and in September 1853 back to the 1st Battalion, which he joined at Jullundur. In June 1854 hewas promoted to the rank of Colonel by brevet, and heafterwards for some time commanded the station ofJullundur. On promotion to the regimental rank ofLieutenant-Colonel, he was re-posted, January 1855, tothe 1st Battalion, and was again for some time in command at Jullundur. In March 1856 he was appointed a Brigadier on the establishment, and was posted toSialkot. He was commanding at Sialkot when the. mutiny of the Native troops there took place on the 9th July 1857, and he was one of the first victims ofthe outbreak; he was endeavouring to make his way tothe old Sikh fort when he was intercepted at his owngate by a party of troopers of the 9th Light Cavalry,one of whom inflicted on him a mortal wound, of whichhe died, in the fort, on the following morning.
706 |
10th July 1857. |
Sacred to the memory of Brig' F BRIND C. B. Bengal Artillery who was killed in the mutiny at this station 10th July1857 this monument is erected by his sorrowing family |
He was in command of the station at the time of the outbreakof the Mutiny on July 9th, 1857. He was fired upon bysome troopers of the 9th Light Cavalry as, accompanied byother officers, he rode out of the gate of his house, and,badly wounded, made his way to the fort, where he diedthe next day. |
An insight into life in the Bengal Horse Artillery and Brigadier Brind's campaigns can be gained from Major General B.P.Hughes book "The Bengal Horse Artillery 1800-1861 (The 'Red Men' - A 19th century Corps d'Elite) . |
The National Portrait Gallery has a little drawing of a Captain Brind attributed to William Egley dated 1839. Having inspected it I do not think it is Frederic. His brother James was not a Captain until 1842.
His only son Frederick S.S. was on the strength of the 44th Native Infantry an EIC Regt from 1858-63. He then served in the 19th of Foot (Yorkshire Regiment) and later transferred to the 17th Leicestershire Regiment. He retired as a Lt Col and worked for the Corps of Commissionaires, he was also a keen medallist. His campaign experience is shown below: |
Indian Mutiny 1857-60. Actions of Huldwaree and Charparah, and affair at Buharee. 2nd Oude campaign Served with the Camel Corps in Bundelcund campaign and was in command of a Field Detachment in clearing the Marawura district of rebels. Wounded at Charpoorah 10 Feb 58. Medal.
Hazara Campaign 1868. As Orderly Officer 1st Brigade in expedition against the hill tribes of the Black Mountain. Despatches, Lond Gaz, 15 June 69. Medal with clasp.
Operations in Kohat Pass, Apr 1876. As Brigade Major, Feshawar district.
Afghan War 1878-9. With the 1st Division Peshawar Valley Field Force, and present at action of Futtehabad. Despatches, Lond Gaz 7 Nov 79. Medal; Brev rank of Maj. |
Note: The pages on Major General Sir Robert Sale in the Dictionary of National Biography are well worth reading. The volumes are held in the Reference Libraries of most Public Libraries.
Some of the wills recorded at Somerset House.
1891 Jane Brown Brind.
1897 Henrietta Sarah Brind.
1898 Frank Willoughby Brind.
1900 Ann Brind.
1902 Charles Brind.
1908 Frederick William Brind.
1912 Frederick Sale Sowley Brind.
1913 Ernest Walter Brind.
1930 Annie Mary Brind.
THE old parish church stood as it had done for some hundreds of years, grey and quiet, near to a picturesque house which bore the date
Randolph Caldecott was born in Chester in 1846 and died, while on a visit to Florida, in 1886. In his brief lifetime the series of books for children which he illustrated made Caldecott a household name in late Victorian nurseries.
In addition, he exhibited Ills paintings widely, and left behind him a considerable collection of sketches. Many of his letters to friends have also survived, having been treasured by the recipients for their wit and for the drawings with which he adorned them. Many were reproduced in "Yours pictorially", a fascinating book edited by Michael Hutchins and published by Frederick Warne in 1976.
Caldecott was a countryman at heart, and in 1879 he moved out of London to live at Wyboumes, a picturesque house at Kemsing. At that time he was courting Marian Brind, the daughter of Frederick William Brind, a wealthy wine merchant who lived at Chelsfield Court Lodge. Caldecott described the seven miles between die two villages as "nothing to a good horse".
Many years ago the late Col H A Waring - younger son of Arthur Waring of Woodlands, Chelsfield, who wrote the scholarly ms history of Chelsfield just before the Great War - showed me a copy of a rare privately printed volume called "The owls of Olynn Belfry", illustrated by Caldecott and published in 1885 or 1886. The setting for the drawings was clearly Chelsfield Church and Court Lodge, and Col. Waring told me the names of a number of local people whom Caldecott had used as models for the characters in the book. Among them were Herbert Fuller Waring, several members of the Brind family George Brooks the elderly Parish Clerk, and George Luke Brooks (always known as "Bodger" Brooks) his grandson. |  |
| Believed to be George Brooks |
After Caldecott's early death his widow Marian came to live in Tunbridge Wells, and died there in 1932, being buried in the town cemetery. I have always admired Caldecott - a feeling which, naturally,. was considerably, strengthened by the Chelsfield connection - but until quite recently I had done nothing to look further into this. Last year, however, a letter from Kenn Oultram, the Secretary of the Randolph Caldecott Society, appeared in the Tunbridge Wells Courier, asking if anyone in the area knew anything of Marian Caldecott, and particularly if any photograph of her had survived.
Although I could not help in that way, I wrote to Mr Oultram telling him of my interest in Chelsfield, and giving details of the information I had about "The Owls of Olynn Belfry".
I had assumed the latter would probably be well-known already among experts, but such was not the case, and my notes were published in "The Caldecott Sketch", the newsletter of the Randolph Caldecott Society, and aroused some interest. |  | | Belived to be Marion Brind |
I joined the Society and was pleased to be asked to talk to their AGM in September, when I also set up an exhibition illustrating the Chelsfield connection. The members whore I met were a very interesting collection of enthusiasts, and seemed to appreciate both the talk and the exhibition. As this had taken quite a lot of time to assemble, it seemed to me a pity to dismantle it and I therefore asked Simon Finch, the Bromley Local History Librarian, if he might like to put it on show in the Library. This he has kindly agreed to do, from 6 January to 27th January 1997, and I hope that many members of the Bromley Borough Local History Society may be able to see it.
Geoffrey Copus, 17 Oakdale Road, Tunbridge Wells TN4 8DS |
1. Walter 1791-1834 m. Anne Duffield 1815 Ribbon Manufacturer Coventry |
2. William H 1792-1848Commercial Travellerm. (i) Catherine Omond 1818 d. 1824 No issuem. (ii) Jane E Milman 1836 | 3. Anne 1793-1866 | 4. Susanna 1795-m. William Welsh 1818- | 5. Elizabeth M 1797-1875 m. Thomas U Davis | 6. Esther T 1798-99 | 7. Edward 1800-33 Coal Merchant | 8. Frederic 1802-k57 Brigadier CB Bengal Artillery E 1C m. Henrietta S Sale 1837
9. Jane B 1803-91 |
10. Ellen 1805-65 |
11. Henry 1807-66Merchant |
12 James 1808-88 General GCB |
--1. Walter 1816-36 | 2 Anne 1817-67 m. Rev R Goldham
| 3 Edward 1818-90 Wine Merchant | 4 Susan 1820- m. William Noseworthy | 5 Eliza 1821-21
| 6 Jane 1822-23 | 7 Frederick W 1823-1908 Wine Merchant m. (i) Marian Elliot
d. 1854
m. (ii) Julia Macrea |
8. Charles 1826-1901
Wine Merchant
m. (i) Susannah Quarley nee Brind
(dau of Gen. Sir James Brind)
d. 1874
| 9. James L 1828-36 m. (ii) Anne Attivant d. 1900 |
--1 Frederick S S 1839-1912 Lt Col. 17th Foot Leicester Regt. | 2. Robert O C 1845-46 | 3 Florentia A 1847-1931m E P Mainwaring Col. 4th Gurkhas & R. Garhwal Rifles | 4 Susanah C 1848-54 | 5 Henrietta S J 1850-54 | 6 Alexandrina M 1851- m.FF Bullock ICS | 7 Anne M 1853-1930
8 Walter F E 1854-56 |
--1. Marian 1850-1932 m. Randolph Caldecott | 2. Amy A 1852- | 3. Walter F 1863-63 | 4. Frank W 1866-98 Architectural Asst, Wine Merchant | 5. Julia M 1868- |
--1. Charles B 1864-88 (BA(Oxon) ) ICS d. Burma Balliol College (Head of College) | 2. Ernest W 1866-1913 Wine Merchant
m. Theodora M Chambers (1905?) | 3. Mabel 1869-(1947) | 4. Florence 1872-(1947) | One was senior Wrangler at Cambridge
| 5. Walter H 1874-1957 Canon MA (Cantab) Scholar and Pensioner of Corpus Christi College |
Note ( ) = to be confirmed
Draft Pedigree of Brind of Wanborough & Stanton Fitz-Herbert