Neville = 9/7/1966 Dorothy (Searle)
b 23/12/1937 b 19/10/1936
Clare Louise Emma Frances James Ellis
b. 14/11/1968 b. 18/3/1970 b. 20/8/1971
= 4/9/1993 Timothy H P Bishop b 16/6/1969
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5th August (1997?)

Dear Jonathan
Lovely to hear from you again and let me say that I'm sorry not to have written earlier but as you see from the card we have moved. The address book and my pile on the family history disappeared into a mountain of packing cases and effectively blocked further communication until now. But I'm most grateful for all the information you have supplied and especially the disk. Your letter today was the first to be redirected to the new address and I was delighted to receive it.

By a coincidence, my sister also sent me copies of correspondence concerning my father and a cousin seeking to find members of the family and I attach them for your records. They confirm that further daughters were born to Edward and Catherine. The Grandma Hepher referred to may be the maiden surname of Catherine or possibly someone else? I also attach various certificates for your records.

The key to all this-- as ever-- seems to lie with Henry B's birth certificate which is my task later this year, the house needs to be attended to first unfortunately. My daughter in London was going to look him up but has failed to do so and I shall spend some time going through the records myself. Your help so far for Jonathan has been first class and I thank you again for what must have taken you a great deal of time and trouble and we remain in your debt.

If only the other people I have contacted concerning other family lines had responded so promptly and frequently as you have I'd have been able to compile a book on our genealogy!

I must now sit and study what information I have and decide what to do next. But its all very enjoyable we well as informative about those who have gone before.

Yours sincerely,

9th March 1966

15 The Green
Little Abington

Dear Mr Brind,

This may be a confusing letter to you as I very much doubt whether you may have heard of me, but I write hoping that I am in touch with the right person.

To begin I had an aunt (Sarah or Sally), who lived at 98 Queen St, Delce, Rochester, and as a boy my mother and I frequently went down to see her and I was very attached to her.

If I remember rightly she was married to a man named Charles Jupp who was in a mental place but I never saw him.

The point is, both my mother and aunt were Brinds before marriage and they had a brother living at Gillingham who was always called Captain (I think his name was Henry).

He had several children and I am wondering if you are one! I remember seeing one boy at aunt Sarah's once who had dark brown eyes with long lashes and curly hair, but I never saw captain.

I speak of the period before 1914-18 but I used to cycle down from Chingford, Essex, to see my aunt until about 1926.

She died, I think, somewhere about 1932 after I was married.

Last year my wife and I cam down to Rochester for two days but unfortunately I could not call then as our time was short and I was not feeling too energetic after leaving hospital, but I did find your name in the local directory.

We spent a very pleasant 2 days in Rochester and visited all the places I knew so well as a boy.

Hope to come again soon and longer next time.

As you will gather my mother was Mrs O Puck (Millie) of The Ridgeway, Chingford E4.

I have lived since 1929 in Cambridge.

If you are not related to Uncle Henry don't bother about replying-- it's only a long shot!

Yours truly
Alexander Puck

15 The Green,
Little Abington,

14th Mar. 1966.

Dear Reginald, I seemed to have struck lucky with my chance of writing to the address I found in your local Directory!

I was very glad indeed to have your letter of the 10th and to know you were indeed one of the family.. What extensions the Brind family have and how they seem to provide some of the High-ups for the Army and Navy.

I understand that the late General Brind was one of the distant relations and he was in command of the troops in the Bradford area during the War 1939-45, when I was in the North making radios for Spitfires, but I never saw him.

It was news to me that Aunt Sally played the violin and 'cello. My mother was a good performer on the piano and I well remember singing in my little piping treble while she played the "Lost Chord", or what-have-you!

My father played the Zither,. a confoundedly hard instrument to master and I have one of this still, but haven't found anyone who could help me to play it.

I don't know how your father was called Captain but they always referred to him in that name. Yes! all of them were living at East Grinstead when young and I think Grandma Hepher had a very hard life bringing them up after Grandpa died through catching pneumonia as a result of his privations in the Crimea. My mother said he came back with his beard nearly to his knees.

Was surprised to hear about your brother Otto. I wonder if he was named after my father, whose name was Otto. Can't think how I have missed seeing you all in the past, as I frequently came to stay with Aunt Sally. My word! she could be a bit of a Tartar, but I always was very fond of her.

My mother (Millie) died just before the War broke out and my father just after. He was well over 80.

Eddie Brind used to come and see us, usually on a Bank Holiday, when they and the two girls would walk over from Enfield. I have quite lost touch with them now and have heard nothing of Rosa Blanche Brind since the beginning of the War.

You do not mention Uncle John-- he was the schoolmaster member of the family and taught in Ebbw Vale for many years and at a later date became headmaster at Sidcup Grammar School.. He died, I think, about 1928, but I have not kept up with his family, therefore don't know what has become of his daughters Maggie and Addie.

Uncle John was very versatile-- a good writer, musician, (F.R.C.O.) and short story creator. We had, at Chingford a novel he had written also a short story in the Western Mail. I also remember a ballad by John Brind called The Emigrant's Song, or the Dear Homeland. Both words and music by him and equal to any of the ballads of that period.

I heard from my mother about the Rev. Blakiston quite a lot and apparently he was a power in the lives of the East Grinstead people. I have a colour transparency of his Coat-of Arms in the tower of the church. The story goes that your father used to say to his mother, Ma! the Rev. Blakiston's coming, and she used to fly into a tizzy immediately, in the way women do when they suspect a visitor on the doorstep!

I hope your suggested visit to these parts next June will include a visit to us. Unfortunately we have no means to putting anyone up, as this bungalow-cottage is small but if you were able to use your caravan for sleeping we could manage the commissariat!

Like you we are fond of Suffolk and have spent many happy hours there. It is all you say and reasonably unspoilt so far.

We are hoping to visit Rochester some time later this year, possibly in August and will certainly look you up then.

When I wrote to you last week I was in hospital and have just returned home again. I am suffering from anaemia after an operation for duodenal ulcer which took place year and a half ago, but they are still trying to solve the anaemia for me, and I have just had radio-isotope treatment in an endeavour to find out where my iron goes to.

No more for now, but hope to see you both later. Please let us know when you might be calling, as we go into Cambridge quite often.

Sincerely yours, Alexander Puck