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Harvey nicks two goals | Welwyn Times | January 18, 2006 |
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Sheehan Science Fair | Westwood Press, Needham MA, USA | February 9, 2006 |
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'Remarkable' Hilda dies aged 109 | Welwyn & Hatfield Times | February 15, 2006. |
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Derby defeat leaves Blues off the pace | Herts Advertiser | February 16, 2006 |
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Hinckley right the wrongs | http://www.thisisleicestershire.co.uk/ Leicester Mercury | 10:30 -February 21, 2006 |
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Bachelors also need a place to live | Gulf News Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge http://www.tmcnet.com/ | February 27, 2006 |
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STUDENTS FIGHT BACK TO BOOK SPOT IN CUP FINAL | Leicester Mercury | February 28, 2006 |
Media index |
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Teams picked for inter-County event | Leicester Mercury | March 7, 2006 |
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Verified Person Expands Sales Team | http://www.verifiedperson.com | March 7, 2006 |
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CWA Evening Branch news | Grenfell Record | March 15, 2006 |
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Anger in Matawai at sudden transfer of Well Child service | Gisborne Herald http://www.gisborneherald.co.nz | March 30, 2006 |
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Narnia under threat | ThisisOxfordshire.co.uk | March 31, 2006 |
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Central League kicks off today | Wanganui Chronicle | Saturday April 1, 2006 |
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Roving reporter declares "Allen Tancayo Day" and Maunaloa | Moloka'i Island Times http://www.molokaitimes.com/ | April 4, 2006 |
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Truck spills 22 tons of rebar | Ithaca Journal | April 20, 2006 |
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Rural area hard hit by midwife shortage | Gisborne Herald http://www.gisborneherald.co.nz | Friday, April 21, 2006 |
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City has chance to top table | Wanganuui Chronicle, http://www.wanganuichronicle.co.nz/ | Saturday, April 22, 2006 |
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Bernhard & Huffman Have Twenty Dollar Drinks | http://chicago.broadwayworld.com/ | May 1, 2006 |
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European Chemical, Oil Stocks Advance; Anglo, Unilever Decline | Blomberg | May 4, 2006 |
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Proposals for a Christmas ice rink in the centre of Newbury | newburytoday.co.uk | Sunday May 21, 2006 |
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Division Five | This is Wiltshire | Wednesday May 24, 2006 |
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Stallholders voice fears over business slump | Newburynews.co.uk | Friday, May 26 2006 |
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House is damaged by fire | Swindon Advertiser | May 29, 2006 |
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Jags deserve more support | Gisborne Herald | June 3, 2006 |
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football report? | East London Advertiser | June 1, 2006 |
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Blades and pal too sharp for the rest | Portsmouth.co.UK | June 21, 2006 |
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Stallholders see trade boost after relocation | http://www.newburytoday.co.uk | July 5, 2006 |
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West End Stars Premiere Morning Musical at New End | What's on Stage News | July 5, 2006 |
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Laugh, cry, see stars at 12th gay film fest | http://www.epgn.com/ | July 14, 2006 |
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Democrats Attack Pregnancy Centers That Tell Women Abortion's Risks | Lifenews.com | July 17, 2006 |
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Berwick retain cricket crown | Berwick Today | September 7, 2006 |
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Diageo to uncork wine brands in retail market | http://www.business-standard.com | September 14, 2006 |
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Utah State Fair | http://deseretnews.com | September 14, 2006 |
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Arrest after bid to set death house ablaze | http://www.northernadvocate.co.nz/ | September 16, 2006 |
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Senior Colts Grand Final... Crows hang on for good win | Your Yorke Peninsula Sport | September 19, 2006 |
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Cawood win in penalties thriller | http://www.thisisyork.co.uk | September 25, 2006 |
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Matt's winning taste of the high life | www.thisisessex.co.uk | September 27, 2006 |
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FOOTBALL: Yarnton sunk by super Stuart | Oxford Mail, http://Yarntonomsportheadlines | September 27, 2006 |
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City lose English import Brind to Waikato FC | www.wanganuichronicle.co.nz/ | September 30, 2006 |
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Aged-care funding increases passed on | Gisborne Herald | October 10, 2006 |
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Leopards claim their first points | www.herts24.co.uk (Welwyn Times) | October 11, 2006 |
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Football: Brind out for rest of season | http://www.sudburytoday.co.uk/ | October 12, 2006 |
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Boys soccer roundup | http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/ (Poughkeepsie Journal) | Wednesday, November 1, 2006 |
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Sabres rattled by on-song Leopards | www.herts24.co.uk (Welwyn Times) | November 2, 2006 |
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Museum Elects Three New Trustees | Media Newswire | November 7, 2006 |
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Mrs Hewitt: Please listen to us | Bucks Free Press | November 17, 2006 |
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Under 10s Red Division | This is Wiltshire: http://www.thisiswiltshire.co.uk/ | 3:28pm Monday 4th December 2006 |
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Under 10s Red Division | Wiltshire Times and Chippenham News | December 4, 2006 |
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The Great Sleigh Robbery | The Stage http://www.thestage.co.uk/reviews | Tue 12 December 2006 at 17:25 |
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Soccer: Teams have chance to set the record straight | http://www.nzherald.co.nz/ | December 16, 2006 |
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Unlucky 13 for Arms as Rovers go on rampage | http://www.sheffieldtoday.co.uk Green'Un | Saturday December 9, 2006 |
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Ice rink hailed as success | www.newburytoday.co.uk | Thursday, December 28 2006 |
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Westwood's W.E. Sheehan Elementary School
Westwood's W.E. Sheehan Elementary School, 549 Pond Street, is hosting a non-competitive Science Fair from 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. on Friday, February 10, 2006. The event is open to the public and admission is free of charge.
Sponsored by the Sheehan School P.T.A. and W.E.F (Westwood Educational Foundation) the fair is featuring 47 unique experiments representing the work of 74 third, fourth and fifth grade students. Science Fair co-coordinators are Sheehan School parents Lucinda Linde and Nancy Brind.
According to Brind, 41 percent of the students in the three eligible grades chose to participate in this newly established, extracurricular activity. She says the students' overwhelming response reflects a high level of interest in children to experience and explore ideas in science beyond the school's normal science curriculum.
"When almost half of the eligible students quickly signed up to participate, we knew we were doing something important for the kids," Brind said. "In fact, a full 50 percent of all third grade girls and boys are doing experiments at the fair."
Lucinda Linde, a 1982 graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, first recognized the serious need to establish an annual science fair at Westwood's largest elementary school.
"We need to do whatever we can to help children get interested in and learn more about how they can make science and technology a real part of their lives," Linde said. "Here in New England, there are so many job opportunities in hot, new, technology-based industries like I.T. and biotech. But the companies that are right in our own backyard are filling their best positions with scientists and engineers from other countries. There just aren't enough Americans trained to do those jobs. It's a terrible dilemma and we really need to do something about opening our children's eyes to science."
To create the Sheehan School's annual science fair program, Linde applied for and was awarded a W.E.F. mini-grant in 2005. The mother of two explains that this science fair is organized to help children discover the science in everyday life and to learn how to apply the scientific method. She emphasizes that the Sheehan School Science Fair is ashowcase for children's science projects, but it isnot a competition.
"We just want to give students a chance to turn their ideas - any ideas - into projects that fit into the scope of the steps of the scientific method." Linde said. "Learning to approach problems, or ideas, using the scientific method will help children in all aspects of their daily lives - for the rest of their lives. The scientific method is simply based on observing the world around us and measuring our observations. Once a student learns how to apply the scientific method, that child is one step closer to discovering the scientist within."
A representative sample of the 47 experiments scheduled to be presented at the Sheehan School Science Fair include:
1. Is Rock Meadow Brook polluted? By 5th-grade scientist Evan Walsh.
2. A magnet monorail. By 4th-grade scientists Max Hasenauer and Sean Cote.
3. What makes a curveball curve? By 5th-grade scientists David Driscoll and Sean Flynn.
4. Turn that lemon on! (Making a battery out of a lemon to turn on a light bulb.) By 3rd-grade scientists Katherine Brind and Halley Husted.
5. Which gum holds its flavor best? By 3rd-grade scientists Jackie Kremer and Leicia Henderson.
6. Twisters. By 3rd-grade scientists Ian Marten and Jimmy Conway.
7. Electro-plating metals. By 3rd-grade scientist Tommy Allen.
8. How far will the marshmallow go? By 3rd-grade scientist Kate McMurray.
9. How coral reefs are made. By 4rd-grade scientists Katherine Santisi and Olivia Giannakopoulous.
10. The effect of food and temperature on the metamorphic rate of a mealworm. By 3rd-grade scientist Jack Walter.
Westwood Educational Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded in 1991 by Westwood resident Barbara Friedman. Its mission is to promote community spirit through lifelong enrichment opportunities for all members of the Westwood community. The Foundation is committed to encouraging learning beyond the traditional school curriculum and it supports initiatives that offer self-education opportunities for all members of the community. Since its inception, W.E.F. has awarded more than $375,000 in grants.
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
'Remarkable' Hilda dies aged 109
EDITORIAL - whtimes@archant.co.uk
Hilda Brind THE oldest resident of a WGC nursing home has died at the age of 109.
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Derby defeat leaves Blues off the pace
16 February 2006
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Bachelors also need a place to live
Dubai: One thing many people who live in Dubai agree on is that finding a good place to live at a reasonable price can be difficult. Rents seem to be climbing upwards fast. In recent weeks, securing suitable accommodation has become particularly difficult for one group of people: bachelors. As reported in Gulf News, some landlords in both Dubai and Sharjah have decided not to renew tenancy agreements on flats being used by bachelors. Officials say they have received complaints from families about disturbance caused by the unmarried. And they insist it is not right that 20 bachelors should be packed into a two or three-bedroom flat. Is ejecting bachelors a sensible measure to safeguard family life, or do blanket bans on single people unfairly tar all bachelors with the same brush? In a recent Gulf News poll, 87 per cent of respondents said bachelors were being "unfairly victimised" by landlords, while nine per cent said they were not and four per cent were unsure. Gulf News spoke to a variety of Dubai residents some of them bachelors, others family people to find out what they thought. Syrian American architect Samer Kallas, a 45-year-old bachelor, said it was "not fair" to get rid of the unmarried. "Maybe you can differentiate between people on the basis of their age, because younger people are more noisy than the elderly, but not on the basis of their marital status," he said. Indian therapist Asha Samtani, 56, was also against kicking out bachelors, saying there should not be "such strict rules" that ban them from certain accommodation blocks. She said she understood the concerns of those who felt that bachelors could be disruptive or engage in immoral behaviour. However, she said if individual flats that contained bachelors were not causing a problem it was not right to ask them to leave. "There are exceptions to every rule. If the landlords feel the bachelors are reasonable people, they should be allowed to stay," she said. Irish quantity surveyor Terry Hand, 62, said it was "unfair and extreme" to remove all the bachelors. "It may be that some bachelors deserve to be evicted, but it should be done on a case-by-case basis," he said. Georgina Porter, 34, a British housewife, said she had read the reports about the moves to eject the bachelors and thought what was happening was "terrible". "They treat bachelors really unfairly. Most of them are just trying to earn money and send some back to their families some of them have families of their own back home and it is very hard for them to afford the rents in Dubai. "Most of them are labourers and security people at hotels and I think they should be left alone," she said. Simon Brind, 38, a British general manager at an insurance company, said he lived next door to a villa with four bachelors and had no problem with them. "Everybody has got the right to live where they want to. I am a family man with one daughter but I think the bachelors next door are fun. We mix with them and it's quite nice," he said. Indian accountant Anjali Sagar, 30, said: "It's not fair [to eject bachelors] because if people are respectful and they know limits it is not necessary. "I don't find it a problem living near bachelors. There are some near me but they are hardly ever home at all." Indian driver Anil Bahtwadi said it was "not good" to eject bachelors from their accommodation. "Anyone should be allowed to live there. It is difficult to be a bachelor here. In Jumeirah for example it is very hard to find accommodation as a bachelor," said the 45-year-old, who has a family back in India. However, there were several people who took the opposite view and said it was sensible to have family-only accommodation. Hashim Khalel, a 28-year-old Indian sales manager, said "families should be separate from bachelors". "I think it's not good having them together. It's safer having families in their own," he said. Rui Sequeira, 44, from India, who is married with a family and works as a manager with a company, took a similar view. "I used to live in Saudi Arabia and there it was a complete no no having bachelors living close to families, but here it seems to be more acceptable. "However I don't think bachelors always realise they have to look after the building and ensure it is a peaceful place in which to live. "Sometimes kids have exams and need peace and quiet, and bachelors might not be sensitive to these issues. Also, bachelors tend to crowd parking spaces and this puts a strain on the other tenants which is not fair," he said. Also against mixing bachelors with families was Lope Martinez, a 38-year-old from the Philippines. "You can understand why they don't want bachelors living near people with families. They have different lifestyles that will conflict with each other and make life difficult. "It is much better for bachelors to be in accommodation blocks with other bachelors because that way they cannot disturb other people," he said ![]() February 27, 2006 Gulf News Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge http://www.tmcnet.com/ |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Harvey nicks two goals
EDITORIAL - whtimes@archant.co.uk JUBILANT Panshanger Yellows Leopards notched up their first win in the Under-9s Shield and only second victory of the season against Watton Youth on Saturday. After an early save by keeper Tony Brain, the Leopards took command. Jonathon Brind, Lewis Clayton and Sam Clifton kept the Watton defence under constant pressure, which led to a well-taken goal from Clifton. A tactical change saw defender Terri Harvey move into midfield in the second half and she promptly put the Leopards 2-0 ahead. After Watton had pulled one back, Harvey earned her man-of-the-match award with her second goal to make the final score 3-1. |
See also Sabres rattled by on-song Leopards
Leopards claim their first points |
![]() Welwyn Times, 18 January 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Loughborough Students celebrated a weekend double - and made it into their first County Cup final since 2003. On Saturday, the Students scored eight tries in a 48-0 win over Mansfield in Midlands Two East, but the big one came 24 hours later with a 22-16 triumph at South Leicester in the semi-final of the County Cup. South had beaten Students in both league encounters this term, but the visitors made it third time lucky at Wigston after the fortunes of the match swung dramatically in Students' favour during the second half. They trailed 13-5 at the interval as South made a strong start, with Yomi Akinyemi scoring the Students try. However, the Students snuffed out the threat of South's half-back combination, took over the lion's share of possession and ran in three tries from Mark Webber, Andy Hodgkins and Tom Chester, with Gary Collett landing one conversion. Syston and Market Bosworth - who had a walkover after Oakham withdrew from their re-arranged first-round tie - will meet in the cup's second semi-final on March 18. Loughborough will meet Vipers in the final of the new County Bowl. Luffs beat Three East (North) rivals Coalville 25-13, despite trailing 13-5 at half-time. "Coalville came right at us and made us pay for any mistakes, but we played better in the 20 minutes up to half-time and then worked well to the game-plan with the wind in our favour in the second half," said Luffs captain Ben Keast. Ned Roberts scored a first-half try for Borough then, after the break, Ryan Brind kicked a penalty and converted tries by Tim Wilson and James Brind. Keast kicked a drop goal. Coalville's first-half try came from Russ James, but an eight-point lead at that stage was never going to be enough. Aaron Partridge kicked two penalties and a conversion. Dom Hawes and Andy Tomlinson scored the tries as Vipers beat Aylestone St James 13-8 to book their place in the final. Jimmies scored through a try from Jacob Harmer and a Glenn Chapman penalty. "The Jimmies had some strong guys up front and some good backs, but we were only 8-0 down at half-time and in that wind they needed a few more points than that," said Vipers coach Mark Anderson. "In the second half we pegged them back and took the points when we could." Jimmies spokesman Kev Ball said: "It was a good game of rugby and the lads showed they can compete against teams from a couple of leagues above them. Belgrave are in the final of the County Shield after they beat Aylestonians 51-0. The other semi-final, between Stoneygate and Olds Newts, was postponed.
![]() Leicester Mercury 10:30 - February 28, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Leicestershire & Rutland have picked their teams for the Inter-Counties Championships which incorporate the UK Cross Challenge & World Trials at Nottingham's Wollaton Park on Saturday. The Charnwood pair of Tara Krzywicki and Hannah Whitmore are both named in the senior women's 8k, though both are likely to contest the short-course 4k instead. Teams (Charnwood unless stated): Senior women's 8k: Kate Ramsey, Tara Krzywicki, Hannah Whitmore, Cath Simkin, Bev Grey (all Charnwood), Sara Wells (Owls), Laura Johnson (Ch), Sally Newman (Wrk), Sarah Haines (Unatt). Reserves: Marissa Iliffe (Ch), Alex Caven (Owls), Debbie Napier (Owls), Karen Brooks (Harb), Simone Wilson (Nun), Nicki Thompson. U20 women's 6k: Gemma Hillier, Katie Lomas, Clare Mensley (all Ch), Hollie Williams (Harb), Charlotte Taylor (Unatt). U17 women's 5k: Amber-Sian Magee (Ch), Chloe Morris (Owls), Becky Krych (Ch), Pippa Hicks (Rut), Emily Field-Lucas, Katie North (both Ch), Chloe Kinton (LC), Katie Arnold (Rut). Reserve: Abigal Duffin (Owls). U15 girls' 4k: Johanna Gurney (Ch), Lucy Hall (Lutterworth High), Megan Booler (Harb), Zoe Hawkins (Ch), Jessica Edge (Lutterworth High), Emily Milodowski (Ch), Natalie Mee (LC), Charlotte Wilkinson (Nun). Reserves: Emma Brown (Stilton), Rachel Finnigan (Lutterworth High), Amy Danaher (Stilton), Georgina Wright (Ch). U13 girls' 3k: Iman Al-Rabiah (Ch), Lucy Crookes (LC), Clare Ashmore (Brockington Coll), Lauren Botham (Ch), Freya Vincent (LC), Grace McDonnell (LC), Jasmine Mellor (LC), Katya Blackledge (Ch). Reserves: Megan Fairbrother (LC), Natalie Wood (Wrk), Lucy Arkinstall (Ch), Natasha Timson (Nun). SENior MEN's 12k: Tim Hartley (Notts), Chris O'Neill, Gordon Lee, Ryan Falkner (all Owls), Richard Lee (Ch), Mark Powell (Owls), Nigel Stirk (Tipton), Chris Southam (Stilton). U20 MEN's 8k (clubs not available): D Worley, D Norman, E Tipper, P Cox, J Smith, A Richards, R Fraser. U17 men's 6k: E Highton, S May, T Mahon, G Davies, C Cullen, T Bell, T Canham (all Owls). U15 boys' 4.5k (clubs not available): J Norman, S Baxter, T Nutt, J Pegg, L Smart, M Brind, J Lane, D Hallam. U13 boys' 3k (clubs not available): A Kavanagh, J Hall, L Baxter, E Nutt, J Wales, A Roberts, A N Other. All athletes should note that this year they must collect their own race number and chip at Wollaton Park.
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Verified Person Expands Sales Team NEW YORK, March 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Verified Person, provider of the
industry's most advanced background screening services, announced today that
Paul Jordan, former Vice President at Ceridian, has joined Verified Person as
Vice President of Sales. He is charged with new business development,
management of daily sales activities and support of Verified Person's strategy
to provide advanced screening in an advanced world.
About Verified Person
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
CWA Evening Branch news Wednesday, 15 March 2006
The first meeting for 2006 was held at Boleros Restaurant at the Grenfell Bowling Club, where nineteen members and guests were in attendance.
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Anger in Matawai at sudden transfer of Well Child service
by Nicola Brennan Matawai parents are furious over the Public Health Unit's decision to transfer their Well Child service to Plunket and Turanga Health in Gisborne. Around 60 angry parents gathered at the Matawai community hall on Tuesday to voice their concerns at an information forum arranged by the Public Health Unit (PHU), Plunket and Turanga Health. The forum quickly turned into heated debate as parents accused Public Health staff of failing to provide them with adequate notice of the service's transfer. One parent said that contrary to what PHU group manager Tom Scott had said in a Gisborne Herald article on Saturday, the PHU had not worked closely with parents to ensure the transition went smoothly. "We have had none or very little communication from them," Caroline Rau said. Mrs Rau said she knew of only one mother who had received the "follow up phone call" Mr Scott spoke about in the article. The parents said they were happy with the service provided by their local rural health nurse (RHN) Jason Ward and were concerned that the move would jeopardise his position in the community, and in turn the health of their children. Primary and community health portfolio manager Michelle Lexmond said the transfer would not place Mr Ward's position, or the health of their children, at risk. "Jason's job and hours are not in jeopardy," Ms Lexmond said. She said if something went wrong with a child in Matawai then it would be a medical issue, and not affected by changes to the Well Child service. Virginia Brind, acting general manager of Tairawhiti District Health's (TDH) funding team, said the move would help RHNs, in this case Mr Ward, provide a better service to the community. RHNs would now have the time they used to spend on Well Child to focus on the rest of their work, Ms Brind said. The PHU decided to exit from the Well Child service because of changes to the training needed to deliver the service. From July 1, Well Child nurses will need to have a post-graduate qualification over and above being a registered nurse. Ms Lexmond said the PHU could not sustain the costs associated with that. Also, the hours RHNs worked in Well Child were not enough to maintain clinical competency in the area. "We have to ensure that the services we provide meet the national standards," Ms Brind said. Matawai Motu Community Health chairwoman Pam Murphy, who is also a member of TDH's Community and Public Health Advisory committee, disputed claims that community concerns had been heavily considered at advisory meetings. Mrs Murphy said the advisory committees had gone "into committee", meaning the public could not sit in, when the issue had been discussed. As such, she had not been able to voice her community's concerns. Ms Lexmond said the new service would be evaluated in February, 2007. Ms Brind suggested that more forums be held in Matawai shortly to further discuss concerns.
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Narnia under threat By Reg Little ![]() Ron Brind in the woodland A wildlife trust has come under fire for cutting down trees in the woodland that helped inspire CS Lewis to write The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
The land next to the author's former home, in Risinghurst, Oxford, known as "the real Narnia", is now a nature reserve.
But Narnia has come under attack from chainsaws, claims the man who organises CS Lewis tours of Oxford. And he says the local wildlife trust BBOWT is to blame.
Ronald Brind says the trust has needlessly cut down many trees and is changing the character of the woodland that proved an inspiration to the Oxford don, who became known around the world for his Narnia books.
Mr Brind said many foreign visitors to Lewis's old home were horrified by the state of the reserve.
But the wildlife trust, which has owned the site since 1969, defended the work, which it said was part of a strategy to deter vandals and make the reserve more accessible.
Mr Brind was a childhood friend of Lewis's stepson, Dougie Gresham, and was a regular visitor to the author's home.
He said: "They have been up there with chainsaws. When I asked what was going on, they told me they were taking out all the non-native species.
"It's disgusting and scandalous. They include trees that have taken 60 and 70 years to grow.
"American visitors who come here in search of Lewis are distraught. They think it's horrific. This was CS Lewis's back garden for more than 30 years."
Mr Brind has also complained about the state of the lake and the amount of rubbish strewn about.
With the Walt Disney version of the classic book certain to renew visitor interest in Lewis, one local resident said: "The wood looks dreadful. I suppose it will get better in time. But they're destroying mature trees, which Lewis himself would have known."
BBOWT said neighbours were consulted last year about a strategy to clean up the reserve after repeated problems with vandalism, litter and scrambler bikes.
Spokesman Sophie Lewis said sycamore trees were cut down to encourage wildlife and undergrowth.
Ms Lewis said: "Because of their rapid rate of growth, the trees that have been cut down would not have been there when CS Lewis was walking around.
"Mr Brind wants a lovely place to take American tourists. But that's not our primary concern.
"We're a conservation organisation and would not do anything that would upset the biodiversity of the site."
Friday March 31, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Central League kicks off today By Jared Dennis SOCCER: The first round of Central Federation League soccer gets under way today with a predicted top-of-the-table clash between Wanganui City and Gisborne Thistle.
The game will be at Wembley Park at 2.45pm while the other match involving a local side sees Wanganui Athletic playing Taradale away.
City coach Tex von Kwiatkowski is confident his team will improve on last season's fourth placing, while Gisborne won the competition last year and are expected to be as competitive this season.
Last season Thistle beat City in both their encounters. "I realistically expect a game from the top two teams of the league That will lack on quality because it is the season opener and nobody wants to lose it," he said.
"This game tomorrow will be under strict tactical orders." A defence-orientated approach is expected from the away side, waiting for opportunities to counter-attack.
"Thistle has a few very experienced players in their team who can organise a game perfectly.
"They will try to slow the game down and making it fast whenever necessary."
Von Kwiatkowski said his team had nothing to fear but that of course they didn't want lose the important first game. "Our first aim will be not conceding any goals.
"We can play very fast football and we have proven it last weekend by beating Central League side Napier City Rovers." City have had a strong pre-season campaign, winning four from four games and this should bode well for their championship-opener.
"This game will be won by the team with the stronger will and the ability to pass the pain border.
"I won't be unhappy to start with a draw if we can achieve it. But there are always goals to achieve, why not tomorrow."
Talk coming out of the Athletic camp is not quite as positive, with coach Shane Wye only receiving the appointment two weeks ago and no pre-season fixtures played. He said the team was definitely in a re-building phase, with only four or five players back from last year after a number had left the club.
It is a young team that travel to Taradale today, with "three lads under 18, a few in their early 20s and a few older guys."
"They are always hard to beat on their home ground," Wye said of last seasons third placed side. "They always start the season well, then fall off the pace a bit.
"But too be truthful I am not really worried about them, I've just got to make sure my team is as good as possible." Wye had not confirmed his squad but said Glen Toy would be the captain.
The Wanganui City squad is: Glen Graham, Brendon Kerr, Ricky Doolan, Joshua Annabell, James Barnes, Jared Bloor, Ben Toyne, Tony Lockett, Phillip Randal, Adam Hausman, Neil Davis, Chris Annabell, Mark Brind, Tim Hayes.
Saturday April 1, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Roving reporter declares "Allen Tancayo Day" and Maunaloa news By Aunty Kehau, Maunaloa Roving Reporter
Mahalo to a few of my Area Captains, the Davenports, Keith Brind, Jauna Espaniola, Aunty Janice Pele and Uncle Jimmy Duvauchelle.
This is your roving reporter closing with this thought of the day, "When you're working with people or customers, treat them with a friendly and courteous manner. It doesn't matter if you're a store clerk, a supervisor, gas attendant, waitress or the owner himself. BE NICE AND REMEMBER TO SMILE."
God bless and a hui hou and malama pono.
April 4, 2006 5:00:06 PM |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Truck spills 22 tons of rebar Curve in Richford scene of many accidents over years By ANNE JU and JODY ROSELLE
![]() SIMON WHEELER/Journal Staff RICHFORD--- Janet Gordinier was just sitting down to breakfast at the Richford Diner Wednesday morning, when her mother ran in and told her a truck had flipped over into Gordinier's yard.
A 24-year volunteer firefighter with the Richford Volunteer Fire Department, Gordinier immediately left for the station, hopping on a firetruck to respond to her own home.
"The truck was fully upside down in our yard," Gordinier said.
The accident, said New York State Police, took place about 8:30 a.m. Wednesday. A tractor-trailer headed east on State Route 79 near West Creek Road overturned around a curve, spilling about 44,000 pounds of steel rebars into the roadway and into Gordinier's yard. It happened about three miles from the Tompkins-Tioga County line.
The driver, 41-year-old Randall D. Allison, of Savannah, N.Y. was later charged with failure to reduce speed around a curve, and for traveling with an unsecured load, state police said. He is scheduled to appear in Richford Town Court.
Allison suffered a bruised shoulder, and was taken by Richford Ambulance to Cayuga Medical Center, where he was treated and released, according to State Police Sgt. Terry Sullivan.
Sullivan said Allison was coming from Auburn, and that the truck was registered with Conway Beam. During the initial investigation, State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement found nothing mechanically wrong with the truck, Sullivan said.
No information regarding the accident was available from the New York State Department of Transportation's regional office Wednesday.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, state DOT, and Richford Fire Department all responded to the scene of the accident, which was cleared by about 2 p.m., state police said.
The accident wasn't the first in Gordinier's memory - nor in the memory of nearby residents.
"This is the fourth tractor-trailer accident in two years," Gordinier said. She recalled two similar incidents at the same corner with garbage trucks, and one with a Wegmans truck.
Gordinier's neighbor, Ed Brind, was looking out the window Wednesday morning when he saw the truck going sideways around the curve, flipping over into his Gordinier's yard.
"They had a whole lot of reinforcing rods, an inch and a half in diameter," Brind said. "I seen it when it happened. We were lucky."
Brind, 72, has lived in the same house for 50 years, and said he could look back at least 30 years on accidents involving the curve near West Creek Road - a milk tanker, trucks with hay bales, and one time, a truck full of oats.
"It's a bad corner," he said.
But beyond somehow getting traffic to slow down in the 55 mph stretch of road, he isn't sure what the solution is.
"I don't think they could put up any lights," Brind said.
About 15 years ago, the state Department of Transportation worked on the corner, cutting it back so it would be less severe and placing banks around it, several neighbors said. During that time, the DOT also removed guardrails that had buffered the curve.
"It was sharper, and you had to slow down to get around the bend," said Paul Foster, who owns property across Route 79 near where the accident happened Wednesday. "Now it's very gradual, and it kind of keeps coming on you. So just when you think the corner's over, it's not."
Foster said he feels the signage could be better to warn about the dangerous curve, particularly coming into West Creek Road where it's difficult to see.
"You don't know who's going to be coming around that corner," Foster said.
Contact: aju@ithacajournal.com
Journal staff reporters Simon Wheeler and Darise Jean-Baptiste contributed to this report.
Originally published April 20, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Rural area hard hit by midwife shortage by Nicola Brennan THE shortage of lead maternity caregivers in Tairawhiti continues to be a problem, especially in rural communities, say community and public health advisory committee members.
Waikohu communities, such as Matawai and Te Karaka, continue to have problems accessing midwives.
Committee member Pamela Murphy said the lack of midwives in the region made it harder and harder for mothers in western rural communities to obtain a midwife.
"Mums in western rural communities just can't get a lead maternity caregiver," Mrs Murphy said.
"Lead maternity caregivers just don't want to go out in to the country."
Funding and planning acting general manager Virginia Brind agreed that rural communities certainly had issues in terms of timely access to midwives.
Chief executive Jim Green said it was not just western rural women, but the entire district, who were having difficulties getting a midwife.
"Many women are coming through that have not been able to access a midwife," he said.
The effects of the shortage would always be felt in communities where access was difficult and where mothers had higher needs, Mr Green said.
Tairawhiti District Health (TDH) had spoken to the Minister of Health about the shortage and possible solutions to the problem.
The ministry agreed to fund the recruitment of extra midwives for the hospital but Mr Green said this proposal came with several problems.
In time, midwives usually left the hospital to go into private practice, putting further strain on TDH.
He agreed that midwives in Tairawhiti would still be built up over time, even if they were to go into private practice.
A shortage of midwives nationally also meant they would be hard to recruit.
Mr Green said he suspected there was not enough training nationally for midwives.
He suggested if TDH facilitated midwife training in Gisborne, it could help increase the number of midwives operating here.
Friday, April 21, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
City has chance to top table By Jared Dennis SOCCER: The opportunity to go top of the table outright is on offer when Central Federation League soccer kicks off in Wanganui today.
Although it is only round three of the competition, the match at Wembley Park between Wanganui City and Palmerston North End is a clash of the only two unbeaten teams.
Wanganui Athletic, on the other hand, travel to New Plymouth tomorrow with the aim of getting points on the board when they play Team Taranaki.
In the last round North End beat Team Taranaki 5-1. A result that has made the league take notice, as the Palmerston North club are newly promoted and Taranaki were one of the stronger teams last season.
City coach Tex von Kwiatkowski said he thought North End were in a similar situation to what his team was in last year when they had just come into the league.
"Your boys are always playing with a special motivation because they want to prove their qualifications and they want to survive," he said.
The North End squad has five new players from last year, with keeper Matt Borren, captain Gary Hodge, former New Zealand under 17 rep Dave Boyak and striker Richard Grey all expected to feature.
"They will fight for every inch of the park and that is for sure," von Kwiatowski said.
"They have nothing to loose and can only surprise by achieving a good result."
Keeping the players motivated and ensuring they don't ease off, thinking they have achieved all they need to, has been the coaches biggest training issue.
"This is the problem if you are leading the table and you want to stay there for any longer, you always have to go the extra mile because everybody else is chasing you," von Kwiatowski said.
"And this is new to the boys and the team because it never happened in the club history before that WCFC was leading the Central Federation league table."
Josh Annabel is unlikely to play due to a knee injury, while a couple of others are missing due to work commitments.
Missing players is an issue Athletic coach Shane Wye has to consider also when his team travels north tomorrow. The game has been moved to Sunday as one of their players brothers is getting married today and a number of the team are to attend.
There are also others away for the game, some at the V8 Supercars in Auckland.
Wye is expecting a tough game at Merrilands Park. "Based on last year's results they were one of the favourites to win it," he said.
"[Team Taranaki coach] Andy Irvine is a physical player so I would say Taranaki will play that way, especially after losing 5-1 last week.
"It is never easy playing in New Plymouth."
The younger players in the team are getting used of training in indoors, giving Wye more opportunities to meld the team into a playing unit.
"Training this week was 300 times better than last week," he said.
"We are starting to look a lot better, though obviously game-play is most important."
Registering their first competition points is the main aim, although Athletic do have a game in hand after their last round match versus Linton first XI was postponed.
"It's an important thing that we get at least one point. "We don't want to go two games without a point before we play City next week."
Wanganui Athletic squad: K Hayward, A Crossley, S Wye, J Malipaard, M Williams, S Burney, J Granville, J Tyson, K McKerras, G Toy, S Crossley.
Wanganui City squad: G Graham, B Kerr, R Doolan, J Annabell, J Barnes, J Bloor, B Toyne, T Lockett, P Randal, A Hausman, N Davis, C Annabell, M Brind, S Toyne.
Palmerston North End squad: M Borren, C Szuldak, M Bruhn, D Boyack, Z Robinson, M Jacques, M Batt, M Griffin, J Waayer, R Gray, W Hodge, G Hodge(c), M Wallace.
Saturday, April 22, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Bernhard & Huffman Have Twenty Dollar Drinks - by BWW News Desk Sandra Bernhard, currently starring in Everything Bad and Beautiful, and Tony Award-winning The Producers star Cady Huffman appeared at the Tribeca Film Festival to catch the new short film Twenty Dollar Drinks, in which they co-star.
"Years ago, Star (Bernhard) and Betty (Huffman) scrapped together an existence in the same off-off-Broadway theatre company. Flash-forward to present day; Star has a Golden Globe and Betty has a denture commercial. When the pair reunites at Manhattan's latest trendy hotel bar, what begins as a catfight turns into an existential crisis that leaves both women shaken to their core," state press notes. Twenty Dollar Drinks, which was viewed as part of the "West Side Highway" Shorts Programme, features an adaptation by David Brind (from the play by Joe Pintauro); Brind also directed. Jennifer Westin produces.
The film will be shown at these upcoming screenings: Tuesday, May 2 at 6:00 pm at PACE Pace University Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts (1 Pace Plaza, on Spruce Street between Park Row and Gold Street); Wednesday, May 3 at 10:00 pm at AMC Village VII (AV7) (66 Third Avenue, at 11th Street); and Friday, May 5 at 11:00 pm at RC05 Regal Cinemas Battery Park Cinemas 11 (102 North End Avenue at Vesey Street).
Tickets are available online at www.tribecafilmfestival.org, or by phone at (212) 321-7400 or (866) 941-FEST (3378). To buy tickets in person, visit the website for box office information.
Photo courtesy of Pete Sanders Group
Sandra Bernhard, David Brind and Cady Huffman
May 1, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Proposals for a Christmas ice rink in the centre of Newbury get the backing of town's traders NEWBURY'S Market Place could be transformed into a winter wonderland this Christmas.
Proposals to put an ice rink in the Market Place this week gained support from the town's traders.
The idea was originally proposed by market manager Steve Brind and it has now been given the thumbs up by the Newbury Retail Association.
Town centre manager Mitch Roberts has put forward the dates of December 20-24 in a bid to attract maximum support for retailers in the run up to Christmas.
The ice rink is expected to cost around £9,225 for the four days and it is hoped some of the funding could come from the Town Centre Management Steering Group.
The town's retailers may also be asked to combine to donate the remaining money.
The possibility of allowing the attraction in town for a longer period is also currently being looked into.
The proposed entry fee would be around £3-£5 for 20 minutes.
An alternative site, in Broadway, has also been proposed.
Sunday May 21, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
DIVISION FIVE BRADFORD 2nds won the toss and elected to bowl against Malmesbury 2nds. Good opening spells from Tim Burrows (8-1-13-1) and captain Adrian Cooksey (8-2-13-1) ensured Malmesbury struggled for runs from the start, but it was the introduction of veteran left arm seamer Bob Powell that did the damage for Bradford as he took 4 for 17 from 6.5 overs.
Malmesbury's total of 103 did not look enough for an experienced Bradford Town batting line-up to chase down, but some good bowling from McNeil (12-4-13-3) and Brind (10.3-1-26-1) ensured Bradford had to work hard for victory.
It was left to Darren Jones with a composed 27 not out to finally see Bradford home in the 38th over to record a three wicket win.
1:12pm Wednesday May 24, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Stallholders voice fears over business slump By Sarah Radford, Online reporter Email: sarah.radford@newburynews.co.uk Phone: 01635 564632 TRADERS at Newbury's historic market are saying their business could be in jeopardy if a trade slump continues.
The stallholders claim sales have suffered as road closures steer shoppers away from the town centre.
Photographer Jane Garret, who lives in Cold Ash, has sold cards and framed pictures from her market stall for just over a year.
Mrs Garret said it was essential shoppers return to the market, or some stallholders could go under.
She said: "We have to encourage people back somehow. I honestly think the damaging thing is having retail parks going up,
which is taking custom away from here.
"The road works have caused a lot of damage because of the bridge being closed and Northbrook Street being closed and I think people are not coming into town."
Mrs Garrett added: "I would like to thank our market manager Steve Brind though, and his right hand man Mick Connersby, for trying to help the traders through the good times and the bad."
Tony Harris, who has run his clothes stall on the market since 1966, said it was becoming harder and harder for the new generation of traders to stay afloat.
He said: "For us to compete we have to be far more aggressive, we have to be on the ball, we have to upgrade, we have to do not the cheapest stuff, but better stuff at a cheaper price." | |
See also Debate on moving charter market to Northbrook Street gathers pace ahead of May's electionsApril 11, 2007 |
Fri, May 26 2006 |
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Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
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See also We reveal likely hot spots for Duffield's New Star share booty |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
House is damaged by fire FIREFIGHTERS were called to a severe blaze in Covingham.
Fire engines from Swindon, Westlea and Stratton fire stations attended a semi-detached house in Brind Close, shortly after 4pm on Saturday.
The fire, which is believed to have started on the first floor, spread to the roof.
Firefighters worked quickly to bring the fire under control and stop it from spreading to the house next door, and stayed there until 8.20pm to make sure it was completely out.
All of the people in the house escaped unhurt, but were given a precautionary check-up by paramedics.
The cause of the fire was said to be accidental.
A spokesman for Wiltshire Fire Brigade said: "We would like to remind people about the benefits of fitting smoke detectors."
Fire crews were also called out to a fire in Station Road yesterday lunchtime. The alarm was raised by the homeowner at 1.30pm.
Fire engines from Swindon and Westlea attended the scene.
The fire was caused by a small electric heater, but was out by the time firefighters arrived.
Nobody was injured and no damage was done to the property.
10:28am Monday May 29, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Jags deserve more support by Iain Gillies
FOOTBALL How do you get the fans back into the grounds? This must be a worrying thought for Gisborne City and LJ Hooker Thistle clubs as they barge on into the second half of what, by any measure, must be considered a successful season.
A big plus for Thistle is that flying midfielder Nicky Land is nearing full fitness again. He has been training regularly and the shoulder injury that has kept him on the sidelines for the past month is just about right.
Thistle, in particular, deserve better support because they are playing in the Central League, a division below City in the Capital Central, but are still very much in contention for promotion.
Thistle player-coach Bruce Hill has put together an exciting squad and they face a particularly important game here at 2.30pm today.
Wanganui City are also in the promotion hunt and will fully test Hill's new-look side.
New look? The addition of former City stalwarts Kane Stirton and Nic Somerton has put the finishing touches on Thistle's attacking flair.
An injury has kept outstanding right-back Luke McGuinness on the sidelines but youngster Shane Mooney and veteran Warren Veall have been playing well.
With central midfielders Dave Watson and Hill using the ball with vision and accuracy, the home side played some lovely football despite losing to Team Taranaki last weekend.
Unfortunately, the Jags were caught out four times in defence by a sharp opposition. This has to be a worry when chasing the championship but Thistle's plight wasn't helped by the sending-off of keeper John Spawforth.
Even so, Spawforth wasn't at fault with the four goals. They were conceded by a rearguard who should have been more alert to the dangers posed by the nippy
visitors.Taranaki are a comparatively small team yet the opening goal was hard to believe. A free-kick was floated into the penalty box and the big defenders stood and watched as not-so-big midfielder Ben Brandt waltzed through and headed it into the net.
From the fans' point of view it was the signal for the most exciting first-half seen in any match at the Childers Road Reserve for many years- 3-3 at the break.
Two opportunist goals from Chris Spurr and a fine finish from Glenn Morley turned the game Thistle's way but Taranaki's former English professional striker Craig Graham grabbed the winner from a breakaway in the 60th minute.
A draw would have been a fair result because every Thistle player produced something extra when they were reduced to 10 men over the final 20 minutes.
Tomorrow? Wanganui City are no mugs. They hammered Thistle 6-2 in the opening match of the season, with Jared Bloor, Mark Brind, Tony Lockett, Josh Annabel and Phillip Randall all scoring. But Team Taranaki beat them, 4-3 on May 14 and if Thistle can rise to the occasion today the league will be wide open again.
Saturday, 3 June, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
... Russell Brown was outstanding as Salmon held on for a hard-earned victory while goalkeeper Ben Barlow and skipper John Brind were in impressive form for Alpha
1 June 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Blades and pal too sharp for the rest THE Gosport & District Open Boat Festival attracted 24 boat entries. They set out in search of the best four specimen fish to bring to the scales.
Matchwinners were Stamshaw pairing Ernie Davey and Robbie Blades, who amassed a huge total for their four fish, including a specimen ballen wrasse of 4lb 15oz that accounted for half their points and easily took the optional pool.
Davey and Blades won the £500 top prize, sponsored by Hadlows Butchers.
In second place were Gosport pairing George Welling and Danny Brind, who included a specimen spotted ray of 4lb 13oz.
Third were Derek and Ashley Haggard.
The top 15 boats all received a prize.
June 21, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Stallholders see trade boost after relocation to Northbrook Street Takings were up for all traders on Thursday, and neighbouring shops also said they had benefited from the move.
Newbury market manager Steve Brind said: "Everybody was in by quarter past eight and it went like a bomb.
"The shops were pleased with us and they did well from it.
"A lot of people came up to us and said we should be here all the time, not just for six months. There was a great response from the public."
Newburytoday reported in May how traders feared the market could die-out if something wasn't done to boost footfall.
Following their last trading day in Market Place, they revealed mixed reactions to the Northbrook Street move.
Sylvia Conduit, who has run a stall for more than 30 years, believed the market should remain in its traditional home.
Bob Levy, however, thought Newbury's market should follow in the footsteps of other towns, and relocate permanently to the high street.
Wednedsay, July 5, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
West End Stars Premiere Morning Musical at New End by Caroline Ansdell
Tomorrow Morning, a new home-grown musical about couples preparing for a landmark day in their relationship, will receive its London premiere at the New End Theatre, Hampstead, from 10 July to 13 August 2006 (previews from 5 July).
The musical by British composer Laurence Mark Wythe (who also co-produces) is described as a funny but edgy look at the highs and lows of modern relationships. As one couple prepares to walk down the aisle, another couple is about to divorce. As the clock strikes twelve, it becomes clear that this is one couple separated by a decade and nobody is sure that they're doing the right thing.
West End stalwarts Emma Williams (Bat Boy, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang), Stephen Ashfield (Taboo, Fame), Annette McLaughlin (Chicago, Anything Goes) and Alistair Robins (Beauty and the Beast, Aspects of Love) star in Tomorrow Morning.
Tomorrow Morning was a finalist for Theatre Building Chicago's Stages, for MMD the Works West End showcase and for Greenwich Musical Futures, all in 2003. This is its first full-scale London production.
Wythe's recent work includes musical adaptation and arrangements for Jack Dagger!, the music & lyrics for CR7 - Cancer Control Force, a new pop-musical commissioned for the BBC Tomorrow's World Roadshow and Cancer Research UK, and Wise Up!, an interactive drug-education gameshow that has toured schools in Greenwich. His other musicals include Roll on the Day, Hero, Tears of Amber and A Tragedy of Errors.
The premiere production of Tomorrow Morning is directed by Nick Winston and designed by Philip Witcomb, with musical direction by Matt Brind. It's presented at the New End by Hilary Williams.
July 5, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Laugh, cry, see stars at 12th gay film fest By Gary M. Kramer, PGN Contributor
The Philadelphia International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival comprises some 150 feature films, shorts and documentaries through July 25. In its 12th year, the fest also includes world and local premieres, complementing special events and plenty of parties.
International in scope, the festival does include contributions by locals. Filmmaker David Brind's Twenty Dollar Drinks, a short starring Bernhard, is premiering and Brind is doing a reading from the script of One Time Only, a short that debuted at the festival last year.
© 2006 Gary M. Kramer
July 14, 2006. |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Democrats Attack Pregnancy Centers That Tell Women Abortion's Risks by Steven Ertelt LifeNews.com Editor Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Abortion advocates in Congress are continuing their campaign against pregnancy centers that provide women with tangible pregnancy help and abortion alternatives. Democrats on the House Committee on Government Reform released a report Monday claiming pregnancy centers getting federal funds are misleading women about abortion.
Pro-abortion Rep. Henry Waxman, a California Democrat, authored the report for the committee Democrats and claims "federally funded pregnancy resource centers often mislead pregnant teens about the medical risks of abortion."
Waxman's report says pregnancy centers wrongly tell pregnant women that abortion can increase the risk of contracting breast cancer, can lead to mental or psychological distress, and can cause future fertility issues.
A 1996 report published by the British Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health looked at 23 previous studies and found abortion increases the breast cancer risk by 30 percent.
Biochemist Joel Brind of the Baruch College of the City University of New York says abortion exposes women to high levels of estrogen and affects the breast in a negative way, allowing a greater chance of contracting breast cancer.
NOTE: These are extracts from a lengthy report.
July 17, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Berwick retain cricket crown
BERWICK retained the Alnwick & District League title when Saturday's match at second placed Wooler was washed out.
Wooler needed to beat Berwick to have any chance of catching them on the final Saturday but heavy rain on Saturday morning washed out all of the league programme.
Berwick who are unbeaten in the league this season will hope to finish with a win this Saturday when they entertain Ulgham at the Pier Field. This would be only the eighth time since 1931 that a side has gone through the Alnwick & District League league card unbeaten.
Warenford's Brian Thompson will also be hoping for some better weather this weekend as he tries to break Micheal Brewis' batting record which has stood since 1990 of 1000 runs in a league season. Thompson has scored 996 runs at an average of 99.6 this season and requires just five runs in Warenford's final home match against Rock.
* FIXTURES for the final week of the Alnwick and District Cricket League on Saturday (September 9) are:
Berwick v Ulgham; Embleton v Howick; Kelso v Warkworth; Mitford v Alnmouth; Shilbottle v Red Row; Tillside v Wooler; Warenford v Rock.
* BERWICK team vs Ulgham (Home on Saturday) Meet Pier Field 12-45pm. From L Mark, S Middlemist, T McCreath, M Golightly, K Golightly, A Hogg, J Simmons, I Thomson, M Woodcock, D Wakenshaw, R Patterson, M Elliott-- followed by end of season party/bbq.
* HILARY Brind is retiring as league secretary of the Johnnie Johnson Alnwick & District Cricket League, at the end of the 2006 season, having acted as assistant, and league secretary, for over 20 years.
Obviously she will be a tremendous loss to the league which has a reputation for being the friendliest league in the North East.
As league chairman, John Grey says he is deeply indebted to Hilary for her work over those years, work which carries on into the cricket close season as well as the normal playing season. To enable the League to prepare for 2007, and to function properly, a secretary is essential. It is an honorary position, with expenses being available for stationery, postage, etc. Looking to the future, a computer, and corresponding skill on it, would be a definite advantage.
Anyone interested in taking on this position for 2007, and hopefully for many years to come, is invited to contact John Grey, on 01669 630359, before Monday, September 25, 2006. September 7, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Diageo to uncork wine brands in retail market
C H Unnikrishnan / Mumbai September 14, 2006
Diageo, the world's largest liquor company, is likely to unveil its popular wine brands in the domestic retail market soon.
Diageo's wines, which are currently available at some duty-free counters in the country, have not yet hit the wider retail market, given its complex marketing structure.
At present, the premium spirit maker has distribution tie-ups with Flemingo, India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), Brind Co and a few others to sell wine brands at duty-free and embassy channels.
Company sources said it will extend these tie-ups to retail market as well by paying the duty for open market sales. Its major brands in the wine segment include Barton & Guestier, BV Costal, Blossom Hills, Justerini & Brooks, Piat d'Or and Sterling.
Earlier, Diageo had plans for exclusive distribution and marketing joint ventures with local wine companies to explore the growing wine market in the country.
"There are no plans at the moment to tie up with local wine players to enter the segment, as the most suitable option now would be extending the existing channels like Flemingo and ITDC for the retail market," said the company sources.
Following the earlier move, Diageo had been in talks with a few wine companies in India. Since the company has shelved the proposal to form distribution agreements with local firms, it will offer import authorisation to its duty-free channels to cater to the retail market, the company sources added.
Flemingo Dutyfree Shop currently operates 25 stores from the arrival and departure terminals of 12 Indian airports across three regions -- north, south and west.
The company also has licence to operate duty-free shops at seaports in Chennai, Vishakhapatnam, Haldia, Goa and Mumbai. It has set up shops in cities such as Amritsar, Jaipur and Lucknow recently.
ITDC and Brind Co also have similar network at the duty-free and five per cent duty-free outlets.
Diageo, as part of expanding its premium spirit business in India, this week launched its scotch brand Haig Gold Label in the country with a price tag of Rs 600 per 750 ml bottle.
The company has also signed a joint venture agreement with Radico Khaitan to re-enter the Indian-made foreign liquor market.
September 14, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Arrest after bid to set death house ablaze
16.09.2006 By Kathryn Powley
A 33-year-old woman has been charged with arson following a fire at the Whangarei house where teenager Mairina Dunn was found bashed to death three weeks ago.
She will appear in the Whangarei District Court today.
Whangarei police and fire investigators have confirmed an accelerant was used to set fire to the Holmes Ave, Otangarei house in at least 10 different places.
The 1950s weatherboard house was only superficially damaged by the fires, which were reported about 5.40am yesterday.
Three weeks ago, on August 27, the house was the site of the brutal killing of 17-year-old Mairina.
Police have charged her boyfriend of three weeks, 31-year-old Nathan Charles Fenton, with her murder. His former partner Eileen Verna Everitt, 28, is accused of helping him avoid arrest, knowing he had committed murder.
Yesterday there were no visible signs of fire damage on the outside of the house. But behind broken windows, smashed in the days after Mairina's killing, walls had been blackened with smoke. A few bunches of hand-picked flowers sat in beer bottles by the front steps.
Whangarei police Detective Andrew Clubley, who is investigating the suspected arson, said the fires were started throughout the house.
"We are concerned about it happening again. The obvious inference is it's a retaliation for the death there a few weeks ago," he said.
"The house is owned by a completely independent person. This is a privately owned house, by a person completely unrelated to those incidents."
Fire service investigator Craig Bain said whoever lit the fires had probably poured a highly flammable, light-weight accelerant, such as lighter fluid, turpentine or methylated spirits, about the house.
The property was unoccupied and had no furniture inside.
Mr Bain said since Mairina's killing the house had been redecorated ready for new tenants.
Yesterday he took a group of volunteer firefighters to the house as part of a training exercise.
The house owner declined to comment on the incident.
Fenton and Everitt are due to reappear in Whangarei District Court on September 21.
*The arson attack echoes two attempts in 2001 to burn down a house in Ngunguru. It was the home of George Mason, who had been found guilty of killing his girlfriend Natasha Tana-Brind at the Waiotoi Rd home. After the second arson attempt the house was declared unsafe, dismantled and burned on site by the Tutukaka Coast Fire Brigade.
September 16, 2006 |
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
City lose English import Brind to Waikato FC
By JARED DENNIS jared.dennis@wanganuichronicle.co.nz
Following his footballing dreams will see Wanganui City English import Mark Brind move to Hamilton on Monday.
Maybe not a step up to Liverpool or Barcelona, but definitely a step up in soccer terms, after he picked up a contract to play for Waikato FC in the NZFC (New Zealand Football Championship).
The 21-year-old will play his last game for the season in Wanganui today, when Wanganui City take on Wanganui Athletic in the Charity Cup final.
Then he will move north to join up with the Waikato FC franchise in pre-season build-up before its first NZFC game against Waitakere United on October 15.
Brind, who lived just outside Oxford in England and played in a semi-professional football league there, was one of three English players to join the Wanganui City club this season.
He said he didn't have any expectations on the standard of play here before he arrived in New Zealand, but that he had had a good season with the club.
"I think it was a pretty good year for us," he said.
"We were all a bit frustrated about not winning the championship. We definitely thought we were the best and deserved to win the title.
"If we can finish it off with a win in the Charity Cup it will be a good way to go out, runner-up in the league and winner of two cups."
Brind's best memory from the 2006 City season came after their 2-1 victory over eventual title winners Team Taranaki.
"The atmosphere at Wembley [Park] that day was awesome," he said.
"The cheers when we scored the winning goal and all the people running on to the field at the end was something special.
"It's nice to have people that care how well you do. "It's not like that so much back home, because there is just so many teams." The main difference football-wise from his playing days in England was the amount of space you get on the ball.
He said it looked as if the NZFC was going to be a similar level to the semi-professional league he played in England.
The big aim for his time in Waikato is to consolidate himself in the 17-man match day squad, with a total of 24 players in the wider squad.
"It's a lot quicker than the Federation League," he said of the trial games he played for Waikato.
"You can't make a mistake and have to be at 100 percent all the time.
"The challenge is going to be being in the team on game day." Brind said he was not sure if he would be back in Wanganui next season.
"I'm not making any plans. I'm just hoping that the football can go on for a bit longer."
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Matt's winning taste of the high life
By Dick Marshall
FitzWimarc School head boy Matthew Brind has proved himself top of the class in the world of mountain boarding.
He has enjoyed a fantastic record of success this summer including gaining second place in the World Freestyle Championships in Bideford, Devon.
Performances like that have gained Rayleigh student Brind a sponsorship deal with MBS, the largest mountain boarding company in the world.
"Next year I am hoping to get all the European Cup and UK Championships rounds and compete in the World Freestyle Championships again," said Brind.
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
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Utah State Fair
*Today's highlights: Free parking from KSL5 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with coupon from www.ksl.com; Hours, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; admission, $8 adults, $6 seniors 62 and over and youths 6 to 12; exhibits; strolling acts; demonstrations; livestock judging; Reptiles of the World; Wild World of Animals show; horse show; dancing; Budweiser Chili Cook-off; Fresh Made Salsa Competition; free entertainment includes Terry Tschaokofske, The Magic Cowboy, Rosie & Sheri, Rose Colored Shades, Brandie Frampton, Touch of Polynesia, Thin Air.
At the Grandstand: Smashmouth at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $24 in advance, $29 day of the show. Tickets on sale at Smith'sTix outlets.
*Friday's highlights: Exhibits; strolling acts; demonstrations; livestock judging; Reptiles of the World; Wild World of Animals show; horse show; dancing; Family Fun contest; C&H Cookie contest; free entertainment includes Home Base Heroes, Fredrick Brind, Along for the Ride, Red Rock Country, Rawhide, David Hopkins.
At the Grandstand: Miranda Lambert, with special guest Jason Aldean, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $19 in advance and $24 day of the show. Tickets on sale at Smith'sTix outlets.
*Information: For a full schedule of events, visit www.utahstatefair.com.
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
![]() | CMS Crows captain, Trent Tilbrook, kicks, despite the tackle of Peter Klopp, of the CY Cougars. Photos: Rod Penna |
Senior Colts Grand Final... Crows hang on for good win
Report: Kenn Rogers
Winning any game is a good feeling, but to win a grand final by 11 points, after a very slow start, was an especially good feeling for the Crows against arch rival, CY Cougars, at Paskeville on Saturday.
A tight first quarter saw the Cougars jump away to a 2-0 to 0-1 start by the first change. Max Daniel and Alex Greenslade were playing very well, and the Cougars looked like running away with the game.
The eastern end of the ground was tough on goal scores, all scoring being done at the western end.
The Crows jumped away in the second term, booting 5-2, while holding the Cougars to 0-4, to lead 5-3 to 2-4.
Not to be outdone, the Cougars fought back in the third term to be only four points down at the final change, 4-5 to 5-3.
Layton McMahon was a thorn in Cougars' side, and Trent Tilbrook was doing everything right. In defence, Nick Brind and Leslie Wardale were playing well.
Both sides threw everything into the game in the last stanza. Tim Honner, Ben Vaiana and Cameron Webster were magnificent, along with young McIntyre and Will Correll who booted two goals.
The Crows managed 2-3 and held a fast-finishing Cougars to 1-2 to run out winners by 11 points, undefeated all season.
Final scores: CMS Crows 7-6, CY Cougars 5-7.
Best on ground, Layton McMahon.
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Cawood win in penalties thriller
By Bob Grainger
Cawood won a cliff-hanger at home to Nestle Rowntree Reserves in the first round of the York FA Saturday Junior Cup.
Cawood goals from Andrew Oldfield, Ben Rawson and Peter McGoughin from the penalty spot took the game into extra-time, when it ended all-square at 3-3.
Indiscipline saw Rowntree reduced to ten players before the final whistle.
In the penalty shoot-out it took eight penalties each before Cawood won by five penalties to four. They were indebted to 'keeper David Brinstead for saving the day.
Indiscipline was also to cost Terrington Glory dear when they were cruising to victory against Huntington Reserves.
Terrington's 'keeper was sent off and in the final ten minutes Huntington snatched a 2-1 victory with a Neil Cadywold penalty plus a goal from Tom Hurst.
For the second successive season, Dringhouses Reserves have been knocked out of the cup at the first hurdle. They lost 3-0 to Post Office, whose goals in an outstanding display came from Garry Humphreys, Danny Walton and John Darrock. He led the forwards in outstanding fashion.
LNER Builders won 3-0 at home to Helperby from the Harrogate League.
The first clear-cut chance fell to Helperby's Peter Orton but he shot wide of the target, and it was Builders who took the lead when, after ten minutes, a ball was played back in from the left for Simon Brind to stab into the net.
This stirred Helperby into action, with Darren Furness going close while Builders 'keeper Ian Clancy made a fine save.
In the second half, Adam Ongathorpe took advantage of a poor back pass to double the Builders' advantage and, six minutes from time, Danny Gothard with his first goal for the Builders sealed victory.
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FOOTBALL: Yarnton sunk by super Stuart
Oxfordshire Senior League: Stuart Dunham fired a double as Kennington beat Yarnton 6-4 in a Presidents' Cup first-round extra-time thriller.
It looked all over as Kennington cruised into a 3-0 lead.
However, Yarnton did not give up as they took the game into extra-time, only to suffer heartbreak as Kennington grabbed two late strikes from breakaways.
Mark Brooker, Robert Cattell and Michael Van De Mortell got Kennington's other goals, while Amin Jmil (2), Dave Riseley and Paul Skinner netted for Yarnton.
Chadlington are through after winning a penalty shoot-out at Berinsfield.
Mark Corbett gave Chadlington a first-half the lead, heading in Dan Cleevely's cross only for Berinsfield to hit back in the second half to lead 2-1.
That was despite Danny Brind being sent off for a second bookable offence.
Cleevely then levelled to take the tie into extra-time.
It looked like it was Berinsfield's day as they took a 4-2 lead with just minutes left.
But substitute Adam Robson pulled a goal back before Adam Tinkham equalised from the spot to set up a penalty shoot-out.
Berinsfield's scorers were Leigh Wise (2), Mark Ingram and Steve Bateman.
Eynsham are also through following a 2-1 away success against Rover Cowley.
After Rover went close through Stewart McCleary, Eynsham went ahead through Matthew Phillips.
After the break, Kion Sadie doubled Eynsham's tally with a back-post header.
A brilliant 30-yard free-kick from Jerome McCalmon then set up an anxious finish.
Launton Sports eased their way into the next round with a 5-0 win at Kidlington Old Boys.
Wez Lewis fired Sports ahead following a one-two with Sam Donaldson. And it was 2-0 when Lee Blossom headed in a pinpoint corner from Danny Green.
In the second half, Lewis set up Adam Hodgson for No 3.
Donaldson then crashed home a long-range effort, with Lee Thomas completing the rout late on.
Jack Meeks bagged a brace on his Bardwell debut as his new side thrashed Long Crendon 10-2.
It started well for Crendon with Cameron Anderson's firing them in front.
After Mark Wickens levelled, Peter Allison crashed home the first of his four-timer.
Allison then set up Paul Eldridge, with Wayne Bosher making it 4-1 from half-way after seeing Crendon keeper Joe Farrell off his line.
Allison then hit a second. After the break, Paul Anderson netted No 6 before Allison scored another two.
John Smith then clawed one back, before Meeks's netted a double.
In Division 2A, Rob Alexander hit a hat-trick as Launton Res thrashed Fritwell Res 5-0.
Steve Kerry and Mark Robins got their others.
Division 2A: Eynsham Res 3 (S Tarr 3), OUP Res 2 ( N Aselford, P McNultiys); Launton Res 5 (R Alexander 3, S Kerry, M Robins), Fritwell Res 0; Garsington Res 0, Bardwell Res 2 (S Tuohy, C Pickup); Chadlington Res 4 (J Cleevely 2, P Tanner 2), Berinsfield Res 0. | ||
Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
'Aged-care funding increases passed on'
by Nicola Brennan
Tuesday, 10 October, 2006
CLAIMS by National that District Health Boards have been slow to pass on aged-care funding increases have been slammed by Tairawhiti District Health.
National's associate health spokeswoman Jo Goodhew said last week that residential-care providers and organisations providing home-based support services were finding it difficult to retain and recruit staff, with part of the reason being that district health boards (DHBs) had been slow in passing on funding increases to providers.
Tairawhiti District Health (TDH) chief executive Jim Green said that was absolutely not the case for his DHB.
Mr Green said TDH had passed on all the additional funding for aged care residential services and home support services that had been received, with funds for additional training for care givers being completed.
Ms Goodhew's comments follow a series of National's stakeholder forums on aged care last week.
The clear message coming out of the forums was that there was a desperate need for improved respite-care services nationwide, she said.
Tairawhiti Age Concern manager Frances Toroa agreed that an improvement was needed to ensure that families taking care of the elderly did not become isolated.
"Respite care is needed to take the pressure off family when caring full-time for the elderly," she said.
"Abuse of the elderly is often stress- related and if families become isolated and withdraw, the problems will escalate."
There were often barriers to accessing respite care service because the elderly did not want to go out of the family confine or have a stranger in their house, she said.
However, TDH primary and community portfolio manager Virgina Brind said she was surprised at Ms Goodhew's statements.
Ms Brind understood that there were vacancies in respite care services in most areas of the country, apart from Tairawhiti and Taupo.
There was difficulty accessing respite care in Tairawhiti aged care facilities because, historically, the region had fewer aged care beds per capita.
"Consequently these have been and are used for permanent occupancy rather than respite," Ms Brind said.
"However, Chelsea Hospital offers respite care as well, though this is mainly for those who do not require dementia or hospital-level care."
Respite care could also be provided in the client's own home, with caregivers accessing three home-based support services in the city.
While it was true that primary caregivers frequently required time out when caring for the elderly, it was also true that they were often reluctant to accept or use allocated respite care because of a range of feelings, Ms Brind said.
Reasons included not wanting to leave the client with anyone else, with many feeling that using an aged care facility for respite was just half an inch away from permanent placement in an aged care facility.
Ms Brind said an ageing population was going to make respite care an even bigger issue in the future.
"I believe it will be more essential to consider other or more options of delivering respite care to people in their own homes, rather than an aged care facility."
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Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |
Leopards claim their first points
11 October 2006
EDITORIAL - whtimes@archant.co.uk
PANSHANGER Yellows U10 Leopards claimed their first points of the season with a 6-2 win against Bury Rangers on Saturday.
Terri Harvey opened the scoring with a well-taken corner before Bury pulled one back to even the score at half-time.
A tactical change in the second half saw the Leopards take command of the game with a second goal for Harvey, two for substitute Sam Clifton and a goal apiece for Billy Kentsley and Jonathan Brind.
With the Yellows defence pushing forward, Rangers made the most of the chance and put another goal past charging keeper Tony Braine.
Defender Reece Maggs took the man of the match award ahead of midfielder Billy Zienkowicz.
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See also Sabres rattled by on-song Leopards
Harvey nicks two goals | |||
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See also Protesters take fight to the street Bucks Free Press, 9th December 2005
And Now they're taking our libraries away Bucks Free Press, 10 October 2005 Mrs Hewitt: Please listen to us By staff reporter ![]() Backing our campaign: A group from St James' Church, Downley appeals to the Health Secretary THE Bucks Free Press today lists the names of 2,000 readers who have protested against the possible loss of Wycombe Hospital's accident and emergency unit. The reader response to the Don't Do It Hewitt appeal is possibly the largest-ever received to a postal campaign in the history of our newspapers. And even more readers than the ones listed here joined our campaign by sending in petitions. Bucks Free Press editor Steve Cohen, writing in his column in the Star a few weeks ago, asked readers to cut out coupons urging Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt to block any future plans for the transfer of the unit away from High Wycombe. "I was simply staggered by the take-up to this campaign," he said. "In these days of the internet, it's surprising to see so many people take the trouble to cut out a form in a local paper and post it for no other reason than a genuine concern for the well-being of the community." The campaign was launched when Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust said it could not guarantee the future of A & E after officials admitted more changes could be forced upon them in the future by the Department of Health. There are no plans at present, but campaigners fear A & E could go the same way as the hospital's women's and children's units which are being transferred to Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury. Stuart McFadyen, from the Department of Health, said any changes would need to go through a public consultation before the Health Secretary could be involved. "Any changes are a long way off," he said. Included in this list was: J Brind, Malthouse Sq, Beaconsfield;
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Cuttings | Family history | 2006 |