Media 2009

Media cuttings mentioning Brinds 2009

Tributes paid to Devon canal worker ThisisExeter Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Me and my Basildon Yellow Advertiser January 15, 2009
The heat is on Guardian Unlimited January 22, 2009
LDV's bespoke vehicle is a winner says fire firm Birmingham Post February 9, 2009
Stardom is child's play for Adam, 10 Oxford Times February 17, 2009
Bernard brings 90 years of experience on board Crawley Observer February 19, 2009
Grimsby cop it as Loughborough take out Vase frustration Mar 5 2009
Crush victims 'fell like pack of cards' Gravesend Reporter, 18 February 2009
Plea for help in Harpenden April 23, 2009
OBITUARIES Ernest Edward Brind 1922 - 2009 Newbury Weekly News May 21, 2009
Speed check in Seend results in police action This is July 23, 2009
Mysterious paintings are uncovered at Stockport College - but who is the artist? Stockport Express August 12, 2009
Canal journey not so fine and Dandy... September 9, 2009
Former New Star man launches fund to exploit financials recovery New Model Advertiser 21/Sep/2009
Family's bequest bought meadow for the town Swindon Advertiser September 24, 2009
Harpers Hill black spot claims another life in car crash October 24, 2009
Birthday proposal for Thatcham woman November 10, 2009
New Nick Brind fund raises £15m November 13, 2009
Mirdiff School Encourages Students to Walk for Health November 29, 2009
Bristol dentist has just weeks to drill new choir for concert December 3, 2009
New arrivals December 22,2009

Media index

Tributes paid to Devon canal worker

TRIBUTES have been paid to a man, who spent two decades providing horse-drawn barge trips along a Devon canal, after he lost his battle against lung cancer.

Ray Brind, 65, ran the Horseboat Company at the Grand Western Canal, Tiverton, with his wife Pat from 1985 to 2005.

Ray's son Phil, who took over the business with his wife Jacquie in 2005, said: "He had a lifetime's experience of canals and, as he used to know so many people, he will be sorely missed. He was always a happy person who used to love people and had time for everyone."

The funeral will take place at Taunton Deane Crematorium on January 13 at 12.30pm.
this is
Tuesday, January 06, 2009, 07:20
Cuttings Family history 2009

Me and my...

This week,we speak to Carl Brind, 35, from Langdon Hills, about his artwork

What initially got you into art?

I got into art when I was a lot younger.

Since then I have grown up in art,my family were creative and they started me off with it. There was also artists on tv when I was younger like Rolf Harris and Tony Hart.

Saturday morning cartoons like Superman were a big influence and they got me into comic books because they were accessible and easy to recreate as your own drawings.

My younger relatives have asked me how to draw Bart Simpson and they have kept drawing and kept improving.

When did you become a full time artist?

When I left school-- it just wasn't helpful in pointing me in the direction of a creative job.

I worked in a warehouse for six years and felt like I was stuck in a rut.

It was then that I decided to take the jump and return to college as a mature student and went to Basildon College to do an art course.

After that I went to university to study art media and photography.

I enjoyed the art side of it and I liked the popular culture side of it.The photography side of it was just an interest but with Photoshop it became more of a useful tool for me.

What is your artwork like?

SOURCE Basildon Yellow Advertiser
January 15, 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

The heat is on

To the casual observer, there is something distinctly creepy about the silver van I'm crouching inside. On a pitch-black winter evening, we're crawling the streets of Reading, taking pictures of every home we pass.

Surrounded by computers in the back of the van, thermal surveyor Chris Brind points to a screen displaying a camera feed. Ghostly multicoloured images of houses flicker in front of him. "White will be really hot, the lowest temperature will be blue," he says. Snug in their homes on this cold, rainy evening, no one indoors has any idea that their houses are being inspected.

Fortunately for these unsuspecting homeowners, Brind and his van are here to help. The images - real-time snapshots of heat escaping from a building - will be familiar to anyone who has seen thermal pictures of public buildings, including City offices and the houses of parliament, taken by energy campaigners to show how much energy is leaking out. Brind's company, Heatseekers, has been working in partnership with 25 local authorities across Britain since last October. It hopes that by confronting homeowners with visual evidence of exactly how their buildings are wasting heat (and money) it will galvanise them into tackling the problem.

Energy efficiency in homes is an urgent, if unloved, issue: around a third of the UK's carbon emissions come from the energy needed to heat buildings, and a lot of that energy is wasted. Put simply, the Victorian, Edwardian and Georgian homes many of us live in are terrible at keeping in the heat. On cold nights, their uninsulated walls and lofts do a great job of warming the outside air, at the expense of the planet and our wallets: experts estimate that one pound in three spent on household energy bills is wasted.

This results in more CO2 in the atmosphere than all of Britain's flights and is equivalent to all emissions from cars. If we could get a lid on it, the climate benefits would be vast.

"In the UK alone, there are probably eight million properties that require insulation of some sort," says Keith Hewitson, director of Heatseekers. "If you're looking at getting cavity wall insulation and good quality roof insulation, to a depth of about 250mm, you could save £200 to £300 per year on fuel bills."

The difficulty is getting that message across to householders. Endless government schemes offering financial incentives to insulate homes have come and gone for decades, with limited results. Heatseekers thinks its images will reverse many people's inaction. "When they see an image of their property, they can see exactly what's escaping from their house," says Hewitson.

The surveys are carried out in the winter months, with shifts starting late in the evening when temperatures drop and householders crank up their heating. The colder the surrounding air, the more clearly warm walls show up on the pictures. Driving down a street at 10mph, surveyors can take energy snapshots of up to 1,000 homes an hour.

After the images have been recorded, energy advisers pinpoint homes they think need attention - usually ones with no insulation or those with patches that don't seem to be working - and call on them a few days later to offer a face-to-face consultation. Typically advisers will help the householders to arrange quotes and provide information on government-funded schemes such as Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (Cert), which can pay some or all of the costs for any work needed.

Part-time receptionist Kirsten Chapman from Leicestershire had her house scanned late last year before she was visited by a Heatseekers energy adviser. Chapman says it was immediately clear that her home was leaking energy. "It opened my eyes. Had I seen the pictures years ago, I probably would have taken steps to insulate sooner." Like much of Britain's housing stock, Chapman's semi-detached home, built in the 1960s without any insulation, needs loft and wall cavity insulation. The work will cost several hundred pounds but she is convinced that it won't be long before it pays for itself.

Thermal images can also reveal faulty seals around windows that might need replacing, chimneys and garage doors that are surreptitiously leaking heat, or show whether any double glazing that has been installed is doing its job properly.

In the three months since Heatseekers started its surveys it has grown from a one-van operation to a fleet of seven. Hewitson says councils have been lining up to use the company to survey their streets. "Currently we're working with local authorities from the Isle of Wight to the north-east. By the end of this year we should b e working with 30 to 40 local authorities."

Reading council was one of the first to ask Heatseekers to drive along its streets and, so far, 6,000 homes have been surveyed, paid for by Cert. "There's a direct benefit for local people, especially those on low incomes," says councillor Paul Gittings. He points out that the Cert scheme can cover the entire cost of insulation for those on benefits or a low income. In an attempt to tackle fuel poverty and climate change, the council aims to survey all their homes and then insulate 5,000 houses over three years - around half of the estimated need in the town.

Chapman says people approached with a thermal image of their homes should take the time to sit down with an energy adviser. "Don't dismiss it - it's easy to do that when people knock on your door, but when you see the images, it's an eye-opener".

* Grants are available for cavity wall and loft insulation. Go to to search the Energy Saving Trust database for information relevant to your area, or call it on 0800 512 012.

SOURCE Guardian Unlimited
January 22, 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

LDV's bespoke vehicle is a winner says fire firm

by John Cranage

Birmingham vanmaker LDV has met the highly individual requirements of one of its customers by designing a one-of-a-kind miniature fire engine that will help save lives around the south-east.

Bush Fire, a fire protection engineering company in Middlesex, turned to LDV's Special Vehicle Operations (SVO) department to design a bespoke unit to test dry riser systems in high rise buildings.

The metallic-silver fire van was based on a 2.8-tonne short wheelbase Maxus chassis cab. The customised vehicle was required to contain a 1,000 litre water tank, pressurised water pump, hose pipes and fire extinguishers, all accessible behind roller shutter doors.

Bush Fire provides companies with a service to test the effectiveness of dry riser systems in order to meet the requirements of insurance companies and fire and licensing authorities. The procedure ensures all fire safety equipment is functioning correctly should a fire occur.

Bush Fire's Andy Brind said: "Most fire protection companies usually use old fire engines to do this, but we wanted a unique, purpose built vehicle that was much smaller and could operate far more effectively in confined city centre locations.

"We briefed LDV to design what is essentially a mini fire engine. The SVO team were brilliant, we knew what we wanted and they enhanced our ideas and provided a quick and professional service."

The Maxus vehicle was also modified to include scene lights on the side and low level mark lighting at the back to illuminate the working area.

SOURCE Birmingham Post
Feb 9 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

Stardom is child's play for Adam, 10

Ten-year-old Wantage schoolboy finds West End stardom is child's play

CHILD actor Adam Hargreaves is still willing to Climb Every Mountain in his quest for stardom as he wows audiences in The Sound of Music at the London Palladium.

Ten-year-old Adam began his prolific stage career three years ago with a role in An Inspector Calls at the Oxford Playhouse.

The Wantage schoolboy's next role was as a singing munchkin in The Wizard of Oz at the New Theatre, Oxford. Then he launched himself - quite literally - on to the shoulders of actor Shane Richie as Tiny Tim in Scrooge at the same theatre.

His latest role is as Kurt, one of the Von Trapp children in The Sound of Music.

He said: "Kurt is a great part to play. He is very sensitive and is the only one who likes the character of Maria to start with, and he stands up for her against the other children. He is also quite cheeky and I have a fun scene with Maria when she tries to teach me to dance.

"Simon McCorkindale plays Captain Von Trapp and he is really nice. Summer Strallen plays Maria - she calls me 'Monkey' and has her two tiny dogs in her dressing room with her."

Adam attends Chandlings Manor School, near Abingdon, and caught the acting bug after joining Stagecoach in Abingdon. He has been with the stage school for four years and Karen Brind's School of Dance for two.

His father, Bill, 48, is a sergeant in Thames Valley Police, and mother Alison, 38, runs Guides for Brides and Fancy That! Wedding Cakes.

SOURCE Oxford Times
3:23pm Tuesday 17th February 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

Grimsby cop it as Loughborough take out Vase frustration

Midlands Three East (North)

Loughborough 87 Grimsby 5
LOUGHBOROUGH RFC's therapy for their heartbreaking loss to Towcester in the EDF Senior Vase last week was to take their frustrations out on a hapless Grimsby side.

The hosts ran in 14 tries to Grimsby's one as they annihilated the east coast outfit.

"It is nice to see the team perform so well after last week," a delighted captain James Buckley said. "We can now move on with this platform when we play hosts to our Derbyshire neighbours, Ashbourne, in an extremely important and difficult match".

Boro were quickly on the scoreboard through Josh Smith who converted the try himself.

From the re-start quick ball fed to the backs from the resulting breakdown allowed Pies Brown to cross over for Boro's second and 14-0. The third try came after good vision from Chaz Krarup saw James Buckley in space who dotted down under the posts unopposed.

The forwards were dominating. Strong running from Aled Walters and Gareth Thornton kept the momentum and Grimsby's defence struggled to respond. Andrew Price came to a halt just short of the line. The pack retained the ball and an opportunistic moment saw scrum half Ollie Bradley dive around the blind side.

Boro's next try again came from the kick off when the forwards tidied up from the breakdown and replacement scrum half Brind went blind. Good hands from Brind and Krarup saw Brown in the defending 22 and with room to shrug off the last man for 31-0.

The lead was increased again when Buckley scooped up a loose pass and rounded the defender to score under the posts and just before half-time Brown scored his second with a carbon copy of his first to make it 43-0 at the break.

Boro persevered for 20 minutes of the second half and controlled the game but did not break the deadlock until Steven Sands crossed over.

The hosts were intent on keeping their two wingers busy and Brown scored his third and Loughborough's ninth before outside centre Ryan Brind etched five points up to make it 58 altogether when he was put through a gap by Buckley.

Silky hands from Krarup, Brind and Smith ensured Sands had enough time and space to beat his opposite man and touch down.

Eventually Grimsby's efforts were rewarded when their second row flopped over the line after their seventh phase and having broken through a tackle to bring them to within 63.

The Boro backs were still firing on all cylinders. Krarup provided the next score by cutting one of his trademark lines through the gain line, Buckley completed his hat trick when quick ball caught Grimsby off guard and Sands delivered Loughborough's 14th and final try, completing his own hat trick and also finishing off a hat trick of hat tricks.

Man of the match was Josh Smith.

Leicester Mercury 10:30 - February 28, 2006
Mar 5 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

Crush victims 'fell like pack of cards'

MEMORIAL PLAN: Sandra Scotting and a treasured family photograph.

MEMORIAL PLAN: Sandra Scotting and a treasured family photograph.

BARRY called out her name, and that was the last thing she heard, but when they did pull them out he was dead. Every night of her life when she lay down she could hear the screams and cries, it never left her."

These are the heartbreaking memories of Ivy Brind, who was one of the survivors of ahorrific crush involving 300 people in London's Bethnal Green tube station in 1943.

Now after her death, daughter Sandra Scotting is trying to find survivors and relatives of the WWII tragedy which left 173 dead, including her grandmother and two-year-old cousin, Barry.

Regarded as the biggest single civilian casualty of the war, Mrs Scotting is leading a campaign to commemorate the dead on a memorial at the tube station.

The 61-year-old, of The Warrens, Hartley, helped launch the Stairway to Heaven charity to raise the £600,000 needed for a poignant memorial at the site.

Speaking to the Times she said: "People don't realise, this was the worst civilian disaster of WWII. It was mostly women and children who died. So we thought it deserved something more than the little plaque that has been put there."

On March 3 1943, people in Bethnal Green were expecting an imminent air raid and headed to the tube station which was being used as a shelter.

But when they heard a new anti-aircraft rocket firing nearby, they mistakenly thought they were being bombed and panic took over.

With the pain etched on her face Mrs Scotting added: "Whether it did fire at a plane, or whether it was test-firing, none of us know. We can't prove whether there was a plane there or not.

"But the stark reality is this new gun started sending up rockets at the rate of knots with the most deafening sound. The locals were used to ordinary guns going off, but this was something completely different. They thought the Germans had come over and dropped a brand new bomb. They were terrified. They didn't realise it was us."

Mrs Scotting's mother, Mrs Brind, then aged 25 who was carrying her two-year-old nephew Barry Seabrooke, and her grandmother Sarah Seabrooke, then 62, headed to the shelter too.

"As my mum was walking towards the tube, she saw all these people coming, and she didn't like crowds, so she thought 'no no, I'm not going in there'", she added.

"She was carrying Barry in her arms, and her own mum was up at the front.

"She turned around to go back, but she couldn't because the tide of people coming towards her was too strong. She got pushed and landed on her back, holding the baby in her arms, but she couldn't do anything. There were people on top of her. Barry said her name, and that was the last thing she heard, but when they did pull them out, he was dead, a beautiful two-year-old boy. She survived with injuries."

Later that night, still in shock, she was forced to wander to a makeshift mortuary and identify her dead mother.

Mrs Scotting said her mother only started to talk about the chaos that ensued on the 50th anniversary of the tragedy but recalled the horror in vivid detail as victims 'fell like a pack of cards' to certain death.

It is thought within 17 seconds 300 people became trapped leaving over half dead following a three hour rescue mission. Survivors were told not to speak of the tragedy to prevent German enemies locating the shelter.

Mrs Scotting said: "Nobody told anybody anything. Apart from noting the anniversary of the disaster every year, my mother never spoke about it

"But when it came to the 50th anniversary, there was a big memorial and my mother opened up about it. After that, little things would come out bit by bit, so I learned the story of what happened.

"In this day and age, you have counselling for post-traumatic stress, but there was nothing like that then. You just kept a stiff upper lip and that was it.

"But my mother did say that every night of her life when she lay down she could hear the screams and cries, it never left her."

Stairway to Heaven has identified about two thirds of the casualties, but Mrs Scotting is desperate to locate surviving family members so they can name all the victims on the memorial.

So far they have raised £70,000 towards the striking bronze sculpture, but they still need £530,000.

The campaign has the support of the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, and planning permission has been granted by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets for the memorial.

The charity is due to hold the 66th Anniversary Memorial Service at St. John on Bethnal Green Church next to the tube station on March 1 at 2.30pm.

If you have any information about the disaster, call charity chairman Alf Morris on 01708 444 154, email or visit

See old Times cutting
SOURCE Gravesend Reporter
18 February 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

Plea for help in Harpenden

By Alex Lewis

The Samaritans are inviting potential volunteers to visit their branch in Luton to discover how they provide help and advice for desperate and lonely people in the Harpenden area.

Spokeswoman Suzy Brind said: "Whatever the time of year there will always be people who are not feeling full of the joys of spring, for many different reasons.

"Samaritans are always there at the end of the line, waiting to take the calls come rain or shine, month after month, year after year.

"It isn't for everybody. We listen without prejudice, don't tell people what to do, and we don't judge."

The group needs volunteers working at home as well as people to fund-rasise and provide help at the Luton office.

Anyone interested in the open day at the branch in Cardiff Road, Luton on May 17 should book a place or by calling 07807 892681 tor emailing

2:48pm Thursday 23rd April 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

OBITUARIES Ernest Edward Brind 1922 - 2009

ERNEST was born to Annie Amelia and George Brind on September 22,1922, the second youngest of eight children and two fostered children.

He lived at Russell Road, Newburv until he married Edith, in 1942, and they lived at Corporation Cottages, moving to Shaw in 1950.

Ernest's first job was at a laundry in Marlborough, and then Swift Cleaners, until, he joined the RAF, after which he went back to Swift Cleaners, where worked there for many years.

In the 1950s Ernest was involved with the 3rd Newbury Scouts and became their leader

In his early years he enjoyed playing badminton at the Baptist Church and was also a member at Crookham & Newbury Golf Club, where he enjoyed organising golf societies against Newbury police and members of Shaw Social Club.

He started the Shaw Youth & Social Centre, 51 years ago, when he bought an army hut for £50. After a few years, as the club started to grow, he left the cleaners and took on the club as a full time job, where he stayed until he retired at the age of 65, but he carried on doing the books until the last four years.

Ernest and Edith had three children by the 1950s, Stephen, Gillian and Pamela, then nine grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren who he loved more than anything. He lost his loving wife Edith on March 19,2007, which broke his heart.

Ernest will never by forgotten and will be sadly missed by all his children, grandchildren and great granchildren and also all his nieces and nephews.


SOURCE Newbury Weekly News
May 21, 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

Former New Star man launches fund to exploit financials recovery

by Drazen Jorgic

Former New Star fund manager Nick Brind is launching a fund designed to exploit the recovery in the financial stocks.

Brind will launch the fund through his new employer, investment boutique HIM Capital. He will receive support from the Citywire A-rated veteran and manager of the HIM Insurance Portfolio, Alec Foster.

The new fund, named HIM Income and domiciled in Dublin, will invest in bonds and equities of banks and other financial institutions. It has a yield target of 6%.

With the credit crunch more than two years old, Brind believes now is an excellent time to be launching a fund investing in the financial sector.

He said: 'The global equity rally has seen a sharp recovery in those sectors most affected by the financial crisis, but the next stage of the recovery will be more selective and we expect it to be driven by those companies with the strongest balance sheets.'

Brind will pursue a number of themes including: tightening of lending standards to provide niche businesses with an opportunity to profit, dislocation of credit markets and an increase in savings rates.

Brind joined HIM in May after a spell at New Star Asset Management, where he managed the New Star Financial Opportunities investment trust and was co-manager on the New Star Private Equity trust.

SOURCE New Model Advertiser
Sep 21, 2009 at 11:04
Cuttings Family history 2009

Speed check in Seend results in police action

8:26am Thursday 23rd July 2009

A speed check found almost half of drivers travelling along the High Street in Seend were speeding.

Following a petition signed by about 150 villagers in May, police laid rubber strips across the road to check the speed of vehicles.

A total of 47,302 vehicles were checked, of which 22,383 exceeded the speed limit. Of these 5,677 motorists were exceeding the speed limit enough to be prosecuted.

High Street resident Roger Brind organised the petition calling for traffic calming measures to be introduced.

He said that as a result of the speed check, the police had informed him that they would install interactive signs, sometime in August.

Mr Brind, 75, a retired Royal Marines officer, has lived in Seend for ten years and said the number of speeding vehicles had increased.

He said: "The High Street is an accident waiting to happen. There are many parents with children and people with dogs who walk along the pavement and traffic thunders up and down the road.

"The road is half a mile long and is dead straight. I can here the cars literally screaming up the road.

"At night vehicles regularly drive at 60 mph. It's not just cars - motorcycles and articulated lorries speed on the road.

"I started the petition because I was fed up with driving through the village at 30 mph and being overtaken by anything from a motorcycle to a van."

Mr Brind said he was pleased that interactive signs were going to be installed and thanked everyone who signed the petition and supported it, including the parish council.

SOURCE This is
July 23, 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

Mysterious paintings are uncovered at Stockport College - but who is the artist?

Jennifer Williams

A MYSTERIOUS treasure trove of paintings has been saved from a demolition site at Stockport College - with just hours to spare.

Staff were clearing out the painting and decorating department two days before it was due to be knocked down, when a technician made a startling discovery.

Hidden on the top of some racks was a pile of brilliantly executed paintings and drawings, thought to date from the 1930s, depicting the construction of international landmarks.

Nobody knows where they came from or how long they have been there - or the identity of the artist.

Staff in the college's art department are itching to find out more, but have so far drawn a blank.

"We have all got a bee in our bonnet about finding out more," said lecturer Dave Brind.

"We have tried to make one or two enquiries, including to the Royal Institute of Architects, to see if we can unearth who these drawings have been done by.

"It looks like it might be a commission and like some are missing. That's as much as we have been able to figure out."

Perhaps the most impressive images are of the building of the London Underground, showing architect Charles Holden outside its headquarters at 55 Broadway. Broadway was completed in 1929, meaning the pieces must date from after that.

Art tutor Howard Seaton said: "The other cartoons depict the construction of other famous historical architectural landmarks; a temple, presumably the Acropolis; the Arch of Constantine in Rome; Lincoln Cathedral and the Blue Mosque in Istanbul. "Although all the works are damaged, they are skillfully executed with great attention to detail.

"The unfinished paintings are of a style reminiscent of Social Realism, an art style popular in the 1920s and 30s."

Anyone who thinks they can help solve the mystery can contact Howard on 958 3495 during term time, or Stockport Express on 0161 211 2579.

HIDDEN TREASURES: Stockport College's Assistant Principal Dave Golding with one of the pieces

SOURCE Stockport Express
August 12, 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

Canal journey not so fine and Dandy...

PASSENGERS on a horse-drawn canal boat trip were stunned when the giant shire horse pulling them along lost his footing - and ended up in the canal.

The impromptu dip happened when the huge grey called Dandy stumbled and fell into the Grand Western Canal in Tiverton, Devon.

The plunge was only the fourth time a horse had taken a tumble on the canal in 30 years.

The unexpected sight of a horse swimming greeted the tourists Dandy had been pulling aboard the canal boat Tivertonian.

Despite the initial shock, Dandy was uninjured and onlookers said he seemed to be enjoying himself in the water - and was in no hurry to get out.

The seven-year-old fell in as he negotiated a 90 degree bend in the canal and the angle of the rope connecting him to the boat became too tight.

Amazed holidaymaker Graham Smith was taking pictures of the canal when he saw the 2,000lb horse tumble into the water.

His photographs show what a struggle captain Don Gardener had to get a reluctant Dandy out on to dry land.

Londoner Mr Smith was in Devon for the bank holiday weekend and was strolling along the canal when Dandy tumbled in.

"I was just about to take a photo of the bridge, barge and horse together, but as I put the camera to my eye, Dandy fell in.

"I couldn't believe it. I wasn't the only one taking photos - soon, everyone was trying to get a snap of the horse paddling in the water.

"The horse had turned around and was heading back to Tiverton, and they had to coax him out at a shallow part of the canal."

Phil Brind, from the Tiverton Canal Company, said it had a strict code of conduct which was followed by the horsemen when an animal went in the water.

He added it was the skill and expertise of the canal boat operators that prevented Dandy being injured.

Dandy was eventually encouraged out of the canal where it was shallow, and he was allowed to relax for half an hour before being put back to work for the return journey to Tiverton.

Mr Brind said: "It's one of those things that has happened in the past and will happen again - but it's very rare.

"When horses pull barges round a bend like that, there's a lot of force from the rope pulling them towards the canal.

"The vast majority of times, there are no problems but this time, a car horn startled Dandy and he pulled forward and he then lost his footing and tumbled in.

"The Grand Western is only 3ft deep. The trickiest part was getting him out."

Mr Brind added: " One of the joys about the canal is that if a horse slips and falls over, they land on a surface which won't cause them any injury unlike if they were on tarmac or any other harder surface. The horsemen did a really good job of making sure the horse was OK and followed the code of conduct superbly."

Records show that the barge horses are very sure-footed - only four have fallen in over the last 30 years.

The last horse to take an unexpected tumble was Prince, who fell five years ago.

Prince is now retired and being looked after in Cullompton, Devon.

Dandy has been working with the canal company for just over a year and it is thought he will have learned to take the corner easier next time.

The moment shire horse Dandy plunged into the Grand Western Canal while pulling tourists on the Tivertonian boat, sparking horsemen into action to get him out.

A horseman helps Dandy out of the water as the tourists and onlookers watch the drama.

Dandy the shire horse back on dry land with owner Phil Brind after his dip in the canal.

For more information about A Grand Western Weekend call 01884-254072.

Daily Telegraph, Monday May 26, 1997.
See also Waterways World January 1999.
See also Times, August 11, 2001.
See Mid Devon Star March 13, 2007.
See Tiverton News May 16, 2008.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009, 10:00
Cuttings Family history 2009

Family's bequest bought meadow for the town

By Frances Bevan

The recent Heritage Open Days event allowed visitors to Old Town a rare glimpse inside Holy Rood Church, situated in the picturesque Lawns park.

Holy Rood, Swindon's first parish church, was abandoned and partially dismantled in the mid 19th century when construction began on the new one at Christ Church. All that remains today is the chancel, complete with numerous memorials to previous parishioners. Alongside plaques to the Goddards and the Viletts is one to Mary Broadway, the widow of former parish priest John Broadway, and her sisters Dorothy and Margaret Brind. The inscription reads: Near this Place Lie the Bodyes of three Sisters Mary, the Widow of John Broadway Late Vicar of this Parish Died Jan 7 1747 Aged 70 She left 20 Pounds, the Interest to be given yearly for Ever to Poor Widows of this Parish Dorothy Brind died May 4 1748 Aged 64 Margaret Brind died May 29th 1748 Aged 68 She left 100 pounds to the Poor of this Parish the Interest to be given yearly for Ever on Margarets Day and directed by her Will this Monument to be erected When the lord of the manor Richard Goddard died in 1732 Margaret and Dorothy were living with him.

In his first will dated 1718 Richard bequeathed the Swindon estate to his brother Pleydell and that if he too should die childless, it should go to the older of the two spinster sisters, "cousin" Margaret, on condition that she change her name to Goddard. But who was Margaret Brind?

It has taken members of the Goddard Association of Europe many years to solve the mystery but with the assistance of new online data they have been able to reveal the identity of the elusive Margaret Brind.

The three Brind sisters, along with two others, were born in Wanborough, the daughters of Thomas Brind and his wife, the former Dorothy Hedges. Thomas' sister Martha Brind was the wife of Oliver Pleydell and it was their daughter Mary who married into the Goddard family and became the mother of Richard and Pleydell Goddard. Margaret and Dorothy died within days of each other in May 1748. Dorothy left a brief will with bequests to her married sisters.

The bulk of her estate went to Margaret, who died less than four weeks later.

The sums of money bequeathed by the two sisters were combined in 1757, when acting on behalf of Margaret and Mary, "the minister, churchwardens and overseers of the parish of Swindon" purchased a three-acre close of meadow or pasture ground called Cannon's Close in Stratton St Margaret.

Although the money didn't stretch to cover the "for ever" clause, the charity was still in operation more than 150 years later when in 1903 the poor fund stood at £30 and the widow's fund at £5.

Trio's cash funded charities
The last tenant to lease Cannon's Close was Richard Blunsden, who paid £9 a year rent in 1831.

When land at Stratton St Margaret, including Cannon's Close, was enclosed, an allotment at Upper Stratton was granted to Swindon's parish church. During the 1880s land acquired with the sisters' bequest was sold, along with land belonging to Richard Goddard and the Poor's Allotment charities. From the money raised £1,171 was invested as a fund for the poor and £203 for widows.

In 1906 these and a number of other 18th and 19th century charities were combined.

By 1962 the annual income was £110 and only residents of the ancient parish of Swindon were eligible to apply.

SOURCE Swindon Advertiser
Thursday 24th September 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

Harpers Hill black spot claims another life in car crash


A WOMAN, 42, has died after a three-vehicle crash yesterday at Harpers Hill, near Lochinvar.

The Harpers Hill woman, understood to be a nurse, was driving a Ford Mondeo on the New England Highway about 4pm.

Police said it appeared a school bus, carrying high school students, ran into the woman's vehicle from behind as she was about to turn into a driveway, causing her car to veer across the road and into the path of a four-wheel-drive.

The woman's car then crashed into a gully, police said.

The accident occurred near Walkers Hill Lane.

The woman, who was the sole occupant of her car, died at the scene, while a male, understood to be the driver of the four-wheel-drive, was treated for minor injuries.

A small number of Rutherford High School students travelling on the bus were unhurt, police said.

The Hunter Crash Investigation Unit was at the scene last night.

Yesterday's was the tenth death on the troubled 3.5-kilometre stretch of highway in the past 12 years.

In October last year, a 60-year-old woman died after a three-car crash, in which a Ford Falcon sedan collided with the woman's Mitsubishi Lancer sedan, causing it to spin and collide with a sedan travelling directly behind.

In October 2005, two young people were killed in a head-on collision. Cassie Brind, 19, of Denman, was driving a hatchback and Benjamin Harrison, 21, of Wallsend, was the front-seat passenger in a Mazda van being driven by a friend when the two vehicles collided, killing the pair. The van's driver suffered head and leg injuries.

Hunter-based Liberal MLC Robyn Parker wrote an opinion piece in The Herald in February calling for black-spot funding for the notorious stretch of highway.

TROUBLED STRETCH: Rescue workers at the scene of the accident near Walkers Hill Lane, Harpers Hill, yesterday. A memorial of a previous accident stands nearby.- Pictures by Simone De Peak
CRUSHED: The vehicle involved in the crash yesterday.
SOURCE The Herald
27/10/2009 8:32:00 AM
Cuttings Family history 2009

Birthday proposal for Thatcham woman

It was certainly alive and well on Saturday night (November 7) when one Thatcham man made a surprise wedding proposal to his girlfriend of five years, through song, at her 30th birthday party in Shaw Social Club, Newbury.

Phil White, aged 31, of Swansdown Walk melted the hearts of relatives and friends as he topped off his performance of acoustic songs for his girlfriend Lou Brind's birthday celebrations with a comical song he wrote especially for her, which ended with a question.

Fortunately, the answer she gave to the lyrics 'Will you marry me?' was a yes, followed by tears of joy and whoops and cheers from the equally surprised audience of around 80 people. Mr White grew up in Newbury and is a former pupil of Speenhamland School in Pelican Lane and St Bartholomew's School in Andover Road.

He is currently a partner at the Newbury-based film and media company MWS Media, New Greenham Park, and said of the proposal: "I wrote the song about six weeks ago and was a bit worried I wouldn't make it through it on the night, but thankfully it all went according to plan. "I had the idea to propose through a song when my girlfriend Lou jokingly suggested I write her a song especially for her birthday, and it dawned on me that it would be a perfect opportunity to surprise her with a proposal in front of so many people."

Miss Brind, who works in Newbury as a teaching assistant at Mary Hare Grammar School for the Deaf, Snelsmore Common, said afterwards: "I'm so happy, it's definitely the best birthday present I've ever had."

The couple, who first met when Miss Brind attended one of Mr White's gigs with his former rock band Sleepless, are yet to set a date for the wedding.

Proving romance is alive and singing in Newbury

Tue, November 10 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

New Nick Brind fund raises 15m
by Gary Shepherd

Financials specialist HIM Capital has raised £15m of institutional money for its new Income Fund, run by ex-New Star Financial Opportunities manager Nick Brind.

As previously reported, this is Brind's first fund since leaving New Star in March. He will aim to target a 6% yield and, as at the end of October, the fund was 80% invested, 48% in global equities and 32% in fixed income securities.

Cuttings Family history 2009

Mirdiff School Encourages Students to Walk for Health

DUBAI - As Aliyah Khan walked to school with her parents at 7:30 in the morning she said, "I feel fresh." Last week her teachers found her to be more attentive in class and her mother said she had a spring in her step.

What has this 10-year-old been doing differently? She's been ditching modern transport and walking to school.

"She's been much more alert," said Ala Khan, her mother.

"When we drive her to school, she's droopy eyed and slouched in the car. But this week she has been bright and all geared up for school," she said.

Along with more than 90 students, Aliyah and her parents have been reaping the benefits of walking as part of the 'Walk to School' campaign at Uptown Primary School, Mirdiff, in Dubai.

The school is a 20-minute walk from the Khans' residence. It is a family affair now and it has introduced exercise into their daily activities.

Layla Chamilothoris, who does not live in Mirdiff, insisted that her mother park at a distance from the school and she walks the remaining distance with her.

"At first she hated the idea. But then I told her I have to do it and she had to agree," said the strong willed member of the student council, who has been promoting the healthy habit among students.

Walking contributes to children's health by developing physical, practical, emotional and social skills. Health professionals recommend at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity everyday.

A survey by the Ministry of Health revealed that more than 50 per cent of the school children are obese.

In Dubai 26.7 per cent students are overweight and 12.2 per cent were found to be obese.

Dividing physical activity into 15 to 20 minutes periods throughout the 
day helps keep weight under control and prevents diseases like diabetes that is increasingly affecting young children in the UAE. Primary school student, Farah Abdul understands that walking is good for those who are overweight.

"If you've had too much to eat, it helps digest the food and burn the fat," she explained.

She encouraged her mother to undertake the task as well, since, "My mum needs to lose weight," she said.

School teacher Shayne Debeer said the goal was to make students take small steps towards being conscious about their health and environment.

"It has opened a lot of discussion about how children can stay fit and, at the same time, contribute to reducing the carbon footprint," she said.

Children got the opportunity to mix socially with their peers as many group-walked and parents found time to bond with their children.

"When my mother drives me to school, I cannot talk or ask questions, because she tells me to stay quite while she concentrates on her driving," said Zac Brind. "But I have been having a lot of fun during these walks," he said.

Parents Ruth Carney and Louis Brind, who spearheaded the campaign, said the response has been great but many parents and students could not participate due to the unsafe walking conditions in the area.

"The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) needs to construct pavements and pedestrian crossings near the school to encourage more students to walk," Brind said.

Ala Khan agreed by saying she would like to do it everyday and that it has been a challenge to cross the roads with cars going past the residential areas at high speeds.

"The children are forbidden to leave the house unassisted. The walk week has been fun but not easy," she said.

Layla said the student council will petition to the RTA to build walkways and bridges to make it easier to walk to school.

"It will encourage more parents and students to walk," she said.

29 November 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

Bristol dentist has just weeks to drill new choir for concert

Inviting anyone who can carry a tune, and even those who can't, to join a new choir to perform in concert in a matter of weeks sounds like a tall order. But for Emersons Green dentist Paul Brind, it was a challenge he was only too happy to sink his teeth into.

The 34-year-old is the conductor of Ebe Community Choir and currently preparing the newly-formed group for a Christmas performance.

The choir was set up in September this year after Mr Brind was inspired to create more social activities in the Horfield area. In the short time it has been running, more than 45 people have joined, the youngest aged 12 and the oldest in their 70s. He said: "I've seen something similar done in other cities.

"I used to sing with a few choirs in Wales but I've never conducted before. I'm from quite a musical family and I'm always loved music.

"The idea is you invite anyone, whether they can sing or not, to be part of the choir and build a community group. It seems to have worked really well in Horfield."

Mr Brind who has attended Ebenezer Evangelical Church in Filton Avenue for the past seven years, said it made sense to link the choir with the church.

"The church does not have its own choir and while we're a community choir, the church gave us a place to rehearse and a space for our debut concerts," he said.

"We've got a real mix of members, some people that sang in their school choirs, some new mums that perhaps want a night off, and others that are looking for something to do in the community."

The choir is set to perform in concert next Thursday and the following Saturday and they plan to raise £1,000 for charity at the events.

Choir members helped decide on The Crisis Centre ministries, which works with homeless people in the city, and One25, which helps vulnerable women, drug addicts and prostitutes, to benefit from their fundraising.

"I'm really proud of what we've achieved so far. We've got a few people waiting to join. There are no auditions and all are welcome," said Mr Brind.

Tickets for the concerts, which tell the Christmas story through song, are on sale at £3 adults, £2 concessions, available from Ebenezer Church office on 0117 979 1399.

Thursday, December 03, 2009, 07:00
Cuttings Family history 2009

Bernard brings 90 years of experience on board

By David Arnold

The first open meeting of the Rooks Supporters Trust was held at the John Harvey Tavern a couple of weeks ago.

Around 30 or so supporters were there and a number of wide-ranging issues were raised and discussed in a positive and constructive atmosphere....

It's 90 not out for Bernard!

The Trust meeting attracted people of all ages. But the attendance of Bernard Brind was really something special.

At 90 years of age, this Lewes fan decided that joining the Rooks Supporters Trust was the right thing to do in order to help the club go forward.

A few days after the meeting, I popped down for a chat with Bernard in his well-appointed and immaculate flat in Greyfriars Court, to the south of Friar's Walk.

He told me he had been going to see Lewes play ever since moving to the town from Rottingdean, about a decade ago.

He said, "I've always been involved in cricket and football since I was a lad.

"I remember my dad taking me to see Charlton against Arsenal at the Valley where there were 80,000 fans and no segregation.

"There was no trouble either. I was lifted over the heads of the crowd and passed down to the front so that I could see the action.

"Then when I was in the army in 1940, my team won the Yorkshire Senior Cup.

"That was because, apart from myself and one other player, all of our army team comprised professional footballers who'd been called up.

"Later I played football in Egypt and Italy."

Back in Civvy Street, Bernard joined the building firm, Longleys, as an estimator and surveyor.

He was a Director from 1968 until he retired in 1978. The company ran a thriving sports club with up to four football teams, and Bernard chaired the club from 1958 to 1962 - he only played one game but was always available to run the line as well as run the club, which had links to Crawley FC.

What did Bernard think about recent developments at Lewes FC? "It's been a very disappointing season, but it's what you can expect when you have no real strikers.

"What's hard to forgive is being let down by players who show poor discipline.

"I really enjoyed last season and I think if we'd held on to the core of that team we would be still be competing well with Eastbourne and sitting mid-table or better, with much bigger crowds.

"I pay £8 admission and will continue to support Lewes through thick and thin but I can understand some non-concession fans being reluctant to pay £12 to see the team lose so often. We just have to hope that things will improve.'

SOURCE Crawley Observer,
19 February 2009
Cuttings Family history 2009

New arrivals

Dec. 10: Born to Justine Brind and Connor Eglese of Vernon, a boy, 7 lbs. 14 oz., named Austin Michael Edward. A grandson for Mike and Brenda Eglese and Willie Suchar of Vernon, B.C., Tina Brind of Calgary, Alta., Karen Herchak of Salmon Arm, B.C. A great-grandson for Reta Eglese of Vernon, Christina Follick and Brian Follick, both of Calgary, Nelly and Joe Kostyniuk.

Dec 22,2009