MI5, the secret police
Reading list

20181031 MI5 shows it lacks intelligence and memory
20221018 The Walk In, MI5 says walk on by
20220525 MI5 trashes my computers
20221012 Absurd harassment and the China Syndrome
20230223a British tv ridicules MI5
IPT Investigatory Powers Tribunal
20220927 From the second oldest profession
20220901 MI5's legal eagle
20181101 Spooks promise to tell the truth about paedophiles
20180817 Why legal action threatens the spooks
20180924 Using litigation to bring spooks to heel
20210925 Colin Wallace: The man who said no to Clockwork Orange
20220630 Hare brained view of MI5
20201010 MI5 harasses harmless Essex communists
20220716 Annie Machon: Spies, Lies & Whistleblowers
20220615 Daily Mail: Spies, Lies & MIs
20221205 MI6's leading role in the failed plot to kill Hitler!
20221206 Starmer must bring secret police to heel, to save himself
20180506 Sex & the security services
20200401The virus: Cost of spooks rises exponentially
20211003Cathy Massiter's revelations about MI5
20210320Is there intelligent life in the military?
2021115MI5 is better at boasting than finding terrorists
20211129MI5: biggest threat to our lives and pockets
20211017How MI5 brought down the Government
20220515Collapse of Berlin wall brings the Stasi to Britain
20220219How tough life is for Spooks boss on £170k
20120118Dad and the Free French
20220205Spooks home in on Alexei (and thousands of others)
20170302Hackers head top speed towards legal damages
20210414Gold Flake In Joke?
20220629Are you one in a million?: MI5 wasting money chasing legal groups
20220627The Cambridge Group: I spy with my little lie
20220626Judge orders MI5 to obey the law
20220624A long history of MI5 snooping on the innocent
20220621Annie Machon
20220619MI5's weird world
Subject index